Application Form for a Licence to Sell Psychoactive Substances that

Application Form for a Licence to Sell Psychoactive
Substances that are not Approved Products
This form is to be used by a New Zealand resident when applying for a licence to sell
psychoactive substances that are not approved products under section 13 of the Psychoactive
Substances Act 2013 (the Act). The prescribed fee for this licence application is $2,000. The
applicant will be invoiced once the application has been accepted.
There is an annual levy for holding a licence to sell psychoactive substances that are not
approved products of $2,000 for which applicants will be invoiced if the licence is granted. The
annual levy is to be paid on a pro rata basis by the 20th of the month following approval of the
licence, and in full by the 20th of July for each subsequent year.
You must make yourself familiar with the provisions of the Act and the Psychoactive Substances
Regulations 2014. Copies are available for free from We recommend
you also read the Licensing Scheme Guidelines before completing this application. The
Guidelines are available from our website at
Checklist for an application for a licence to sell psychoactive substances that are not
approved products
All sections of the application form are completed.
Application form is signed by someone authorised to take statutory declarations.
Application form is signed by the applicant.
Police vetting request and consent form is completed and signed by applicant or the
applicant applying on behalf of a body corporate.
Two forms of identification (of the applicant) that have been witnessed and signed by a
trusted referee1 are included with the application. These forms of identification must include
both a primary form of identification (eg, passport, original birth certificate) and a secondary
form of identification (eg, driver licence, firearms licence, 18+ card). One form of identification
must be photographic. The referee must sight the identification documents and verify the photo
against the applicant. The referee must also provide his or her contact details.
Additional vetting request and consent forms are completed and signed by all senior
company officers (to second tier managers), significant shareholders (who own at least 30
percent of the shares) and trustees (in the case of a trust)2.
Applications should be emailed to using the subject heading
“Licence application” or submitted in hard copy to:
The Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority
Freyberg Building
20 Aitken Street
PO Box 5013
A trusted referee must:
 be over 16, and
 have known the applicant for at least 12 months, and not be related, or a partner/spouse, or a
co-resident of the applicant, and
 be a person of standing in the community (eg, registered professional, religious or community
2 Please contact the Office of the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority at before submitting your application if you are a Crown Owned Enterprise or
to discuss this requirement.
Wellington 6145
For further information please contact
Applications may be made by an individual or by an individual on behalf of a body corporate. In
either case, the applicant’s details must be provided below.
Should the licence be granted, it will be granted to the individual or body corporate in whose
name the application was made and this individual or body corporate will be known as the
licence holder. The licence holder is legally responsible for ensuring that all activities relating to
psychoactive substances are conducted in accordance with the licence conditions and the
requirements of the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013 and the associated regulations.
This application is made (select one):
by an individual (specify) _____________________________________________________
on behalf of a body corporate (specify) __________________________________________
I _________________________ authorise the Authority to have access to my personal
information including, but not limited to, Police records (NZ Police vetting request and consent
from attached) and information from other government agencies the Authority considers
relevant in relation to this application.
Applicant - all correspondence regarding this application will be sent to this person
Name (must be an individual and not an entity)
Title: Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr/other (please specify)
Email address
Phone number (must not be an answering
Application Details
Body corporate name
Applicant’s relationship
to/position in this body
Body corporate postal address
Physical location of Body
Corporate head office and any
satellite sites
Location of all premises where
psychoactive substances will be
List all staff, shareholders and
trustees (in the case of a trust)
and their positions within the
Crown Owned Enterprises are not required to meet this requirement.
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Statutory Declarations
solemnly and sincerely declare that:
I am a New Zealand resident (as defined in section YD 1 or YD 2 of the Income Tax Act
none of the locations associated with this application are residential
the information supplied in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and
correct and no relevant information has been omitted
I am a fit and proper person to hold a licence issued under the Psychoactive Substances
Act 2013 and have not been convicted of a relevant offence (as defined in section 16(3)
of the Act).
I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the
Oaths and Declarations Act 1957.
Signature of declarant
Declared at _______________________
on _______________________
(date: day/ month/ year)
Before me _______________________
A statutory declaration is a written statement declaring something to be true in the presence of
an authorised witness. An authorised witness is a Deputy Registrar/ Registrar of the High Court
or any District Court, Justice of the Peace, or Solicitor, or Notary Public, or Officer authorised to
take and receive Statutory Declarations.
It is an offence to give any altered, false, incomplete, or misleading information, or to
make a false statement or declaration.
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Vetting Request and Consent Form
Details (note: the name you are most commonly known by is your primary name)
Family name:
First name(s):
Place of birth:
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
NZ Driver Licence number:
(for ID verification by NZ Police –
Passport number:
(if held)
Only for 'Additional Authorisation' - see page
Country of issue:
If applicable, please include other names and mark them A, M, or P as appropriate:
alias or alternate name(s)
married name if not primary name
(P) previous/maiden/name changed by deed poll or statutory declaration
Family name:
First name(s):
Family name:
First name(s):
Family name:
First name(s):
Family name:
First name(s):
Permanent New Zealand Residential Address
Post Code:
Rural District:
Period of
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CONSENT TO DISCLOSURE (for a New Zealand Police Vet Check)
for further information, see
I acknowledge and understand as follows:
1. The information about me that NZ Police may consider relevant to my application and release in vetting
comprises any conviction history and, for certain agencies, infringement/demerit reports; and it may include
other information such as active charges and warrants to arrest, any information received or obtained by NZ
Police, and any interaction I have had with NZ Police in any context (including family violence), even where I
have not been charged, or charges are withdrawn, or I have been acquitted (not guilty) of a charge, or I have
been discharged without conviction.
2. Any conviction history will be released in accordance with the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004; this
means that, if I am ‘eligible’ for clean slate (e.g. no convictions for 7 years, never been to prison, no convictions
for specified sexual offending, etc – see section 7 of the Act):
my criminal record of convictions will not be disclosed; but
b) if the role for which I have applied is an exception to the clean slate scheme (e.g. predominantly involving
care and protection of a child or young person), my criminal record of convictions will be disclosed.
3. When releasing information to non-government Approved Agencies, Police may release the fact, without
details, that suppressed information exists in relation to any conviction and, where NZ Police considers it
relevant and justified, in relation to any current or past charge however it was resolved (e.g. withdrawn,
discharged, acquitted).
4. Where NZ Police holds relevant information that it is unwilling to disclose to the Approved Agency for privacy,
confidentiality or law enforcement reasons, NZ Police may recommend against unsupervised access to children
or vulnerable persons (this is known as a ‘red stamp’).
5. The personal information I provide in this form is being collected for vetting purposes, and may also be used for
the purpose of updating NZ Police records.
6. I may withdraw this consent, prior to Police’s disclosure of the vetting result, by notifying the Approved Agency
who will immediately notify NZ Police to cease the vetting process.
7. I am entitled to access the vetting result released to the Approved Agency and seek correction of Police
information about me in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. By making a request to the 'Approved Agency'
within 20 working days of submitting this 'Request and Consent' form.
No later than three months after the conclusion of the vetting process, the Approved Agency will securely
dispose of this consent form and copies of identification documents, as well as the vetting result released by NZ
Police, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993 or, if applicable, the Public Records Act 2005 or any other
9. The information I have provided in this form relates to me and is correct.
I authorise NZ Police to disclose any personal information it considers relevant to my application (as described
above) to the Approved Agency making this request for the purpose of assessing my suitability.
Additional Authorisation [cross out or strike through this additional authorisation below if not
Where the Approved Agency requesting a vet is a NZ Police business group (e.g. vetting for contractors to NZ Police; workers at
major security events)
I also authorise:
 NZ Police to disclose the information on this form to, and access information from, other government agencies;
 NZ Police to disclose to my employer or other relevant agency its assessment regarding my suitability (only to the
extent that I am approved or not approved as suitable, without reasons).
Signature of applicant
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