New Jersey Scholar Program 2016

New Jersey Scholar Program 2016
Moorestown High School
First Round Applications
Current Juniors Only
The New Jersey Scholars Program (NJSP) is an intensive academic program for 39 of the most
intelligent, outgoing, and highly motivated students who are residents of New Jersey, will
complete their junior year in June 2016 and be rising seniors at the high school level in
New Jersey. During the five week summer residential program, the Scholars explore a specific
topic from an inter-disciplinary perspective, The program takes place on the historic
Lawrenceville School campus and is funded by private contributions -- there is no fee to the
student other than personal expenses.
The dates of the 2016 program are Sunday, June 26 through Friday, July 29 and the topic for
study will be The Great War Era: Cultural Splendor or Collapse of Civilization?
MHS is asked to submit two (2) student applicants for this program. We would like all students
who are interested to submit the following to the Guidance Office no later than Wednesday,
November 18 for consideration.
Cover Page
● Please be sure to provide your full name, address, phone, email and the name of your
counselor. Title the page: NJSP 2016.
Four Essays
● Topic 1 - What has been your most exciting academic/intellectual experience?
● Topic 2 - What are your three most important extracurricular activities, either in or out of
school? In what specific ways do you participate in them, and why are they so important
to you?
● Topic 3 - Describe your main interests, your chief goals in life, and why you want to
participate in the New Jersey Scholars Program.
● Topic 4 - Delineate what you think is the most important problem facing the world today.
Explain how you would solve that problem, and how you would achieve the popular
support necessary to make your solution workable. Use specific evidence to support
your position.
The in-house committee of Counselors and the Director of Guidance will select two students
from the applicant pool to move forward to the NJSP committee. Please note that additional
work will need to be done in order to complete the full NJSP application. The nominees will have
ample time to do so. All decisions regarding final selection of students to participate in the
program are wholly the province of NJSP.
Moorestown High School
NJSP 2016