Vertebrates are animals with a backbone Invertebrates are animals that do not have a backbone. Echinoderms Simple invertebrates are classified as animals because they do not make their own food. Although these animals do not move from place to place, they can move parts of their bodies. Ringed Worms Also known as segmented worms Most live in the ocean Earthworms live underground in the soil Bristles help them move through the soil They swallow and digest nutrients from the soil They are food for other animals Other major worm groups are round worms, and flat worms. Mollusks Soft-bodied Have a protective covering called a “mantel” The mantel sometimes makes a hard shell Some have a hinged shell, and some have a single shell They have a “foot” Some may have a shell inside their body, or no shell at all Most are found in salt water Have spiny skin Internal body parts are arranged in a circle Has tube feet on the bottom of each arm They use tube feet to move/get food Suction cups are at the end of each foot Sea stars use their arms to pull open the shells of its prey. Then, they push their stomachs out of their mouths to digest the food. Arthropods Arthropod means “jointed-leg” Its body is made up of segments Has an exoskeleton: a hard outer covering that protects and supports the animal The exoskeleton cannot grow. The animal must “molt”. This means they shed their old exoskeleton and grow a new one. They have 4 pairs of walking legs Crustaceans have a 5th pair of legs that form claws Antennae are used for touch, taste, and smell The main groups of arthropods are: crustaceans, arachnids, centipedes, millipedes, and insects Fish Reptiles Spend their entire lives in water Cold-blooded vertebrate Streamlined body covered with protective, flat, hard scales Fins to help them move through the water Breathe dissolved oxygen through their gills The three main groups of fish are: Boney fish, cartilage fish, and jawless fish. Amphibians The word amphibian means “double life” They live part of their lives in water and part on land Cold-blooded vertebrate Amphibian eggs do not have a hard, protective, waterproof shell. They lay their eggs in water to keep them from drying out They hibernated during the cold weather They breathe through their skin and lungs There are two groups of amphibians one with tails and one without tails Cold-blooded vertebrate Generally live on land Three main groups are: snakes/lizards, crocodiles, and turtles They have a layer of skin covered with scales. Their scaly skin helps retain moisture even in hot and dry climates Most reptiles have 4 legs (an exception is snakes) They lay eggs with a tough outer covering to keep them from drying out Snakes unhinge their jaw bones to swallow prey whole Birds Have 2 legs Covered in feathers Beaks (no teeth) Warm-blooded vertebrate Eggs protected by a hard, brittle shell Hollow bones make birds light enough to fly Feet are either talons, webbed feet, or toes Mammals Warm-blooded vertebrates They have hair or fur All females give milk to their young Most give birth to live young Most sweat to cool off They spend a long time feeding and caring for their young Mammals are classified into 3 groups Name _________________ Flip Book Rubric: The Animal Kingdom _____ / 10 pts. Included all kingdoms (spelled correctly) Placental Mammals Until they are ready to be born, they stay inside their mother’s body They get food and oxygen through a structure called a placenta Marsupials Their young are born before they are fully developed They then live in their mother’s pouch, feeding off of their mother’s milk until they are fully developed Egg-laying Mammals They have all the features of mammals, except they lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young _____ / 10 pts. Correct information included for all kingdoms _____ / 10 pts. At least three examples for each kingdom _____ / 10 pts. At least 2 pictures for each kingdom _____ / 5 pts. Pictures are colorful _____ / 5 pts. Cover is decorated _____ /50 possible points