科目名 Course Title Water Chemistry(水質化学E) [Water Chemistry

科目名 Course Title
Water Chemistry(水質化学 E) [Water Chemistry]
講義題目 Subtitle
責任教員 Instructor
高橋 正宏 [Masahiro TAKAHASHI] (大学院工学研究院)
担当教員 Other Instructors
開講年度 Year
時間割番号 Course Number
開講学期 Semester
単位数 Number of Credits
授業形態 Type of Class
対象年次 Year of Eligible Students
言語コード・言語 Language Code, Language
1 英語で行う授業
補足事項 Other Information
キーワード Key Words
Water Molecule; Solutes; reactivity; Chemical reactions; chemical equilibrium; Acids and Bases; Metal; Spectrometry
授業の目標 Course Objectives
Introduction: In aquatic systems, a variety of physicochemical and biological processes occur. In order to monitor, analyze and control the
systems, it is prerequisite not only for skill to analyze sources, distribution, transport, reaction, fate of chemicals in drinking, waste and natural
waters, but also for knowledge of chemical equilibrium, acid and base, chemistry of metal ions, redox chemistry, and adsorption. This course
provides concept in aquatic chemistry, such as geochemical cycling of element, structure of a water molecule, chemical reactivity, chemical
equilibrium, and ways to describe concentration, and important chemical reactions occurring in the aquatic systems (e.g., acid and base,
chemistry of metal ions, redox chemistry, and adsorption).
到達目標 Course Goals
This course aims to acquire skill to analyze sources, distribution, transport, reaction, fate of chemicals and to predict the composition of the
chemical compounds in drinking and waste waters.
授業計画 Course Schedule
1. Introduction: What is Water Chemistry?
1.1 The Structure, Behavior of Water Molecules and Interactions among Them
1.2 The Behavior of Solutes in Water; Dissolution of Salts
1.3 Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equilibrium
2. Chemical Reactions
2.1 Acids and Bases
2.2 Chemistry of Metals in Aqueous Systems
2.3 Redox Chemistry
2.4 Spectrochemical methods
準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework
Check the syllabus, prepare for the next lecture using the reading lists for two hours , and carry out the review of the lecture for two hours.
成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System
20%: class participation
30%: assignments (4-5 assignments are required during the term)
50%: final examination
テキスト・教科書 Textbooks
講義指定図書 Reading List
Water chemistry/Mark M. Benjamin.,2002
Analytical chemistry/Gary D. Christian,2004
参照ホームページ Websites
研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory
備考 Additional Information