Jimmy Yip - Sites - University of Florida

Jimmy Yip
Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117330
Gainesville, FL 32611
E-mail: jimmyhyip@ufl.edu
2015 (expected)
Ph.D., University of Florida
Major: Criminology
Committee: Dr. Lonn Lanza-Kaduce (co-chair), Dr. Lora Levett
(co-chair), Chris Gibson, Kate Ratliff (external member –
M.A., CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Major: Forensic Psychology
Advisor: Margaret Bull Kovera
Thesis Title: The influence of the defendant’s relationship to the
victim and psychological diagnosis on jurors’ decisions in a mock
infanticide case
B.A., CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Major: Forensic Psychology
B.S. CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Major: Criminal Justice
Minor: Honors English
cum laude
Research Grants
National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement
Grant: Award not funded
American Psychology-Law Society Student Grant-in-Aid: $500
Honors & Awards
2013 – 2014
2010 – 2011
2004 – 2007
Criminology and Law Honor Society-Graduate Student of the Year
Dean’s List
Dean’s List
Teaching Experience
2012 – present
University of Florida
Instructor – Homicide (Scheduled Fall 2014)
Instructor – Criminal Law (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014)
Teaching assistant – Research Methods in Criminal Justice (Fall
2012 – Spring 2013)
Research Experience
University of Florida
July 2012 – Present
 PhD research assistant for Dr. Lisa Hasel
o Co-investigator for project involving juror decision making and expectancy
violation theory
o PI for a study involving juror decision making, defendant’s race, victim’s race and
implicit attitudes
 Wrote IRB proposal and trial transcript
 Collected data via Qualtrics and Inquisit
 Supervise research assistants
 Analyze data
Applied Marketing Services
April 2012 – June 2012
o Coding television, radio, and newspaper advertisements
John Jay College
December 2008 – September 2012
 Research Assistant working with Dr. Margaret Bull Kovera and several of her Ph.D.
students on projects involving
o Juror decision making, voir dire, and cognitive dissonance
o Juror decision making, cross examination, and expert testimony
o Attorney’s decision making, juror’s race, and preemptory challenges
o Eyewitness identification, simultaneous/sequential lineup, double/single blind
lineup administration, and terror management theory
 Assisted in National Science Foundation grant and other projects
o Psychological Mechanisms Underlying the Biasing Effects of Voir Dire
 Assisted in three dissertation projects
o Dr. Julia Busso-Kennard’ dissertation
 Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Racially-Biased Peremptory
o Dr. Caroline Crocker’s dissertation
 An Investigation of the Psychological Processes Involved in Juror
o Dr. Sarah Greathouse’s dissertation
 Does Cross-Examination Uncover Deception?
 Duties performed include
o Recruiting participants
o Collecting data from community members and undergraduate students
o Entering data into SPSS database
o Coding written, verbal, nonverbal data
March 2011 – May 2012
 Research Assistant in Dr. Michael Leippe’s lab
o Collected and entered data from students for a study involving juror decision
making, terror management theory, and defendant’s race
o Assisted in writing stimulus materials
August 2010 – December 2011
 Masters thesis
o Examined whether defendant’s relationship to the victim and psychological
diagnosis influenced jurors’ decisions in a mock infanticide trial
o Wrote IRB proposal
o Developed trial stimuli
o Collected data via internet from community members through Psych Survey
o Analyzed data using SPSS
August 2010 – March 2011
 Research Assistant in Dr. Daryl Wout’s lab
o Collected and entered data from students involving framing and race inequality on
students’ math performance and self-esteem
September 2010 – December 2010
 Research Assistant in Dr. Jennifer Dysart’s lab
o Collected data from students involving eyewitness identification
September 2009 – August 2010
 Research Assistant in Dr. Steven Penrod’s lab
o Worked on two studies for a NSF grant
 Understanding the Impact on Juries of Defense Responses To Victim
Impact Statements
o Duties performed include
 Recruiting community members via telephone
 Obtaining informed consent
 Collecting data
 Entering data into SPSS database
Professional Affiliations
2012 – Present
2012 – Present
2012 – Present
2011 – Present
2011 – Present
2009 – Present
Conference Presentations
Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
American Psychological Association
Association for Psychological Science
American Psychology-Law Society
Yip, J. & Hasel, L.E. (2014, August) Effects of defendant’s demeanor and similarity between
jurors and defendants. Paper to be presented at the American Psychological Association,
Washington, D.C.
Nicholson, A. S., Leippe, M. R., Yip, J. H. (2013, March). TMT and mock juror outgroup bias.
Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
Yip, J. H., & Hasel, L.E. (2013, March). Defendant-victim relationships influence expectations
of defendant emotional displays and defendants who violate expectations are found
guilty. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.
Viñas-Racionero, R., Yip, J., Soucy, S., & Garcia, E. (2012, May). Matricide, patricide, and
familicide: Offender, victim, and crime scene characteristics. Paper presented at the 8th
Annual Forensic Psychology MA Student Research Conference. New York, NY.
Yip, J., & Kovera, M.B. (2012, March). The influence of defendants’ relationship to the victim
and psychological diagnosis in an infanticide case. Poster presented at the American
Psychology-Law Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Rhead, L. M., Rodriguez, D. N., Korobeynikov, V., Yip, J. H., & Kovera, M.B. (2011, June) The
effects of administrator influence and mortality salience on witness identification
accuracy. Poster presented at the Society for Applied Research in Memory and
Cognition, New York, NY.
Crocker C., Glickman, P., Yip, J., & Kovera, M.B. (2011, March). The efficacy of juror
rehabilitation for reducing attitudinal bias against the insanity defense. Paper presented
at the American Psychology-Law Society, Miami, FL.
Tallon, J.A., Daftary-Kapur, T., Andersson, C., Rhead, L.M., Monier, A .J., Loughlin, M., Yip,
J., Groscup, J., & Penrod, S. (2011, March). Understanding potential defendant
responses to victim impact statements. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law
Society, Miami, FL.
Zimmerman, D. M., Yip, J., Przegienda, K., & Baerga, C., Kovera, M. B. (2011, March).
Behavioral confirmation during voir dire: Does questioning style differentially affect
cognitive dissonance and verdicts? Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law
Society, Miami, FL.
Student Reviewer for Behavioral Sciences & The Law
Honors Theses Supervised
Vanessa Gerlich (committee member)
Josh Gostel (committee member)
Research Interests
Juror/Jury Decision-Making
Jury Nullification
Voir Dire
Preemptory Challenges
Judicial Instructions
Eyewitness Identification
Intrafamily Homicide
Professional References
Available by request
Teaching Interests
Psychology and Law/Forensic Psychology
Criminal Law
Research Methods
Social Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Abnormal Psychology