2014 Spring HOB Meeting Minutes

House of Bishops Interim Meeting
Camp Allen
March 25, 2014
The business meeting was called to order at 3:51 pm by the Presiding Bishop, the Most
Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori. It was moved that the registration list of the conference suffice
for the roll call. The secretary announced that the original attendance consisted of 148 bishops
and the number still present more than constituted a quorum. It was announced that the Rt.
Rev. Peter Lee was the senior bishop present.
Changes of Status of Bishops in the House
New consecrations/elections
Whayne Hougland, Western Michigan, 09/28/2013 (attended fall meeting)
William Stokes, New Jersey, 11/02/2013 (attended fall meeting)
Matthew A. Gunter, Fond du Lac, consecration scheduled for April 26, 2014
Allen K. Shin, New York, consecration scheduled for May 17, 2014
Necrology since last meeting
William B. Spofford, resigned Bishop of Eastern Oregon, 11/05/2013
Douglas E. Theuner, resigned Bishop of New Hampshire, 11/08/2013
Otis Charles, resigned Bishop of Utah, 12/26/2013
Franklin D. Turner, resigned Bishop Suffragan of Pennsylvania, 12/31/2013
Robert C. Johnson, Jr., resigned Bishop of North Carolina, 01/03/2014
Maurice M. Benitez, resigned Bishop of Texas, 02/27/2014
Resignations since last meeting
Russell Jacobus, Bishop of Fond du Lac, effective 10/31/2013
David Alvarez, Bishop of Puerto Rico, effective 11/01/2013
George Councell, Bishop of New Jersey, effective 11/01/2013
Keith Whitmore, Assistant Bishop of Atlanta, effective 11/01/2013
Paul Marshall, Bishop of Bethlehem, effective 12/31/2013
William Gregg, Assistant Bishop of North Carolina, effective 02/01/2014
Changes in Status
David Rice, San Joaquin, effective 02/23/2014
Sean Rowe, Provisional Bishop of Bethlehem
Wilfrido Ramos-Orench, Puerto Rico, effective 03/29/2014
Communications from the Presiding Bishop
A. The Presiding Bishop announced that Title IV charges were presented against her a
few days ago. A Bishop outside of the Episcopal Headquarters in New York has been assigned to
work on this. Comments were made by a member of the House.
B. The Presiding Bishop addressed the upcoming Presiding Bishop Election scheduled for
General Convention 2015, noting that it is too soon to talk about who may or may not be
running for election.
C. The Presiding Bishop shared that no efforts have been made toward fund raising or
announcing the holding of the Lambeth Conference 2018. Therefore the Presiding Bishop feels
that there will not be a Lambeth Conference in 2018, and if there is it may be scheduled for
2019 or 2020.
D. The Presiding Bishop noted that, outside of the unhappiness of those who have
resigned from the board, the United Thank Offering (UTO) board is functioning well. The
Presiding Bishop believes the recent difficulties are past. There is a memorandum of
understanding that is working. The presenting issue was about lines of authority and oversight.
E. Speaking about the Board for Transition Ministry, the Presiding Bishop noted that she
and the Rt. Rev. Stacy Sauls met with the Chair of the Board and had a fruitful meeting. Work is
underway on the development of a job description.
F. The Presiding Bishop stated that in terms of the Diocese of South Carolina, legal
efforts are continuing.
G. After noting the current legal situation with the Diocese of South Carolina, the
Presiding Bishop stated that the Continuing Episcopal Church in South Carolina is doing good
work and is invigorated.
H. The Presiding Bishop reminded the House that there are a number of investment
vehicles around the church, including DFMS which charges no fee.
I. The Presiding Bishop told the House that the offerings that have been collected will be
split between ERD to support South Sudan and the Cathedral in Port au Prince.
Special Business of Meeting
Election of Members of the Board of the College for Bishops
The Presiding Bishop moved the following people to be elected for election as members
of the Board of the College for Bishops:
Marla Hanley and Donald Romanik -- 1 year terms.
The Rt. Rev. Lawrence Benfield, the Rt. Rev. Prince Singh, the Rt. Rev. Colin Johnson
(Canada) and Kammy Young -- 3 year terms.
The motion was seconded and APPROVED.
Resolution of Tribute for Barbara C. Harris
The Presiding Bishop invited the Rt. Rev. Wendell Gibbs to move the resolution found in
Appendix A. The motion was seconded and APPROVED.
Two Resolutions Offered
The Presiding Bishop noted that two resolutions were received after the establishment
of the agenda. As a two-thirds agreement is needed in the House in order to allow for
the addition of the resolutions to the agenda, the House was polled and more than twothirds of the House APPROVED the addition of the resolutions to the agenda. The
resolutions are as follows:
Resolution regarding the Episcopal Diocese of Venezuela
The Rt. Rev. Francisco Duque presented the resolution regarding the Episcopal
Diocese of Venezuela. Bishops were given time to read this resolution. Resolution was
moved, seconded and APPROVED. Please refer to Appendix B.
Resolution regarding the Episcopal Diocese of Dominican Republic.
The Rt. Rev. Francisco Duque presented the resolution regarding the Episcopal
Diocese of the Dominican Republic. Bishops were given time to read this resolution. It
was noted that the date on the resolution should be corrected to read March 25, 2014.
The Secretary noted this change. The Rt. Rev. Francisco Duque requested that the
resolution be sent to the Peace and Justice Committee of the Anglican Communion.
Resolution was moved, seconded and APPROVED. Please refer to Appendix C.
Committee Reports
The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe reported on the House of Bishops Rules of Order Committee.
The Committee is looking carefully at the Rules, making changes as necessary such as
grammar and numbering. The House was asked to email Bishop Rowe with any
concerns or suggestions they may have.
Informal Reports and Announcements
The Rt. Rev. Julio Holguin asked for a point of personal privilege, thanking the House
for their support of the resolution regarding the Resolution for the Dominican Republic.
The Rt. Rev. Lawrence Provenzano asked for a point of personal privilege, reiterating
the appeal of the Rt. Rev. Andrew Waldo that more time be allotted for a theological
conversation regarding the work of the Task for on the Study of Marriage at either
Taiwan in the Fall of 2014 or in our Spring meeting 2015.
The Presiding Bishops gave thanks for those Bishops who offered meditation during our
time together. The Bishops were: The Rt. Rev. Lloyd Allen, the Rt. Rev. Mary D.
Glasspool, The Rt. Rev. Scott Barker, The Rt. Rev. Bill Love and the Rt. Rev. John
Howard. The House stood and offered sustained applause.
The Presiding Bishop acknowledged the following guests: The Rt. Rev. James
Tengatenga (South Malawi, resigned), The Rt. Rev. Raul Tobias from the Iglesia
Filipina Independiente, and the Rt. Rev. Jonathan Hart of Liberia.
Bishop Tobias addressed the House, grateful for his time with us and acknowledging
the similarities between The Episcopal Church and the Iglesia Filipina Independiente.
Bishop Tobias thanked the House on behalf of the Filipina people.
The Rt. Rev. James Tengatenga addressed the House, thanking the House and the
Presiding Bishop's Office as well as the Diocese of Connecticut for the invitation to
attend this meeting. He also thanked the House as well as The Episcopal Church for
their support to the Bishop and his wife during this time of transition in their lives.
The Rt. Rev. Jonathan Hart addressed the House, noting the fun, joy and
companionship he experienced during this time together. He went on to thank members
of the House for their support of the work in the Diocese of Liberia. He noted the recent
loss of the Primate of West Africa, and announced the election of a new Primate.
The Rt. Rev. David Rice, now Bishop of San Joaquin, addressed the House, noting that
in the diocese he came from, one could not address the House without a self
introduction or a prayer. He stated his gratitude to the House.
The Presiding Bishop then thanked our chaplains the Rev. Cn. Stephanie Spellers, the
Rev. Simon Bautista Betances, and Mr. Dent Davidson and for those who presided at
worship. She also thanked our translators Dinorah Padro and Gabriela de Castro. The
Rev. Canon Chuck Robertson and Ms. Ednice Baerga from the Presiding Bishop's staff
as well as Ms. Neva Rae Fox from the Public Affairs Office were also thanked for their
work. Applause followed by members of the House.
It was moved that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed
with and the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
The Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce
Assistant Secretary
The Rt. Rev.Kenneth L. Price Jr.
Appendix A
A Tribute to
The Rt. Rev. Barbara C. Harris
on the
25th Anniversary of her Consecration as Bishop
Whereas, Barbara C. Harris was born in the Diocese of Pennsylvania on June 12, 1930
and received her early Christian formation at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in
Philadelphia, and
Whereas, throughout her ministry as a lay leader, deacon, priest and bishop of the
Church she has been a champion for racial justice and the rights of women and gay,
lesbian and transgendered persons, an advocate for the poor, and an activist in
environmental and anti-nuclear concerns, and
Whereas, she was elected Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Massachusetts on
September 24, 1988 and was consecrated February 11, 1989 at Hynes Auditorium in
Boston before a congregation of 8000 persons, thus making her the first woman bishop
of the Episcopal Church and in the Anglican Communion, and
Whereas., she served admirably and faithfully in that ministry until she retired in 2003
exercising her special prophetic gifts as an African American woman “to guard the faith,
unity and discipline of the Church; to ordain priests and deacons and to join in ordaining
bishops; and to be in all things a faithful pastor and wholesome example for the entire
flock of Christ and to share in the leadership of the Church throughout the world,” and
served as co-chair of the House of Bishops Committee on Racism which composed the
House of Bishops Pastoral Letter on the Sin of Racism, and
Whereas, she “stood in the breach so others could pass over” thus paving the way for
19 more women to be consecrated bishops in The Episcopal Church and 15 others to
be consecrated across the world-wide Anglican Communion, and
Whereas, upon her retirement the Diocese of Massachusetts established in her honor
the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center, and
Whereas, she served four years as Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Washington, DC,
Whereas, over the years she has been a companion along the way and is considered a
cherished colleague and dear friend to many in this House,
Be it resolved, that on this occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Consecration of
Barbara C. Harris, the members of the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church
acknowledge and celebrate her witness among us, giving thanks that she has been a
valiant seeker after truth, liberty, and justice, and rejoicing that all along this Christian
journey she has walked closely with her Savior.
March 25, 2014
Appendix B
The Episcopal Diocese of Venezuela, known as the Anglican Church in Venezuela and
Curacao, through its Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Orlando Guerrero, has indicated to the House
of Bishops the difficult and complex socio-political situation that the country currently
faces. The current climate is the result of the tensions and intolerance between the left
and right factions, conflict which seems endless and it has hitherto been impossible to
Resolved, that the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church gathered in Navasota,
Texas, in March 25, 2014 show solidarity with the Episcopal Diocese of Venezuela and
support initiatives for peace and reconciliation, as a witness of the love of Christ, who is
no respecter of persons and constantly calls us to build a just world.
Resolved, that this House calls on the The Episcopal Church to pray for a peaceful,
prompt and lasting solution to the conflict that our Venezuelan brothers and sisters are
currently facing.
Resolved, that this House advocates for human rights and humanitarian international
law, in keeping with our solemn baptismal vows which invite us to respect the dignity of
every human being.
cc Justice and Peace Committee of the Anglican Communion
Appendix C
The Diocese of the Dominican Republic and its bishop, the Rt. Rev. Julio Cesar Holguin have
courageously fought in defense of the human rights of our Dominican-Haitian brothers and
sisters who, despite having been born and continued to reside in the Dominican Republic, have
had their nationality challenged by a decision of the Constitutional Court (Case 168-13) of the
Dominican Republic.
Resolved, that the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church gathered in Navasota, Texas, on
March 25, 2014, express solidarity with the Diocese of the Dominican Republic and support its
campaign to defend the human rights of our Dominican-Haitian brothers and sisters, and to do
so as a witness of the love of Christ to the world, who is no respecter of persons.
Resolved, that this House urges and requests the acknowledgement of the rights acquired by
our Dominican-Haitian brothers and sisters, pursuant to the universal rights and humanitarian
international law.
Resolved, that this House calls on The Episcopal Church to pray for and support the efforts of
our Dominican-Haitian brothers and sisters. We call on our officials and international agencies
to carry all the necessary efforts for the recognition of the rights of our brothers and sisters.
And be it resolved, to support Executive Council’s similar resolution passed in Linthicum
Heights, MD in February 2014.