Supplemental Digital Content 1. Definition of Concepts and

Supplemental Digital Content 1. Definition of Concepts and Research Questions
Definition/Research Question
Moral Norm
Personal Norm
One of five constructs from the Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior; the
associate degree nursing faculty member's state of mind (disposition),
feeling, tendency, position, etc., with regard to the conveyance of
information to ADN students about formal nursing education progression.
What is the attitude of ADN faculty members regarding conveyance of
information to ADN students about progression of formal nursing education?
Specific facts conveyed by ADN faculty to ADN students regarding their
formal nursing education progression.
What information do ADN faculty members convey to students regarding
progression of formal nursing education?
One of five constructs from the Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior; the
associate degree nursing faculty member's perception of his or her capability
to convey information to ADN students regarding formal nursing education
progression and his or her perceptions of factors that facilitate and/or inhibit
the process.
How does the ADN faculty member’s perceived behavioral control affect
conveyance of information to ADN students about progression of formal
nursing education?
One of five constructs from the Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior; the
associate degree nursing faculty member's perception of obligation to convey
information to ADN students regarding formal nursing education
How does the ADN faculty member’s perceived moral norm affect
conveyance of information to ADN students about progression of formal
nursing education?
One of five constructs from the Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior; the
associate degree nursing faculty member's perception of his or her personal
role in conveying information to ADN students regarding formal nursing
education progression.
How does the ADN faculty member’s perceived personal norm affect
conveyance of information to ADN students about progression of formal
nursing education?
One of five constructs from the Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior; a
social norm reflecting the beliefs of others about the conveyance of
information regarding formal nursing education progression and the
influence of others on the associate degree faculty member's subsequent
intention to comply with those beliefs.
How does the influence of others (perceived subjective social norm) affect
the conveyance of information by ADN faculty members to ADN students
about progression of formal nursing education?