09/08/2014 – Notes

For those of you that were unable to attend our last meeting (9/8) it was on the Subfields of
Psychology. Each of our officers presented on one of these subfields: Social Psychology,
Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Forensic Psychology,
Neuropsychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology (I/O) and Human Factors. Below I will
provide a short recap of some of the main points from our meeting.
Social Psychology: Social psychologists typically pursue a Ph.D in psychology. They can choose
a career path in different areas such as educational, governmental and even non-profit.
Developmental Psychology: Focuses on the process of developmental growth throughout a
person's lifespan. Career options range from universities and learning centers to nursing homes.
Clinical Psychology: It is recommended to pursue a Ph.D or Psy.D. However, there are Masters
programs, but they are limited. Career: Often work in hospitals and private practice.
Counseling Psychology: This area of psychology is more focused on everyday less severe
emotional problems. A person who has a Master's is able to get a license to practice under
supervision of one with a Ph.D. In order to become a licensed "counseling psychologist" one
needs a Ph.D or Psy.D.
Forensic Psychology: This area focuses on the application of research and experimentation in
other areas of psychology relating to the legal arena. You must have a Ph.D in order to become a
licensed Forensic Psychologist. They're duties typically include providing a psychological
assessment of an individual involved with the legal system.
Neuropsychology: This is the study of brain-behavior relationships. They use neuropsych.
assessments to find parts of the brain that are damaged. It is recommended to go for a Ph.D or
Psy.D. There are career opportunities for those with Master's, but they are limited. Often work in
hospitals and private practices.
Industrial/Organizational: This is an applied social psychology that studies and assesses
individual, group and organizational dynamics in the workplace. Degree options: The amount of
people with Master's or Doctorate's is almost evenly split.
Human Factors: Study how people interact with machines and technology. Their focus is often
on performance and safety. Degree options: the majority of people involved in this field typically
only get their Master's.
Here are a few important reminders:
- Our next meeting will be 9/22 at 7pm in the Student Union room 221. There will be a
presentation on Undergraduate Research.
- The deadline for Mentor/Mentee applications is also 9/22. Please turn in applications during
our office hours or on the 9/22 meeting.
- Membership applications and dues must be turned in by 10/6. Please turn in applications along
with dues during our office hours.
- We will be hosting a partial proceeds night at Marco's Pizza on 9/29 from 4-9pm. Please be
sure to advertise this event. The more people that are aware of this event, the better chance we
have to raise money!! Whether it be through social media or word of mouth, we need to spread
the word. :)
**Don't forget: Our next meeting will be Monday September 22nd (9/22) at 7pm, Student Union
Room 221. Hope to see you all there!**
Salina Walker
Secretary of Psychological Society