Supplementary material “Antenna-Coupled Microcavities for Enhanced Infrared Photo-detection” Yuk Nga Chen1, Yanko Todorov*1, Benjamin Askenazi1, Angela Vasanelli1, Giorgio Biasiol2, Raffaele Colombelli3 and Carlo Sirtori1 1 Univ. Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, CNRS-UMR7162, 75013 Paris, France 2 IOM CNR, Laboratorio TASC, Area Science Park, I-34149 Trieste, Italy. 3 Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, Univ. Paris Sud and CNRS–UMR 8622, F-91405 Orsay, France 1. Experimental characterization The double-metal structures in Fig.1(a) were fabricated by a standard Gold-Gold (Au-Au) wafer bonding process on a host GaAs substrate. A PdGeAu (Palladium-Germanium-Gold) metallic layer was evaporated before bonding the Au layer on the active region. This layer serves both as the lower mirror of the microcavity and ohmic back-contact. The photocurrent measurements in Fig.1(b) were obtained by illuminating the devices with a calibrated black body source at 500 °C, under normal incidence. The devices were connected in series with a known resistance, which allowed to measure the absolute value of the photocurrent using a lock-in amplifier by mechanically chopping the optical beam. The spectra from Figure 2 were obtained using the Globar lamp of a Vertex Bruker FTIR (Fourier-Transform Interferometer) spectrometer. To obtain the responsivity of the detectors in Fig.2(a), the 500°C calibrated black body source spectra were compared to those from a Globar lamp in the same experimental conditions as the detector measurements. 1 2. Theory of the photo-response of a microcavity-coupled QWIP In this section we present the derivation of Eq.(1) describing the photoresponce of a microcavity-coupled infrared photodetector. Let U0 be the total electromagnetic energy stored in the cavity, then the photocurrent Iphoto can be expressed as in Ref. 1: Iphot (S1) eg dU0 NQW dt isb Here g is the photoconductive gain for one quantum well, equal to the ratio pe/pc (extraction rate over capture rate), NQW is the number of quantum wells, and the sign “isb” means that we consider the electromagnetic energy decay owe to the intersubband absorption in the quantum wells. Let us then consider the electromagnetic energy conservation in the system. For this, we consider a unit cell of the microcavity array with a surface , as illustrated in Fig. S1. Then the energy conservation can be deduced from the Poynting theorem2: Fig. S1. Electromagnetic energy conservation in the system,considering a unit cell of the microcavity array. For simplicity, we have drawn a transverse section of the device. (S2) dU0 dt isb dU0 dt (Sin SR ) side (Sside S 'side ) metal loss In Eq.(S2) we have also taken into account the energy loss in the metallic walls and the doped layers of the microcavity. Furthermore, Sin is the z-component of the incoming Poynting flux, SR is the reflected component, Sside and S’side are the Poynting fluxes of the sides, and side indicates the surface of the sidewalls. As the system is periodic, the sidewall contributions of the Poynting flux cancel each other. The remaining contributions Sinand SR can be expressed as3,4: 2 (S3) Sin 0 0 |Ein |2 , SR 0 0 |Ein |2 R Here Ein is the amplitude of the electric field of the incoming wave, 0=2cos/ is the zcomponent of the wavevector of the incoming wave, the angle of incidence and R is the reflectivity coefficient of the structure. Since the grating period is sub-wavelength, we have considered only the 0th reflected order, as all high order diffraction waves are evanescent. In order to express the left hand side of Eq. (S2) we introduce the quality factor of the cavity Qcav, and a coefficient Aisb that describes the intersubband absorption: (S4) 1 1 dU0 Qcav U0 dt metal loss , Aisb 1 dU0 U0 dt isb We are now in a position to express the responsivity of the structure defined as the ratio of the flux of photo-excited electrons over the flux of photons: (S5) Resp() Iphot Sin eg dU0 NQW dt 1 isb 0 0 |Ein |2 Combining Eq. S1 - Eq. S5 we arrive at Eq. 1 in the main text: (S6) Aisb Resp( ) 1 R() Aisb 1 / Qcav eg NQW At this point we have to provide an explicit expression for the coefficient Aisb. Note that this coefficient is different from the absorption quantum efficiency usually defined for detector structures. Indeed, the definition of is defined as the ratio of the number of photons absorbed by the quantum well over the total number of photons incident on the active medium1. The coefficient Aisb (Eq.(S4)) is defined as the ratio of the number of photons absorbed during one cycle of oscillation 2/ over the total number of photons circulating in the microcavity. The coefficient Aisb is therefore more suitable for the case of microcavity geometry, whereas is more suitable for the case where light propagates in a waveguide, such as the multi-pass geometry. In the following we will provide a relationship between Aisb and in the limit of small intersubband absorption. To estimate Aisb we use the general definition of the dielectric absorption (4): (S7) dU0 dt 1 |D|2 fw Im V ( ) isb zz 0 Here V is the volume of the microcavity, D is the displacement field of the cavity mode, fw is the geometric overlap factor between the absorbing region and the mode, and zz() is the z3 component of the QW dielectric tensor. We have used the fact that the cavity mode is essentially polarized along the z-direction. Next, we use the expression of the electromagnetic energy density of the cavity: (S8) U0 1 2 0 |D|2dV µ0 |H |2dV 2 Here D and H are respectively the electric displacement and magnetic field. We neglect in this case the dispersion induced by the quantum wells, and use the dielectric constant of the barriers. We can now express Aisb as a function of the frequency, geometrical overlap and dielectric constant of the absorbing quantum wells: (S9) Aisb fw Im zz () 2 2 2 Using a dielectric function ofthe form / zz () 1 P /( 21 i) and performing a rotating wave approximation we arrive at a Lorenzian profile: (S10) Aisb () fw P2 421 ( 21 )2 2 / 4 In this case the coefficient Aisb can be related to the absorption quantum efficiency as defined in the literature1: (S11) P2LQW sin² () 4c cos ( 21 )2 2 / 4 Here c is the speed of light, LQW is the quantum well thickness and is the internal angle of propagation in the waveguide in a multipass configuration. Note that in our definitions the transition oscillator strength is contained in the plasma frequency. The ratio between Eq.(S10) and Eq.(S11) provides the link between and Aisb: (S12) Aisb ( ) ( ) cos 21 fw sin² 2 LQW Here 21 2 c / 21 is the wavelength of the ISB transition. 3. Additional data: Polariton splitting measurements In Fig. S2(a) we provide reflectivity curves obtained from panels containing 6 identical mesas (3x2) with a patch size s. The measurements were taken at 77K, normal incidence and light polarized perpendicular to the 150nm wire. These measurements allow one to map the 4 polariton anti-crossing curve of the sample (Fig. S2(b)), and extract the dielectric function as explained in Ref. 5. Figure. S2. (a) Reflectivity measurement for samples with various stripwidth s. (b) Polaritonic dispersion curves obtained from the reflectivity measurements. 4. Additional data: Etching of the semiconductor surface The semiconductor material around the patches and wires has been etched in an ICP reactor, to limit the detector dark current as described in the main text. A SEM picture of the etched sample is provided in Figure S3(a). As indicated in the main text, the etching results in a shift of the resonant frequency, due to a change in the effective modal index of the cavity, neff. This is illustrated in the data of Figure S3(b), where we compare the photocurrent spectra of an s=1.1µm device before and after etch. To compensate for this change, we have fabricated a device with a larger patch size, s=1.4µm, that becomes resonant with the ISB absorption after the etch process (Fig. S3(b)). 5 Figure S3. (a) SEM picture of the structure after ICP etch of the semiconductor region. The arrows indicate the etched semiconductor layer. (b) Photocurrent spectra of devices before and after the etch process. The etch causes a blueshift of the cavity mode, as seen with a s=1.1µm structure. A device with s=1.4µm becomes resonant with the ISB absorption after etch. References 1. H. Schneider and H. C. Liu, Quantum well infrared photodetectors: Physics and applications (Springer, Berlin, 2007). 2. L. Landau and E. Lifchitz, Electrodynamics of continuous media (Mir, Moscow, 1969). 3. Y. Todorov and C. Minot, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24 3100–3114 (2007). 4. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics (Wiley, New York, 1998). 5. Y. Todorov, L. Tosetto, A. Delteil, A. Vasanelli, A.M. Andrews, G. Strasser, C. Sirtori, Phys. Rev. B, 86, 125314 (2012). 6