Liberal Arts Student Council Constitution Article I. Section I. Name The organization shall be known as the Liberal Arts Student Council (LASC). Section II. Description of Organization Liberal Arts Student Council is an academic and professional organization that links liberal arts students to their college. The council works to convey concerns and special interests from the undergraduate student body to the faculty, staff, and deans of the college. The council strives to heighten awareness and assist in the development and refinement of marketable skills for students pursuing a career. Another pillar of the council is to promote liberal arts students in both the university and community through various forms such as advertising, university involvement, community outreach, and student diversity. Section III. Organizational Composition Subsection I. Membership 1. Member Selection a. The membership of this organization will consist of students in the College of Liberal Arts. Members will each serve on a committee within the council. b. Selections shall be made after the potential member has filled out an application, and the officer team has reviewed that application. c. Candidates must have an overall GPR of 2.25 to be considered as a member, or in the case of a new freshman student, successfully complete the member application. 2. Officer Selection a. Selections shall be made after an application and interview for the officer position has been completed for all candidates to assume responsibilities at the beginning of the semester. b. Candidates, having completed at least one semester as a general member, must have an overall GPR of 2.50 to be considered for an office. 1 3. Officer Descriptions a. President i. Serve as President of the Liberal Arts Student Council and officially chair all meetings of that council. ii. Oversee the activities and operations within the council and among the officers. iii. Work with organization sponsors in coordinating efforts to carry out the organization’s objectives and programs. iv. Give administrative guidance and direction to the structure and programming of the council. v. Coordinate the selection process for all officer positions, including an unexpired term of office. vi. Call and preside at all officer and liberal arts student council meetings. vii. Preserve the records of this office. Records of the past year go to the successor. viii. Record and keep accurate records of both officer and council meetings b. Vice President i. Assume role of president upon absence. ii. Assist president with executive responsibilities. iii. Assist with new member selection process: iv. Coordinate room reservations for council meetings. v. Maintain final record of meeting attendance and be contact person for attendance. vi. Send out regular meeting reminders on Facebook and e-mail. c. Treasurer i. Receive and disburse funds relevant to: 1. Membership dues 2. Council expenditures 3. Any other council transactions such as IDTs and Permits to Charge ii. Provide Treasure’s report monthly at officer meetings. iii. Work with President in establishing operation budget projection of organization’s funding needs each fiscal year. iv. Present the proposed budget to the council officers. v. Notify officers and committee chairs that receipts for expenditures for internal operating expenses must be submitted in a timely fashion as outlined by the SOFC. vi. Pay bills within 24 hours of receiving them. vii. Draft monetary proposals for the Dean and other organizations to appropriate funds. viii. Complete necessary SOFC training. ix. Organize and maintain record of year’s events through paper and photographic records in the form of a council notebook. d. Community Outreach Chair i. Serve as contact for all community activities and events. ii. Coordinate and provide volunteer opportunities in the Bryan and College Station communities. iii. Minimum for service events being once monthly. iv. Oversee a committee of council members to delegate community outreach tasks. e. Recruitment Chair i. Serve as primary contact for all P.L.A.C.E. Conference activities, events, and affairs. ii. Serve as organizer and director for the Prospective Liberal Arts College Experience. iii. Responsible for all paperwork and dealings with the university in organization of conference. 2 iv. Oversee members in recruitment of students, teachers, counselors, and all other school staff for the P.L.A.C.E. Conference. 1. Oversee all contact and information distributed. v. Oversee members in organization of sponsorship for the P.L.A.C.E. Conference 1. Start at minimum three months prior to event. 2. Approve letter and oversee connection to companies. vi. Oversee planning for the conference day and planning of speakers and events. vii. Responsible for staffing and selection of facilitators for the conference. viii. Responsible for leading the conference day of. ix. Oversee a committee of council members to delegate recruitment and P.L.A.C.E Conference tasks. x. Oversee any recruitment efforts delegated from the College of Liberal Arts. f. Marketing and Advertising Co-Chairs i. Oversee all publications and promotions of activities and events of the council. ii. Market and advertise Liberal Arts Student Council to the college. iii. Disseminate information about events, opportunities, and campus happenings through student based publications iv. Utilize multiple forms of media and campus resources to promote council events and activities. v. Utilize forms of social media in coalition with public relations chair for advertisement of activities and events of the council. vi. Upkeep with the Liberal Arts Student Council board in Blocker Building. vii. Use the reference guide “Successful Event Promotion” provided by Student Activities when marketing and advertising on campus. viii. Organize and execute t-shirt sales ix. Propose fundraising ideas x. Oversee a committee of council members to delegate marketing and advertising tasks. xi. Responsible for managing and utilizing Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media. g. Programs Chair i. Prepare professional programs for the council. ii. Responsible for scheduling speakers for weekly meetings. iii. Responsible for all speaker panels, two to three per semester. iv. Responsible for all etiquette dinners, one per semester. v. Responsible for completing all scheduling and planning event forms and submitting them for approval to student activities. vi. Oversee a committee of council members to delegate programs tasks. h. Socials Chair i. Prepare activities for the council. ii. Coordinate events including a new member retreat, end of year banquets, holiday socials, etc. iii. Works closely with other committees to help coordinate events for the council. iv. Organize events with other liberal arts organizations with assistance in of public relations chair to formulate contact. v. Oversee a committee of council members to delegate social tasks. Subsection II. Membership Requirements 1. The officers of this organization must meet the following grade requirements: 3 a. Have a minimum grade point ratio (GPR) as stated below and meet that minimum GPR in the semester immediately prior to the selection/appointment, the semester of selection/ appointment and semesters during the term of office. b. For undergraduate students, the minimum GPR is 2.25. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the semester under consideration. In one limited circumstance, summer semester hours may be applied to this provision. In order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point ratio prior to selection/appointment, at least six credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer session(s). In order for summer coursework to qualify toward a grade point ratio prior to selection/appointment, at least four credit hours must have been taken during the course of either the full or two summer session(s) unless fewer credits are required as they complete the final stages of their degree. 2. Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: a. At least half time (six or more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) during the term of office, and at least half time (four or more credits), if a graduate level student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement) during their term office. b. Be considered ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (1) and (2). Subsection III. Removal 1. Member Removal a. Failing to meet semester attendance requirements and fulfill member duties for meetings/events will result in removal from the council. b. The President and Vice President of the council may remove a member from the organization by a two-thirds majority vote. A two-week notice must be given of intent to remove the member. c. A member may be removed for the following reasons: i. Bad standing with the college of Liberal Arts and/or university ii. Below a 2.25 GPR iii. Acting in a behavior not becoming of a member in the council or the university. All members may be given the opportunity to share their perspective or state their case before being removed. 2. Officer Removal a. Unexcused absence from a meeting will result in the following process: i. First offense – verbal warning ii. Second offense – meeting with the President, Vice President, and advisors. iii. Third offense – removal from office b. An officer may removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of all the officer team in consultation with the advisors. A two-week notice must be given of intent to remove the officer. c. An officer may be removed for the following reasons: i. Bad standing with the college of Liberal Arts and/or university ii. Failing to perform duties and requirements in their job description iii. Behaving in a manner not conducive to that of the council or University Rules. iv. Below a 2.50 GPR 4 d. All officers must be given the opportunity to share their perspective or state their case before the President, Vice President, and advisors before being removed. Article II. Section I. Advisor/Sponsor position The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts will appoint an advisor to the council. A co-advisor may also be appointed. Section II. Advisor Expectations 1. Must be a Texas A&M University employee as defined by the human resources department and must advise at a level consistent with the categorization of the organization. 2. Meet with the officers of the organization to discuss expectations for roles and responsibilities. 3. Will perform their greatest service by facilitating opportunities for students to exercise initiative and judgment within a proper measure of autonomy when coordinating events and activities. 4. Must be aware of the university student rules and other institutional guidelines that establish expectations for student behavior and activities. Article III. Section I. Amendments and General Voting Policies 1. Amendments to the Liberal Arts Student Council constitution may be made at any time by a two-thirds vote of the council or officer membership, subject to review by the Department of Student Activities annually and/or when it is amended. 2. Votes for amendments and any general issues necessitating a membership vote may take place via email; emails containing votes must be sent to and tallied by the organization’s sponsor. 3. Voting may also take place on paper ballots during council meetings. Article IV. Section I. Dues Dues will be determined by the officer team per academic year and will be collected from all members of the organization. Section II. Financial Procedures All monies belonging to this organization will be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Student Organization Finance Center and/or the Fiscal Office. All funds must be deposited within 24 hours after collection. The advisor to this organization must approve and sign off on expenditure before payment. Article V. Section I. Harassment and Discrimination 5 1. Texas A&M University is committed to the fundamental principles of academic freedom, equality of opportunity and human dignity. To fulfill its multiple missions as an institution of higher learning, Texas A&M University encourages a climate that values and nurtures collegiality, diversity, pluralism and the uniqueness of the individual within our state, nation and world. All decisions and actions involving students and employees should be based on applicable law and individual merit. 2. Texas A&M University, in accordance with applicable federal and state law, prohibits discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, or veteran status. 3. Individuals who believe they have experienced harassment or discrimination prohibited by this statement are encouraged to contact the appropriate offices within their respective units. _____________ Date ________________________________________ Signature of President _____________ Date ________________________________________ Signature of Advisor _____________ Date _________________________________________ Signature of Director of Student Activities 6