Candace Jasmine Black1 1503 E. University Blvd. Tucson, Arizona 85721 (562) 453-8487 Education Ph.D. Psychology Minor: Quantitative Methods Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology Program University of Arizona Completion: May 2016 Aurelio José Figueredo, Ph.D., Advisor Dissertation: The life history narrative: How early events and psychological processes relate to biodemographic measures of life history. Defense passed with distinction M.A. Psychology General Research California State University, Long Beach Long Beach, CA Completion: May 2008 Dale Jorgenson, Ph.D., Advisor Thesis: Do Oral Contraceptives Influence Female Preferences for Mates? B.A. Psychology California State University, Long Beach Long Beach, CA Completion: December 2005 Publications PUBLISHED OR IN PRESS Figueredo, A. J., Cabeza De Baca, T., Black, C. J., Garcia, R. A., Fernandes, H. B. F., Wolf, P. S. A., & Woodley, M. A. (2015). Methodologically sound: Evaluating the psychometric approach to the assessment of human life history [Reply to Copping, Campbell, and Muncer, 2014]. Evolutionary Psychology, 13(2), 299-338. Woodley, M. A., Figueredo, A. J., Cabeza de Baca, T., Fernandes, H. B. F., Madison, G., Wolf, P. S. A., & Black, C. J. (in press). The genomic-level heritabilities of preparedness and plasticity in human life history: The strategic differentiation and integration of genetic transmissibilities. Frontiers in Psychology. 1 Previously known as Stute Sefcek, J.A., Black, C. J., & Wolf, P.S. (in press). Evolutionary perspectives of personality. In Zeigler-Hill, V., Welling, L.L., & Shackelford, T.K. (Eds.), Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology. Springer. Figueredo, A. J., Cabeza De Baca, T., & Black, C. J., (2014). No matter where you go, there you are: The genetic foundations of temporal stability. Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, 5(2), 76-106. Figueredo, A. J., Black, C. J., & Scott, A. G. (2013). Complementary meta-analytic methods for the quantitative review of research: A theoretical overview, Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, 4(2), 21-45. Figueredo, A. J., Black, C. J., & Scott, A. G. (2013). Complementary meta-analytic methods for the quantitative review of research: An extended illustration, Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, 4(2), 46-69. Figueredo, A.J., Gladden, P., & Black, C.J. (2012) Parasite Stress, Ethnocentrism, and Life History Strategy, Commentary for Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35(1). Figueredo, A.J., Sefeck, J.A., Black, C.J., Garcia, R.A., & Jacobs, W.J. (2011). Chapter 390. Evolutionary Personality Psychology. In Ramachandran, V.S., (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, 2nd Edition. New York, NY. Academic Press. Black, C.J. & Jacobs, W.J. (2010). Review of Emotion Science by E. Fox. Human Ethology Bulletin. SUBMITTED IN PREPARATION Black, C. J. (in prep). Using early and adolescent environmental conditions to compare alternative approaches to the measurement of life history strategy. (Doctoral Dissertation). Figueredo, A. J., Cabeza de Baca, T., Fernandes, H. B. F., Black, C. J., & Woodley, M. A. (in prep). International Kumbaya Cascade. Black, C. J. & Cabeza De Baca, T. (in prep). What's your scent? An examination of paternallyinherited major histocompatibility complex preferences. Black, C. J. (in prep). Regional variance in access to resources in Italy, Spain, and Mexico: Effects on SD-IE and Funnel. Cabeza De Baca, Black, C. J., Figueredo, A. J., & Wahl, R. A. (in prep). SD-IE & Funnel Effects on Covitality. Professional Experience Early Environment Study Primary Investigator University of Arizona Summer 2012 – present Dissertation Validation of two self-report measures of childhood and adolescent environment; analysis of relationships among early environment, biodemographic and psychometric indicators of life history; identify physical and sexual health risks associated with environment and life history strategy Development of Early Environment and Adolescent Environment Questionnaires Research design IRB proposal Management of a team of undergraduates who are responsible for data collection Cascade of Chaos – Dark Aggression Hybrid Project Manager P.I.: A.J. Figueredo, Ph.D. University of Arizona Spring 2014 – present Cross-cultural validation of several related developmental cascade models that examine the environmental, psychological, and behavioral predictors of interpersonal aggression Coordinating research collaborators from various international sites, such as the UK, Sweden, Brazil, and Mexico Development and modification of measures IRB proposal Coordination of data collection and management Management of a team of undergraduates who are responsible for data collection and management Cultural Biodemography Project Collaborator P.I.: A.J. Figueredo, Ph.D. University of Arizona Summer 2014 - present Project integrating theoretical and empirical work on the Strategic Differentiation – Integration Effort effect in life history strategy; analysis of physical and social ecological predictors of life history and cognitive outcomes Primarily responsible for providing theoretical rationale for resource distribution as a predictor of life history outcomes Development of measurement model for economic inequality Training and managing a team of undergraduates to retrieve archival data in Mexico, Italy, and Spain Role of Hormones in Female Behavior and Physiology Primary Investigator University of Arizona Fall 2013 – present Extension of Master’s thesis integrating life history theory into female fertility research Research design Creation and modification of questionnaires and stimuli IRB proposal Management of a team of undergraduates who are responsible for scheduling and debriefing participants Costa Rica Evaluation Project Research Assistant P.I.: A.J. Figueredo, Ph.D. University of Arizona Spring 2014 Development of a conservation education evaluation program for Los Coyotes Reserve in Costa Rica Created outcomes-based evaluation plan with specified indicators, target goals, measurement tools, and data collection schedule Created evaluation work plan outline with summative and formative tasks First Things First Intern Supervisor: Michele Walsh, Ph.D. University of Arizona Summer 2011 Retrieving archival data Data collation and analysis Graphical and tabular representations of data Primate Studies Field School Collaborator Team Leaders: Dieter Steklis, Ph.D. and Netzin Steklis, M.A. University of Arizona Fall 2009 – Summer 2011 Planning and program development Coordinating a team to identify and apply for grants to initiate Field School Curriculum development for Primate Studies Field School Evolutionary Psychology Wikipedia Page Project Research Assistant Supervisor: Michael Mills Loyola Marymount University Spring 2008 – Spring 2009 Literature reviews Generating and editing content for online textbook Working Memory and Metaphor Production Research Assistant Supervisor: Dan Chiappe, Ph.D. California State University, Long Beach Spring 2004 – Fall 2006 Data collection, coding, and entry Poster presentations at national and regional conferences Presentations Black, C. J. & Aguirre, M. P. (2015). An ecological approach to life history, social equality, collective peace and sexual equality. Paper to be presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Columbia, MO. Black, C.J., Garcia, R.A., & Figueredo, A.J. (2014). Meta-scientific foundations of statistics. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA. Black, C.J., Figueredo, A.J., & Scott, A.G. (2013). A quantitative review of ecological factors in minority retention programs in higher education. Paper presented at the Conference for the American Evaluation Association, Washington, D.C. Black, C.J., Patch, E.A., & Figueredo, A.J. (2013). UniMult: Multivariate-Analytic Software for Psychological Research. Workshop presented for the Evaluation Group for the Analysis of Data in Tucson, Arizona, May 14, 2013, at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, Mexico, May 20-23, and in Hermosillo, Mexico, May 27-30. Figueredo, A.J., Black, C.J., & Patch, E.A. (2013). Workshop presented for the Evaluation Group for the Analysis of Data in Tucson, Arizona, May 14, 2013, at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, Mexico, May 20-23, and in Hermosillo, Mexico, May 27-30. Black, C.J., Jacobs, W.J., & Garcia, R.A. (2013). Even robots have feelings: An ecological model for examining the role of beliefs on cheating behavior in college students. Poster presented at the First Annual School of Mind, Brain, and Behavior Poster Session, Tucson, Arizona. Gable, J.C., Figueredo, A.J., Black, C.J., Woodley, M.A., & Stratford, J. (2012). Macroeconomics and Life History Strategy. Presentation. HBES Conference on Human Ethology and Evolution, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Black, C. J. & Hohman, Z. J. (May, 2009). Life history strategy predicts monitoring and interference in romantic relationships. Paper presented at the 2009 Human Behavior and Evolution Society conference at California State University, Fullerton. Stute, C. J., Gokey, T. D., Palmore, C. C., Hernandez, L. P., Ruiz, M., Rose, B., Jackson, L. C., & Matthews, H. (April, 2008). Do oral contraceptives influence female preferences for mates? Poster awarded first place for proposed research at the 2008 Student Research Fair in the Department of Psychology. Pierce, R., Stute, C., Fraser, T., Rifi, M., Ubides, E., and Chiappe, D. (2007). Working memory and the production of metaphors. Poster presented at the 48th annual meeting of the American Psychonomic Society. Chiappe, D., Pierce, R., and Stute, C. (2007). Working memory and verbal knowledge predict quality of metaphors produced. Poster presented at the 87th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, May 3, 2007. Chiappe, D., Stute, C., Hohl, J., Cyrus, N., McCulloch, K., and Chambers, V. (2006). Executive functions of working memory predict quality of metaphors produced. Paper presented at the 86th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, April 29, 2006. Chiappe, D. Chambers, V., Stute, C., McCulloch, K., Nelson, D., and Melendrez, J. (2005). The role of working memory functions in metaphor production. Poster presented at the 2005 meeting of the American Psychonomic Society. Scholarships & Awards 2014 Graduate & Professional Student Council Travel Grant, $500 2013 Psychology Travel Grant, $300 2013 Nominee for GPSC Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award 2009 Psychology Travel Grant, $300 2008 First Place Poster for Proposed Research 2008 Honors on Comprehensive Exams in Research Methods and Physiological Psychology 2007 Honors on Comprehensive Exam in Attention & Perception Conferences Attended Spring 2014 Fall 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2010 Fall 2009 Spring 2009 Spring 2007 Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA American Evaluation Association, Washington D.C. VII Semana Internacional de Psicología Social, Iztapalapa, Mexico First Annual School of Mind, Brain, and Behavior Poster Session, Tucson, AZ Missing Data Workshop taught by Dr. Todd Little, Tucson, AZ McClelland Institute & The Evolution Institute’s Adolescent Risk Behaviors, Tucson, AZ Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Fullerton, CA Western Psychological Association, Vancouver, Canada Professional Memberships Association for Psychological Science, 2014 American Evaluation Association, 2013-present Human Behavior and Evolution Society, 2006-present International Primatology Society, 2009-2010 International Society for Human Ethology, 2007-2010 Western Psychological Association, 2007-2008 Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2007-2008 Research Skills Knowledgeable in SPSS, SAS, UniMult, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Qualtrics Ethics training Meta-analysis, graphical exploratory data analysis, IRT, & SEM Cross-cultural research Supervising undergraduate research assistants Teaching Experience Instructor Personality Psychology Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Study Abroad program in Orvieto, Italy Cultural Psychology Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Study Abroad program in Orvieto, Italy Health Psychology Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Study Abroad program in Orvieto, Italy Statistical Modeling for Psychological Research – Lab Instructor (SAS) Spring 2015; Statistics not available Statistical Modeling for Psychological Research – Lab Instructor (SAS) Fall 2014; Statistics not available Primate Behavior, online course Summer 2013; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 3.6 out of 5; SD = 1.42 Evolutionary Psychology, online course Spring 2013; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 3.3 out of 5; SD = 1.04 Personality, online course Winter 2012; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 4.5 out of 5; SD = 0.52 Primate Behavior, online course Fall 2012; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 3.7 out of 5; SD = 1.02 Human Sexuality, Pima Community College Fall 2012; N/A Primate Behavior Summer 2012; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 3.8 out of 5; SD = 0.67 Statistical Modeling for Psychological Research – Lab Instructor (SAS) Spring 2012; N/A Statistical Modeling for Psychological Research – Lab Instructor (SAS) Fall 2011; N/A Research Methods, Pima Community College Fall 2011; N/A Primate Behavior Summer 2011; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 5 out of 5; SD = 0.00 Research Methods – Lab Instructor Spring 2010; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 4.5 out of 5; SD = 0.53 (Section 1) and M = 4.1 out of 5; SD = 0.83 (Section 2) Research Methods – Lab Instructor Fall 2009; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 3.9 out of 5; SD = 0.85 (Section 1) and M = 4.0 out of 5; SD = 0.63 (Section 2) Primate Behavior Summer 2010; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 3.8 out of 5; SD = 1.09 Primate Behavior Summer 2009; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 3.9 out of 5; SD = 0.70 Research Methods – Lab Instructor Spring 2009; Overall teaching effectiveness: M = 3.9 out of 5; SD = 0.79 (Section 1) and M = 4.2 out of 5; SD = 0.63 (Section 2) Teaching Assistantships Developmental Psychology (Spring 2014) Statistical Modeling for Psychological Research (Spring 2014) Cognition (Fall 2013) Introduction to Statistics (Fall 2008, Fall 2010, Spring 2011) Ecological Psychology (Spring 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2009) Business Administration (Spring 2008) Intermediate Statistics (Fall 2007, Spring 2008) Introduction to Psychology (Fall 2006, Spring 2007) Ad Hoc Reviewer Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences Personality and Individual Differences Behavior and Brain Sciences Evolutionary Psychology References Aurelio Jose Figueredo, Ph.D. University of Arizona Department of Psychology Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone: (520) 621-7444 Email: W. Jake Jacobs, Ph.D. University of Arizona Department of Psychology Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone: (520) 626-4825 Email: Lee Sechrest, Ph.D. University of Arizona Department of Psychology Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone (520) 621-9182 Email: Bruce J. Ellis, Ph.D. University of Arizona Norton School of Family & Consumer Sciences Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone: (520) 626-5703 Email: