Learning Together – Montessori parenting The revised EYFS continues to place a strong emphasis on partnership with parents. The seven two-hour classes developed by Montessori St. Nicholas for the Montessori community will give you an opportunity to engage with prospective and existing parents in sharing Montessori principles as applied at home. Its aim is for parents to gain a deeper understanding of their children, the Montessori approach and their parenting, whilst they share their experiences with other parents and are supported by fully trained parenting facilitators. The topics covered are: Being a parent Playing with children Helping children thrive and grow Exploring relationships Talking with children and partners Setting boundaries and nurturing independence Learning about the Montessori classroom The first six topics are supported by course materials accessible on an interactive web-based platform and are supported by articles, quizzes and recommendations for further reading. The Learning Together – what Montessori can offer your family book provides further supporting material for parents and is available at a reduced price for participating settings. Register to become a parenting facilitator. What will you need to do to become a facilitator? Attend three Saturday training sessions over a period of two months Engage with the interactive course materials Commit to deliver the classes by buying an annual licence from MCI The licence will give you access to course materials for a set number of parents What will be the cost? The introductory offer to become a parenting facilitator is £150 The cost of an annual licence is dependent on the number of parents attending the courses you decide to offer: £200 for 20 parents / £300 for 30 parents / £400 for 40 and more parents What will I receive if I take on the licence? The licence is subject to initial training which gives you permission to run the courses and access the training and the supporting materials It is renewable annually, so no long-term commitment Your parents can also access the learning materials You will be allocated a parenting mentor who will help you in the delivery of the first set of classes MCI will make periodic checks to ensure the quality of delivery Annual continued professional development meetings for parenting facilitators Learning Together – Montessori parenting Where and when are the first facilitator training classes? Montessori Centre International , 18 Balderton Street, London W1K 6TG On Saturdays: 24 November, 15 December , 5 January 10am to 4pm We will also offer facilitator training during the Spring Term, 2013 What to do if you are interested in Learning Together – Montessori parenting Express your interest by completing your details below Canvass your parents to find out if they would like to take part Decide on: o the best timing for the classes o how you would market the classes o will the parents whose children attend currently pay for the classes? o will the prospective parents get the classes as part of the registration process? What are the benefits of the classes? Informed parents with an appreciation of what Montessori can offer to their children and of the contribution you and your staff make to their well-being; children demonstrating independence, the ability to concentrate and grow in confidence. Engage now with the new initiative developed by Montessori St. Nicholas and delivered by Montessori Centre International for school members of the Montessori Schools Association. To find out more contact Barbara Isaacs on barbara@montessori.org.uk or call 0207 828 7740 To register, please complete the form below and return by email to: Barbara Isaacs on barbara@montessori.org.uk or post to her at Montessori St. Nicholas, University House, 11-13 Lower Grosvenor Place, London SW1W 0EX …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name email Name of School School contact details MSA Number telephone /mobile number I am interested in taking part in the initial training for Parenting facilitators I cannot attend the initial training but would like to participate in training delivered in the Spring