NDS comments to the Department of Health on the proposed ‘My Health Record’ system and legislation NDS appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Electronic Health Records and Healthcare identifiers: Legislation Discussion Paper. Improving healthcare is a disability priority Almost 69% of people with profound or severe disability report having four or more longterm health conditions – six times the rate reported by people without disability.1 Achieving better health outcomes and better healthcare for people with disability is therefore one of the six priorities in the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020, which was agreed across all governments and underpinned by economic, social and human rights imperatives. Hand in hand with improving healthcare outcomes is improving the responsiveness of healthcare services for people with disability, which continues to be an important objective for all governments. This will be greatly helped by the widespread operation of the personally controlled electronic health record system and the Healthcare Identifiers Service – now known as the My Health Record system. NDS welcomes measures to improve take-up of the My Health Record system NDS has been a long-time supporter of the My Health Record system. Once working well we believe this system will significantly improve the experience people with disability have with health services and their health outcomes. The system will improve the accuracy of healthcare information transfer. This is particularly helpful for people with disability with cognitive or memory difficulties, or who use non-standard communication methods as it will reduce the number of times they have to repeat or remember their healthcare history. It can also be a lifesaver when information is required urgently. However, the system is not yet widely used and this is necessary to ensure its success. Therefore, NDS supports the proposal to change from an ‘opt-in’ basis to an ‘opt-out’ model. This is by far the most direct way of increasing the uptake of My Health Record by individuals and healthcare providers. Make accessible information available on the My Health Record system General awareness of the current e-health record system is low.2 This is one of the reasons that an ‘opt-out’ approach is desirable. However, this approach does not negate the 1 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2010. Australia Health 2010, AHIW, Canberra Hunter Valley Research Foundation. 2013. Community Personal Health Information and Registration on the eHealth System. The University of Newcastle 2 National Disability Services: Submission on the My Health Record System governments’ responsibility to improve awareness of the My Health Record system and to make sure that everyone who uses it understands their choices. Otherwise, there is a risk that the right to informed consent will be breached. NDS is pleased that the simpler and more accessible name ‘My Health Record’. This userfriendly approach should be applied to all aspects of the system to make it more useful to all stakeholders – particularly people with disability. The Government will also need to ensure information about the system is available in a range of alternative formats including plain English, pictorial, electronic and Auslan. Disability workers and organisations will need to assist people with disability who have cognitive and /or communication difficulties to use health services and manage their personal health records. To assist this process, My Health Record should include accessible information about how to provide assistance without breaking privacy laws. NDS could help facilitate distribution of this information. Address opportunities for essential disability information to be collected NDS supports the expansion of the definition of healthcare to include ‘health-related disability, palliative care or aged care services,’ to reduce doubt about what should be included and improve the usability of system. In particular, it makes sense to improve consistency with definitions in privacy legislation. There is also an opportunity to promote the inclusion of some essential disability support information. This would be particularly useful for hospitalisations. People with disability have a higher rate of hospitalisation than others, yet often their needs while in hospital are not well met3. NDS is aware that sometimes disability support clients do not receive adequate support while in hospital, or are discharged without the knowledge of their essential support provider. This is due to a lack of accurate information transfer about their support needs. The consequences can be devastating for individuals and costly for the system. Identifying specific essential access or support needs (such as communication requirements, feeding assistance and the name of the supported accommodation provider an individual uses) on the My Health Record would make a substantial difference. It would not only make the healthcare experience better for the patient, but it would also improve efficiency and outcomes. Therefore, NDS encourages government to explore options to broaden the information that can be recorded for people with disability. Address challenges for community based health-care services Many people with disability may receive a health assessment, medication review report or health-related management plan in their own home, including in supported accommodation settings. The resulting health information must be uploaded on to personal health records and stored in My Health Record as not to do so could comprise these individuals healthcare. 3 NSW Government Department of Family and Community Services. 2012. Use of Emergency and inpatient hospital services by ADHC clients – Final Report. 2 National Disability Services: Submission on the My Health Record System Therefore, ensuring appropriate access to the My Health Record system by authorised personnel in community settings is crucial, and needs to be addressed in the legislation and trials. This should include allied health professionals working in disability service settings. It will be important to involve these professionals and accommodation support providers in the evaluation of the trials to ensure a pragmatic approach is developed. Ensure attention is paid to disability issues in the trial phase We understand the legislation will enable a pilot to be implemented from 2016 where individuals in a trial region will be automatically registered for an eHealth record unless they advise they do not want to be. In these trials it will be important to: consider the impact on people with disability and disability providers ensure accessible nformation is available for people with disability and the people that support them. This should include disability accommodation support providers who are involved in assisting people with disability to access healthcare services. NDS can assist the Government in getting relevant information to disability support providers. In selecting areas for the trials consideration should be given to the trial sites for the National Disability insurance Scheme (NDIS) which will have been operating for three years. In these areas, the disability sector will have already transitioned to the NDIS and be more established than in other areas where the NDIS will start transitioning from July 2016. Address opportunities for inclusive and compatible system features NDS urges government to ensure the technological platform for My Health Care is fully accessible. This will not only improve the usage by people with disability it can also offer future employment opportunities for people with disability – a key priority in the National Disability Strategy and the NDIS. NDS also supports consideration of how the system might operate across sectors. As noted in the discussion paper it may be possible for the NDIS to use healthcare identifiers to improve the accuracy of information collected. Furthermore, it may be possible to facilitate better information sharing about disability support needs between sectors. June 2015 Contact: Dr Ken Baker Chief Executive National Disability Services National Disability Services is the peak industry body for non-government disability services. Its purpose is to promote and advance services for people with disability. Its Australia-wide membership includes 1100 non-government organisations, which support people with all forms of disability. Its members collectively provide the full range of disability services—from accommodation support, respite and therapy to community access and employment. NDS provides information and networking opportunities to its members and policy advice to State, Territory and Federal governments. 3