GAPFA-Nutrition Workstream Teleconference 27 June 2012

GAPFA-Nutrition Workstream Teleconference 27 June 2012
Associations represented: FEDIAF, JPA, PFAC, PFI, PFIAA, PFI-SA
Documents supplied prior to call: GAPFA-Nutrition Summary Report May 2012
GAPFA-Nutrition Survey Reponses Compilation
1) Sources of information – NRC, FEDIAF, AAFCO plus current/new publications
a. How to best keep everyone updated on new developments?
2) Types of products – Complete, Complementary, Therapeutic
3) Calorie content declarations
a. Calorie content calculation methods?
4) Nutritional adequacy statements and substantiation methods
a. Statements
b. Feeding protocols
c. Comparison to nutrient level profiles
5) Minimum nutrient levels
a. Life stages?
b. Size of animal?
c. Senior?
6) GAPFA’s role in nutritional guidelines
a. What is possible?
One new agenda item was added – WSAVA Nutritional Assessment Guidelines provided by PFIAA.
1) Sources of Information as basis for Nutritional Guidelines
Most associations use a combination of the NRC Nutrient Requirements, FEDIAF Nutrition
Guidelines and the AAFCO Official Publication, along with recent peer-reviewed journal publications as
the basis for their nutritional guidelines. FEDIAF has assembled an ongoing group of nutrition experts to
review their nutritional guidelines. In the US, the nutrition guidelines were reviewed by an expert group
that had a specific, task-limited charge and is not ongoing. It was mentioned that an article based on
FEDIAF supported research was recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition on vitamin A in
puppies. Timely access to new research is very important to maintaining appropriate nutritional
Request to all associations: As you see new research published in peer-reviewed journals on dog or cat
nutrition, please forward the articles to the GAPFA-Nutrition distribution list in order to facilitate
broader communication of new findings. FEDIAF mentioned that they would forward a recent
publication on Vitamin A (this article was sent to the distribution list)
2) Types of products
Most regions have a wide variety of types of products (species, life stage, animal size/breed) in
their marketplaces, but may use different descriptions or definitions. For example, there was a
discussion about the use of the term ‘therapeutic,’ which must be used carefully to mean foods that
may have a specific nutritional design, but that do NOT contain registered drugs. Another point of
discussion was the definition of ‘complementary’ as defined by FEDIAF (see the FEDIAF glossary). This
term is used in a similar way that ‘intermittent feeding only’ is used in the US in that it encompasses the
vast range of ‘treats’ or limited purpose products.
GAPFA-Nutrition Agreement: The focus will be on complete products for healthy animals.
3) Calorie Content –
Methods for determining calorie content in pet foods are under ongoing discussion in several
regions. FEDIAF is in the midst of considering a recommendation on the calculation method for calories.
They are discussing the Modified Atwater’s equation and an equation based on the 2006 NRC
publication. Their next meeting on it is July 5. The equation used for calculation in the US is the AAFCO
Modified Atwater’s equation. Calories can also be determined via feeding trials. Other regions provide
the option of using Modified Atwater’s or feeding trials.
Request to FEDIAF: Please provide to GAPFA-Nutrition the outcomes of the discussions on calorie
4) Nutritional Adequacy Substantiation –
Several regions use the AAFCO approach to substantiation, which provides the choice between
comparisons to nutrient profiles or completion of feeding protocols. FEDIAF recommends a comparison
to nutrient profiles in combination with digestibility trials based on the assumptions that the profiles
were set using a 70% dry matter digestibility and an 80% protein digestibility. In Australia the
expectation is that the manufacturer will make a product suitable for its purpose and will have adequate
substantiation for that position.
6) GAPFA: Goals, Scope, Principles, Mechanisms, Outcomes –
Several questions were raised about the goals, scope, operating mechanisms and potential
outcomes of the GAPFA-Nutrition Workstream as well as for GAPFA overall. Questions were also raised
about the potential interconnectivity of the work streams and GAPFA as a whole. One suggestion was
that GAPFA-Nutrition identify the well-established principles of nutrition that make up nutritional
guidelines as an outcome. Another comment was to continue to look at technical issues and not legal (or
regulatory) issues. Another request was that we as the Nutrition group identify what questions and/or
comments we have for the broader GAPFA group to be raised in the November meeting.
GAPFA Mission Statement –
“To support the health and wellbeing of pets and to promote the benefits of living
with them, through the development of consensus based guidance for the global pet
food industry, thereby enhancing its sustainability and credibility.”
GAPFA Nutrition Workstream Objective per Oct. 4, 2012 Minutes –
To provide practical guidance to industry for producing nutritionally balanced pet food for
maintaining the health of cats and dogs supported by international experts and recognised as a
reference document.
The teleconference closed before reaching items 5 - Minimum Nutrient Levels and 7 - Nutritional
Assessment Guidelines, so those items along with items generated from the call will be discussed on the
next teleconference.
Next Teleconference Discussion items:
1 – Minimum Nutrient Levels
Existing reference nutrient profiles
Factors in determining nutrient values in profiles
2 – Nutritional Assessment Guidelines
WSAVA document for veterinary clinics
Awareness/ Promotion?
3 – GAPFA – Goals, Scope, Mechanisms, Outcomes
Scope/Outcomes - Practical guide on nutrition? Globally recognized?
Questions for Vancouver – How to reach consensus?