PSYC 201 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Trimester 2 .5 Credits at Lenape Tech 3 credits at BC3 Instructor: Mr. Daniel Veronesi 724-763-7116 ext. 3355 Meeting Times: M—R 8:23—9:18; F 8:10—8:52 Description: This course is an introduction to the scientific study of thought and behavior. Texts: Ciccarelli, Saundra & J. Noland White. Psychology: An Exploration. 2nd Edition. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2013. Objectives: A. B. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Identify and describe the modern psychological perspectives Identify, describe, and evaluate theories of learning Identify, describe, and evaluate the psychological view of memory Identify, describe, and evaluate theories of motivation and emotion Identify, describe, and evaluate the causes and effects of stress Identify, describe, and evaluate the impact of social interaction on thought and behavior Identify, describe, and evaluate theories of personality and intelligence Identify and describe psychological disorders Identify, describe, and evaluate modern psychological therapies Content: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. The Science of Psychology Learning Memory Consciousness and Cognition Motivation and Emotion Stress and Health Social Psychology Theories of Personality and Intelligence Psychological Disorders Psychological Therapies Grading: Grading will be calculated based on total points earned/total points possible. Final grades will consist of and be assessed utilizing the following methods: Class Participation o Attendance, class discussions, in-class work, etc. Homework o Articles, concept-reinforcing worksheets, observe and report, etc. Presentations Quizzes and exams Other methods TBD Attendance: Regular attendance is expected. Students earn five points per week for attendance. If two or more classes are missed in one week for any reason, the student must complete a makeup assignment to earn those points. Makeup Work: Work missed due to absences is expected to be completed. One makeup day will be given for each day of absence (up to three). For absences beyond three days, the student must meet with the instructor to determine due dates. If a student misses only the day of a test, the test will be given the next day the student is in class. If a student misses the day before a test, the test will be given the day after the next day the student is in class. Late work will be penalized at the following rates: Homework and in-class assignments 1 day = 50% 2 days = 100% Projects and larger assignments 1 day = 10% 2 days = 25% 3 days = 50% 4 days = 100% Special Notes: The course syllabus is subject to change to benefit students. Students will be notified in advance of such changes. If you believe that you may need academic accommodations due to a diagnosed and documented disability, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss your individual needs. Academic Dishonesty Policy: If a student is found to have been academically dishonest, an F grade will be given for that assignment, test, etc. If the same student is involved in academic dishonesty again, dismissal from the college will be recommended to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. BC3’s Plagiarism Statement: The student shall not plagiarize. Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work as one’s own, a serious offense in the academic and professional environments. Plagiarism included purchasing or borrowing an entire assignment, having someone else complete an assignment or rewriting an assignment in his/her own words, and using source material to complete an assignment without giving proper credit for that source material. Students must comply with the style guide required by the course instructor; style guides include, but are not limited to MLA, APA, and Chicago Style.