City of Marine City City Commission June 7, 2012 A regular meeting of the Marine City Commission was held on Thursday, June 7, 2012, in the Fire Hall, 200 South Parker Street, Marine City, and was called to order by Mayor Charles R. Browne at 7:00 PM. After observing a moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Browne. Present: Mayor Browne; Commissioners Hendrick, Meli, Phelan and Turner; City Manager Gabor; and, City Clerk Kade. Absent: Commissioners Lovett and Skotarczyk Motion by Commissioner Hendrick, seconded by Commissioner Phelan, to excuse Commissioners Lovett and Skotarczyk from the meeting. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Communications The following Communications were presented: Letter of Resignation from Donna Tebeau – Planning Commission Imminent Danger Order (Prohibits Sales and Distribution of Synthetic Marijuana and Bath Salts) ~ St. Clair County Health Department Motion by Commissioner Hendrick, seconded by Commissioner Turner, to accept the Communications, and place them on file. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Public Comment No residents addressed the Commission. Approve Agenda The following Additions were made to the Agenda: 1 Communications Consent Agenda 4B – Imminent Danger Order ~ St. Clair County Health Department 8C – Business License ~ Roasted Coffee & Tea Co. Inc. Motion by Commissioner Phelan, seconded by Commissioner Turner, to approve the Agenda, as amended. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Approve Minutes A typographical correction was requested on Page 5 changing the amount from $62,000 to $6,200 for fuel costs for the police chief’s vehicle. Motion by Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Hendrick, to approve the Minutes of the Regular City Commission Meeting held May 17, 2012, as corrected. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Consent Agenda The following Consent Agenda items were presented: T.I.F.A. Minutes ~ April 17, 2012 Business License ~ Beach Café Business License ~ Roasted Coffee & Tea Co. Inc. Commissioner Hendrick clarified rumors circulating about the Roasted Coffee Shop and stated that at no point in time had the Mayor, the Commission, or the Police Department tried to prevent the business from opening; and, that it had been just a matter of the business license not being approved by the Health Department, and not getting it in on time, which was holding up the business license approval. Mayor Browne said he would abstain from voting based on his previous connections with the Roasted Coffee Shop. Motion by Commissioner Phelan, seconded by Commissioner Hendrick, to approve the Consent Agenda, and place it on file. Ayes: Hendrick, Meli, Phelan, Turner. Nays: None. Abstained: Browne. Motion Carried. 2 Public Hearing Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate – Riverside Spline & Gear, Inc. At 7:07 PM, Mayor Browne opened the Public Hearing to receive comments from the applicant, residents, property owners, the general public, city assessor, and representatives of local taxing units regarding an application submitted by Riverside Spline & Gear, Inc. requesting approval of an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for personal property involving the installation of a gear hobbing machine. An estimated $450,000 in industrial facilities investments were proposed for the inclusion in the certificate. No comments were received. Mayor Browne closed the Public Hearing at 7:08 PM. Unfinished Business None. New Business Resolution Approving IFT Application ~ Riverside Spline & Gear, Inc. City Manager Gabor explained an overview on the procedures, and stated that there were 35 existing jobs at Riverside Spline & Gear, and that they expected to create five new jobs within two years of completion. He commented that 12 years was the maximum exemption allowed; and, said this IFT would result in the elimination of approximately $9,000 annually in personal property taxes. City Manager Gabor also noted that the State’s decision was still pending on repealing the personal property taxes in Michigan. Mayor Browne commented that $9,000 for five jobs was not so bad. Motion by Commissioner Phelan, seconded by Commissioner Hendrick, to amend Item #3 of the proposed Resolution to be for a period of 12 years. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Motion by Commissioner Phelan, seconded by Commissioner Turner, to adopt a Resolution approving the Application of Riverside Spline & Gear, Inc. Industrial Facilities Exemption 3 Certificate in the Marine City Industrial Development District No. 2007-01; Resolution No. 024-12. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Introduce Ordinance #12-01 ~ Water & Sewer Rates Mayor Browne reported that the proposed Water and Sewer rate increases were stipulated by Charter, and that the three percent increase was per the cost of living index. Commissioner Phelan noted that this was an inflationary adjustment. Commissioner Meli questioned the Debt Service Fee charges based on the meter size. Motion by Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Phelan, to introduce Ordinance #12-01 to amend Section 8 of Ordinance No. 57 relating to Water and Sewer Rates, and continuing Debt Service Charges. Ayes: Browne, Meli, Phelan, Turner. Nays: Hendrick. Motion Carried. Department of Public Works ~ 5-Yard Dump Truck City Manager Gabor reported that the Public Works Director had secured the specs and state purchasing price for a 5-yard dump truck from the State’s website. He said this was a budgeted item, which they had saved for over the past three years. The purchase price was $107,835.00, including delivery and title fees, which was below the $130,000 in the budget for the purchase. Commissioner Meli inquired as to what the City would do with the old truck, and if the City had researched this purchase. City Manager Gabor responded that the City would advertise for sealed bids for the 1989 vehicle. And, further, he said, the State of Michigan had done the research for the bidding of the new vehicle. He stated the Commission needed to waive competitive bidding per the City’s Charter before they could make the purchase. Commissioner Turner asked if they were getting a better price going with the State, and if that influenced the price. Mayor Browne asked if the City had looked at “slightly used”, and commented on the closing of businesses that may have a vehicle to sell. 4 Commissioner Phelan commented that they should wait two weeks and look around. City Manager Gabor responded that it would be a waste of time, and reiterated that the State had already done the bidding. Commissioner Turner said that they could wait another two weeks as they had already waited three years. Motion by Commissioner Hendrick, seconded by Commissioner Meli, to adopt a Resolution to waive competitive bidding for the purchase of a Construction Dump Truck, Model 2013 7300 SBA 4X2 (SA615), MiDEAL Specification 3958-0160D, through Tri County International Trucks of Dearborn, Michigan, for an amount not to exceed $107,835.00, there being no advantage to the City to engage in competitive bidding. Ayes: Meli. Nays: Browne, Hendrick, Phelan, Turner. Motion Failed. City Manager Gabor stated that he would bring back a proposal in two weeks. Discussion ~ July 5, 2012 Meeting Date Motion by Commissioner Hendrick, seconded by Commissioner Phelan, to cancel the July 5, 2012 City Commission Meeting. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Board Appointment Election Commission Commissioner Hendrick volunteered to serve on the Election Commission. Motion by Mayor Browne, seconded by Commissioner Phelan, to appoint Commissioner Hendrick to serve on the Election Commission. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Financial Business Disbursements Motion by Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Hendrick, to approve total disbursements, including payroll and bond payment, in the amount of $232,594.91, as presented. Roll Call Vote. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 5 City Manager’s Report City Manager Gabor provided updates on the following items: City Manager had been out of town on a family emergency Paving Project start-date for 26-Mile Road/King Road/Chartier is June 21st Chartier paving – Kirk Weston of the County Road Commission reported that the City’s portion would only be 20% plus inspection fees 26-Mile Road delays due to repair on a bridge, East of County Line, now thru the end of August 300 Broadway – have begun the re-bricking Commissioner Privilege Commissioner Hendrick commented and/or inquired about the following issues: Placement of signs in the right-of-ways – to be removed by Ordinance. Window samples at 300 Broadway and the mortar does not match. Mayor Browne responded that once it dries and sets up for three days, it is good. Time Capsule had been found – should come to the City Commission. City Manager Gabor responded that it was currently secured at the Guy Center, and would be put back in the corner stone at 300 Broadway. Asked that the corner of E. St. Clair and South Mary Street be repaired. Asked if the railing from the LaBuhn Bridge, when removed, could be installed along the river in one of the parks in the downtown area. Code Enforcement – there are outstanding complaints with no resolutions, including tall grass/weeds at 538 Mabel Street, 166 South Belle River Avenue, and 610 Bruce Street. Commissioner Meli spoke of a water main break that the Department of Public Works repaired on Sunday, and inquired as to how the City provided alerts to the residents. He commented that DPW reported that they repair the breaks “live” in order to avoid a total shut down of water services. Commissioner Meli commented on a conversation he had with a DPW employee, who advised that the Union sets a standard, and that four DPW workers were needed as a safety guide/factor. He said he appreciated and commended the Department of Public Works, and hoped the City could come up with another plan. Commissioner Turner congratulated the MCHS Class of 2012, and specifically congratulated graduate Shelby Neumann. 6 Commissioner Phelan thanked everyone in the community for their hard work in preparing for “Under the Radar”, and commented that the television broadcast would be in the fall. Mayor Browne had numerous comments, as follows: Congratulations to the Classes of 2012 from Cardinal Mooney High School, and the Marine City High School; and, to Commissioner Turner’s step-daughter, Shelby Neumann Wished City Manager Gabor and his family well Marine City continues to grow with new businesses Citizens are seeing the positives of what Marine City is doing “Under the Radar” went well – there was 12 ½ hours of filming; however, there will be only approximately 11 minutes on air when the television show is broadcast Apologized to City employees for being treated poorly by a couple of business owners Received comments from several individuals that Marine City had the best City Commission it had ever had, and that they were supporting the City in the right way Asked everyone to treat others the way they wanted to be treated City Administration has a lot to do and was doing a good job Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Hendrick, seconded by Commissioner Turner, to adjourn at 7:43 PM. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Respectfully submitted, Diana S. Kade City Clerk 7