Policy: Tuition Reimbursement Page 1 of 4 Effective Date: 8/20/2015 Policy Procedures The League of Minnesota Cities encourages your continued education and professional development by assisting you with certain tuition expenses. This policy establishes the criteria and procedures that will be used to approve requests for tuition assistance. The Human Resources (HR) Department will be responsible for coordinating the process outlined by this policy. The League will assist you in paying for costs related to education at an institution of higher learning (e.g., technical, bachelor’s, or graduate degrees) provided that participation is approved in advance under the criteria and procedures as follows:1 1. You have been a regular League employee of good standing for at least one year, have received performance evaluations at the level of “dependable” or higher, and you are currently not on a performance improvement plan. 2. The subject matter of the coursework is directly job-related and relevant to the performance of your work responsibilities. Responsibilities outlined in your job description summary, annual work and training goals, and performance objectives will be considered in determining whether the coursework is job-related. Courses you take to pursue a related degree program or to maintain a license that is required for your position at the League will generally be considered job-related. However, in the case of a related degree program, the program itself must receive initial approval as being job-related. The Executive Director or his or her designee is responsible for determining whether the coursework or program is jobrelated, and for approving or disapproving tuition assistance. 3. Your request for tuition assistance is submitted in writing to your department director or his or her designee, on the “Request for Tuition Assistance Form.” 1 If you wish to attend a one-time conference or training event (as opposed to coursework pursuant to a degree program), you should refer to the Training & Conferences Policy. League of Minnesota Cities Employee Handbook Tuition Reimbursement Page 1 a. All requests must include an estimate of the total cost and a statement of how the education or training is related to the performance of your work responsibilities with the League. b. Requests are first reviewed for approval by your department director or his or her designee and then forwarded to Human Resources for final review and approval by the Executive Director. 1) If not approved by either your department director or the Executive Director, the form is returned to you with explanation. 2) If approved by both your department director and the Executive Director, a copy of the form is returned to you, and the original is kept in your personnel file in HR. c. You are responsible for attaching a copy of the approved tuition assistance form to either an invoice or expense reimbursement form (if you have already paid) and forwarding a copy to the HR Department. HR will approve for payment, then send to the Finance Department. A copy of the invoice or expense reimbursement form will be maintained in your personnel file. 4. The coursework is taken at an accredited institution of higher education. 5. Following course completion, you must submit verification of a passing grade (“C” or better or “pass” in a pass/fail grading system) to the HR department. If requested by your supervisor, you will provide an overview of the training and information received in the course. 6. Coursework is scheduled in such a way as to avoid conflict with your job performance. 7. You may be eligible for reimbursement of 50 percent up to $2,500 maximum per fiscal year for the cost of tuition, required books and required fees, such as lab fees. There may be situations where the League requires you to attend certain coursework as part of your job duties. In that case, the League will pay 100 percent of the tuition. 8. Tuition assistance constitutes a loan for up to six months after payment. You sign a loan agreement indicating your liability for repayment of all tuition assistance received under this policy in the preceding six-month period, should you leave the League’s employ or fail to receive a “C” or better or a “pass” for a pass/fail course. Tuition Reimbursement Page 2 Tuition Reimbursement Page 3 EMPLOYEE INFORMATION Employee Name: Date: Job Title: Department: COURSE INFORMATION Course Title: Name & Address of Academic Institution: Date of Enrollment in Course: Date of Course Completion: Requested Amount of Assistance: Describe the Course: Tuition Reimbursement Page 4 Tuition Reimbursement Page 5 Describe how this coursework is related to your position with the League: ________________________________________ __________________ Employee Signature Date APPROVED: ___________________________________ Dept. Director/Date _________________________________ Executive Director/Date Funding/Budget Category: _________________________ HR Approval for Payment: Tuition Reimbursement Page 6 ____________________________________ HR Director ___________________ Date **Employee is responsible for attaching a copy of this form to an invoice or expense reimbursement form and submitting to HR. HR will keep the original of this form and copies of associated paperwork in the employee’s personnel file and send to Finance for payment. Tuition Reimbursement Page 7