(DOCX, Unknown)

The Trans Mountain Legacy Fund
Steering Committee Meeting
January 23, 2014
Dave Poulton, CPAWS and Alberta ENGOs
Anna McIndoe – BC Ecologist
Niki Wilson – Project Manager
Roy Howard, Fraser Headwaters Alliance
John Wilmshurst, JNP
Ted Zimmerman, BC
Ward Hughson, JNP
Lexa Hobenshield
Mile 9 updates and costing
Whistler’s creek updates
Packsaddle updates and contingency fund approval
Site 93 timing
1. Mile 9 Updates and Costing
a. Navigable waters permit has been received.
b. Niki spoke with Mark LaRuez from Triton. After meeting with NorthWest
Hydraulic Engineers, Mark was informed that the original structure
proposed, a basic weir, won’t be adequate from an engineering
perspective. It is likely the cost of a new type of structure will be
significantly more than the original cost of the weir. Mark is getting
further details and designs, and these will be provided to the committee
as they come in.
c. Niki spoke with Ward, who agrees the TMLF go with the recommended
structure, as long as there are no over-design issues.
d. Once Mark has the design and cost, a construction date can be
e. Niki will provide information for SC approval as it becomes available.
2. Whistlers Creek
a. Mark LaRuez spoke with NWH engineers, who reviewed the DFO design
for Whistlers creek and felt it was too steep. They suggest a design that
involves “step pools.”
b. NWH ran three modeling exercises based on their design. One of them
came back showing that the culvert at the site is not big enough to
handle a big flow event. However, this would be the case now, regardless
of what design is in place. In other words, this project will not affect risk
to the culvert.
c. Niki spoke with Ward Hughson. He is supportive of the step pool design,
as he also feels the current design is too steep.
d. Niki will find out what NorthWest Hydraulic’s modeling parameters were,
to get a sense for the risks to the culvert following a big water event. E.g.
Is it a 1 in 700 year flood? 1 in 50 year? What is the predicted damage to
e. John will follow up with Parks Canada Highways once we have the
f. Construction design and costing to follow. Niki will pass along for SC
approval as soon as it is available.
3. Packsaddle Creek Updates and Contingency Approval
a. Ted has been working with Jospeh Kenney at FLNRo (BC Forest, Lands
and Natural Resource Operations) to set up a co-payment and
management structure for the Packsaddle Project.
b. FLNRO is the process of purchasing the bridge and are developing the
terms of reference for its installation. Joe and Ted agreed that it would be
easiest if FLNRO splits out portions of that work that could be billed
directly to KMLF by the contractor, totaling approximately $250,000.
c. FLNRO would like the TMLF to agree to sharing cost overruns 50/50. In
order to protect the fund from unforeseen construction costs, Ted and
Niki propose a cost overrun limit of 10% of the project cost. Joe agreed
that this would be adequate.
d. Niki spoke with Mark LaRuez. Triton has agreed to act as environmental
monitors both during and post construction. Ted and Joe wondered if
Triton could handle the in-stream prescription plan. Niki suggested Mark
contact Ted directly to get a description of work required.
e. The Steering Committee agree to the 10% contingency.
4. Site 93 Timing
a. Last meeting the SC approved the Site 93 project. Since then, Triton has
agreed to project manage the permitting and construction process. Mark
will provided us with an estimate for doing so shortly.
b. Niki will let Mark know a Park Use Permit is required for this project, and
to contact Wayne VanVelzen.
c. Anna will talk to Wayne and his supervisor to let them know to expect
the application..
d. Anna will confirm an alternate that will step in for her maternity leave,
beginning mid-March.
5. Yellowhead Brook Trout Project
a. Anna said timing and funding is still being sorted out. She will get some
information out
6. New TMX Project – for the Steering Committees Information
a. KMC has applied to re-activate the 24-inch line through Jasper and
Mount Robson.
b. Will involve testing of pipe, and installation of some automated valves.
c. Have included a project called Energy East Project – a pipeline route to
Eastern Canada.
d. John let the committee know Parks Canada, and JNP intend to be an
intervener on this project.
7. Next Meeting
a. February 18th, 2pm MST, 1 pm PST.