Minnesota Youth Rugby

Minnesota Youth Rugby
Board of Directors Meeting 9/23/13
Meeting called to order 6:35pm by Anne Barry
Attending: Rob Clarno, Katie Sjeklocha, Art Sears, Anne Barry , Angela Gaare, Libby Berg, Stacy Bridges, Tony
Mills, and Courtney Siemens.
Board members absent: Megan Braun, Vikki Gilligan, and Dan Johnson
The minutes of the August Board meeting, and the Annual General Meeting were not available. Presentation
and approval is postponed until next meeting.
Expense/Income review:
Tony presented the income and expense report for review, the year end Expenses were $132,586 and Income
at $132,928; Net Income $342.00 . Tony reports we have $14,500 in the checking account with player
registration fees still outstanding and the invoice for the Mall of America Metrodome still not received. He
indicated we should not need to transfer funds this month.
The Board discussed rough budget numbers for 2013-14 plugging in known large dollar items. Katie and Libby
will flesh out the High School and Youth rugby income and expense projections and send to Tony. Tony will
insert into a proposed 2013-14 budget for review and discussion at our October meeting.
Minnesota Unemployment letter: Rob, Tony, and Anne reviewed a letter Tony received from Minnesota
Unemployment Insurance. The unemployment claims go back to April of 2007 and were only mailed to Paul
Johnson's address. The amount due is $12,732. Anne is looking into what can be done to appeal these charges,
however the time for appeals has long passed. Tony and Rob need to send their records for the Paul Johnson
time lines to Anne for her attempt to appeal.
Endowment Fund:
Rob reported our fund currently stands at $36,000 due to the transfer of $15,000 into our corporate checking
account last month.
Youth Program Manager Report:
Katie reviewed her initiatives contained in her report, emailed to the Board. Highlights included the MYR
pricelist she and Libby have developed which will be used for invoicing and to develop the income stream
projections for inclusion in our 2013-14 budget. The Google drive, with all documents, including calendars and
is accessible to all Board members from the link on our website. The former Servi clinic is now titled Olympic
ID Camp and will be a little more selective in who attends. it will again be held in the U of M Sports Dome
March 8 & 9. Ric Suggit and Matt Hawkins will be present at this clinic to observe talent.
Rugby Development Officer Report:
Libby reviewed her initiatives contained in her report, emailed to the Board. Highlights include the Fall and
Winter flag programs, High School recruitment outreach letter, and Intern staffing. Stacy Bridges, MYR
Outreach Coordinator has completed training and reviewed her Outreach Guide/Checklist and letter sent to
the High School Coaches list. Courtney Siemens, Communication Intern was introduced.
Old Business:
Strategic Planning: Angie presented her review of our Values, Mission Statement, and Objectives. A discussion
of several items in her review resulted in needed clarification and in some cases rewording. Angie will present
an updated Strategic Plan document, based on the input received during the discussion at our next Board
Strategy: Develop a sustainable finance and funding model to support MYR growth.
Action Items:
1. Create annual fundraising event (s). Anne & DJ - Bingo & Fund Me
Update: Dates for the next Bingo at the Hopkins VFW have been set for Oct 24 and Nov 21 Anne will check
with DJ regarding the gambling permit needed. Katie will begin promoting Bingo nights.
2. Develop equitable fee model for MYR participants. Katie & MeganUpdate: Katie presented the Fee Model in her report.
3. Develop capacity for grant application acceptance. Art & VikkiUpdate: Libby/Katie will make the Grant narrative available to Art, Libby will begin focusing one of our
interns on Grant applications.
4. Pursue corporate sponsorship. RobUpdate: By Nov. 1, Katie will finish the "Sponsor Deck" for use in attracting sponsors.
Grants: No grant requests were received.
New Business: Our Director and Officer Liability insurance will expire. Motion made to authorize Rob to
purchase next year's premium at a cost of $575 made by Tony Seconded by Art. the motion carried
Katie will ensure our website is updated with Board member profiles and new officer list.
Angie will call Megan to determine the best way to clean up the Google email group list, deleting old members
and adding new ones.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm
Next Meeting: October 28 Windom South