Studies on Biosorption for the removal of Cr (III) from aqueous solution using marine macro algae K.Dayana1*, Ch.V Ramachandramurthy2 1*Research scholar, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University, A.P, India, Email id: 2 Professor, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University, A.P, India, Email id: Abstract: In recent days water pollution due to heavy metals is an issue of great environmental concern. Heavy metal pollution occurs directly by effluents from industries, refineries and waste treatment plants. Removal and recovery of heavy metals are very important with respect to environmental and economical considerations. This investigation comprise of the equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamic study for Biosorption of Chromium(III) ions from aqueous solution using Marine Macro Algae (Amphiroa Flagillisma) as a biosorbent in a batch process. The kineticsof Chromium Biosorption was slow; approximately 90% of Biosorption takes place in 3 hours. The percent adsorption increased with increase in pH, at near neutral pH 2.0 of the solution were found to favour adsorption very strongly. The Biosorption equilibrium data were well described by Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms. The biosorbent was characterized and evaluated by the FTIR spectroscopy in the Biosorption process. Finally an empirical correlation was proposed to estimate equilibrium metal concentration in the solid phase. Key words: Biosorption, Equilibrium, Chromium, adsorption, Langmuir and Freundlich 1. Introduction: A large number of industries including plating, petroleum refinery, battery manufacturing, pigments and mining release heavy metals in waste streams which have negative effects on water bodies. The chief threat of industrialization is emanation of large volumes of effluents, especially as aqueous discharges. The discharges generally are loaded with heavy metals that are persistent. Though most of these ions are “essential elements” required in traces for the biota, their presence in excess amounts harms many forms of life and proves catastrophic to the environment in the long run. Thus, environmental health governs the standard of human life as well as the prosperity of the biosphere. Effective removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution is important in the protection of environmental quality and public health because heavy metal ions are not biodegradable. As almost all nations around the world are increasingly concerned about the raising levels of toxic heavy metals in the environment, their removal especially from aqueous systems occupies top priority among the various environmental issues. Technological developments for removal of these heavy metals through various processes like Reverse Osmosis, Chemical Precipitation, Solvent Extraction, Ion exchange, etc., are noneco friendly and consist of inherent disadvantages such as incomplete metal removal, high reagent or energy requirement and generation of toxic sludge or other wastes that require disposal. These factors have lead to the search for improvisation of technologies that ultimately resulted in a new innovative, economical and eco-friendly approach, namely, Biosorption Technology.Biosorption has been successfully used in the treatment of metal contaminated water using low cost materials such as marine algae, bacteria, fungi, etc. Biosorption is rapid phenomenon of passive metal sequestration by the biomass. Biological resources such as Bacteria, Cyanobacteria, yeasts, Algae and fungi are identified as potential sorbent candidates of toxic heavy metals from the aqueous medium. Either live or dead biomass can be employed as a sorbent material because of ease in harvesting and valorizing them. Many algal species such as Heterosigma akashiwo(Hada) ,Spirogyra species, C.Vulgaris, Sargassum baccularia and Gracilaria salicornia, Bifurcaria bifurcata, Brown seaweeds Saccorhiza polyschide, Ascophyllum nodosum, Laminaria ochroleu1, and Pelvetia caniculat, Caulerpa lentillifera, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Ulva reticulat, Chlorella miniata, Ulva lactuc have been extensively studied for heavy metal Biosorption and the process mechanisms seems to be different from species to species. Our studies was amied at investigating the mechanism of metal uptake of Cr(III) ions from aqueous solution and the role involved by the functional groups present in the biomass in Biosorption process was examinedby FTIR analysis in addition to the environmental parameters affecting the Biosorption process such as pH, time and initial concentration, biomass dosage(L/S ratio) and temperature. 2. Materials and Methods: The chemicals used are of AR/LR grade supplied by different standard manufacturing industries. 2.1. Preparation of biosorbent: The algae was collected from sea in Visakhapatnam and are washed with water and then with distilled water to remove the dust and soluble impurities. They are dried under sun for 20 days, and the dried algae were kept in heater for 5 days. The dried algae are finely powdered and sized by passing the powder through a set of sieves ranging from 53 to 152µ sizes. The powder is collected separately and preserved in glass bottle for use as biosorbent. 2.2. Preparation of stock solution: Chromium chloride solution was prepared by dissolving about 5.28 g chromium chloride salt in 1000 ml standard volumetric flask with de-mineralized water. From the stock solution, experimental test solutions were prepared, to the specification of 25, 50, 75 and 100 ppm by diluting the primary stock solution with de-mineralized water. The pH of the test solution was altered by adding appropriate amount of mineral acids. 2.3. Preparation of standard solutions for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Analysis: 1000 ppm Merck standard Chromium solutions was used to prepare standard solution for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer analysis.primary standard solution was prepared by appropriate dilution of 1000 ppm standard solution in accordance with the selected wavelength and sensitivity check. The concentrations of unabsorbed Chromium ions in the sample supernatant liquid were determined using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer(Perkin Elmer model AA200) with an air-acetylene flame. Chromium hollow cathode lamp was used. Metal uptake (q) was calculated using the general definition: Q (mg or m mol g-1) = V(CT – CA)/M Where CT and CA are the initial and final (equilibrium) metal concentrations in the solution respectively, V is the solution volume and M is the mass of the biosorbent used. 2.4. pH adjustment of aqueous metal solutions: The adsorption of metals decrease at low pH values because of competition for binding sites between cations and protons, while at pH higher than 7, hydroxo species of the metals can be formed and do not bind to the adsorption sites on the surface of the adsorbent. So, pH was adjusted with the range of 3-7 by adding the 0.1 N HCl and 0.1 NaOH for acidic and basic pH respectively. Chromium equilibrium studies with biomass, the pH was maintained with the range of 3-6 only, because at te near to neutral pH and at basic pH the metal ions were precipitated. So, in all experiments with chromium the maximum pH 6 was studied. 2.5. Initial concentration of the chromium in a aqueous solution: 50 ml of aqueous solution containing 20 mg/L chromium is taken in a 250 mL conical flask and 1.0g of 53 µm size biosorbent is added. The sample is kept in continuous contact for equilibrium agitation time by shaking on an orbital shaker at room temperature. The sample is allowed to settle and then filtered. The final chromium concentration of the filtrate is determined in an AAS. The same procedure is repeated for other intial concentrations of chromium in aqueous solution ( 25, 50, 75 and 100 ppm). 2.6. Equilibrium studies: Equilibrium studieswere carried out at 200C, 300C, 400C and 500C temperature. The conical flasks were kept in the orbital shaker, which was set at 180 rpm and shaken for required amount of time to attain equilibrium. Sample solutions were collected periodically and analyzed in the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer for the metal content in the test solution after adsorption; the procedure was continued till the equilibrium conditions were obtained. Time required to attain equilibrium was thus established. 3. Results and Discussions: Experiments were conducted to estimate the time required to reach the equilibrium by taking an initial charge of 100 ml of aqueous solution containing chromium ions and the biomass algae and thoroughly shaking the mixture using orbital shaking machine. The samples were drawn at different intervals of time and the metal concentration was estimated using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The time required to reach equilibrium was found to 3 hours for chromium. 3.1. Effect of agitation time: Concentration (mg/L) Agitation Time 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 Time (mins) 3.2. Effect of initial concentration of chromium The graph is drawn as the percentage removal of chromium versus initial concentration of chromium. The percentage removal of chromium is 97%. % Removal Concentration vs % removal 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 Series1 Series2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration 3.3. Effect of pH: The percent adsorption increased with increase in pH, at near neutral pH 4 the solution were found to favour adsorption very strongly. At lower pH the percentage adsorption was very low; it may be due to preferential adsorption of hydrogen ions. 30 pH Vs Conc Conc 27 24 21 18 15 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 pH 3.4. Effect of Temperature: The effect of temperature on percent adsorption of chromium using marine macro algae. It can be observed that temperature was found to favor Biosorption. This may probably due to increase in activity of biomass as the temperature increases. % of removal Temperature Vs % of Removal 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 Temperature in Kelvin 3.5. Freundlich isotherm for adsorption of chromium: The Freundlich relationship is an empirical equilibrium relationship. It does not indicate a finite uptake capacity of the adsorbent and can thus only be applied in case of low and intermediate concentration ranges. However, it is easier to handle mathematically as it is a simple relationship. The Freundlich isotherm is given by qe = Kf Cen taking logarithms on bothsides, we get ln qe = ln Kf + n ln Ce where Kf and n are known as Freundlich constants obtainable from the plots of ln qe vs ln Ce on the basis of the linear form of the equation. 4 R² = 0.9612 Freundlich isotherrm 3.5 R² = 0.9948 3 R² = 0.9993 log qe 2.5 R² = 1 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 log ce 2 2.5 s CONCLUSIONS This work explained the possibility of usage of themarine macro algae for chromium removal from industrial effluents. Taking the values of parameters mentioned in Freundlich equation, macro algae showed better biosorption. The maximum removal of Cr (III) metal (97.76%) for micro-algae was obtained at concentration of 100 mg L -1. Initial metal concentration was 89.94mg/L at pH 3.92 and at temperature 30 °C. The maximum metal loading is found to be 18.9932 mg/gm . These data proved that initial pH strongly affected the uptake capacity of biosorbent rather temperature. The biomass concentration had also effective impact. REFERENCES 1. Alguacil F J, Villegas M A “Liquid membranes and the treatment of metal-bearing waste waters” Rev. Metall. 38(2002) 45-55 2. Ritchie, S.M.C., Bhattacharyya,D. “Membrane-based hybrid processes for high water recovery and selective inorganic pollutant separation” J. of Hazard. Mat.92 (2002) 21-32. 3. Hashim. M.A., Chu.K.H., Biosorption of Cadmium by brown, green, and red seaweeds, Chemical Engineerig Journal 97(2004) 249-255. 4. Loderio.P., Cordero. B., Barriada. J.L., Herrero. R., sastre de Vicente. M.E., Biosorption of cadmium by biomass of brown marine macroalgae, Bioresourse Technology 96(2005) 1796-1803. 5. Prasert Pavasant, Ronbanchob Apiratikul, Vimonrat Sungkhum, Prateep Suthiparinyanont, suraphong Wattanachira, Taha F. Marhaba, Biosorption of copper, cadmium, lead and zinc using dried marine green macro algae, bioresource technology 97 (18) (2006) 2321-2329. 6. 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