Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Initiatives occurring at Preble Prevention Preble social worker serves as an executive committee member of the Brown County Suicide Prevention Coalition Piloted suicide prevention program in 2007 A small number of students are identified and selected to serve as PEER leaders to implement a cross peer educational model in the classroom. The PEER leaders undergo a training to build cohesion and learn Signs of Suicide (SOS) model which is an evidenced based, DPI recommended program to be implemented in the classroom. Freshmen are at the highest risk for suicide. Therefore, the PEER leaders conduct classroom presentation in all of the Preble health classes both first and second semester. These classes are mostly comprised of freshman. Due to the fact students have the opportunity to take health for credit at the 8th grade level; PEER leaders also present the SOS program at the feeder middle schools of Edison and Red Smith. In 2013, upon request, PEER leaders also presented to a group of Lombardi students. PEER leaders have also conducted trainings for Link Crew students who mentor freshman to ensure they are also familiar with the warning signs and steps to be taken if warnings signs are present. Students who identify as GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender), are at higher risk for suicide. Therefore, each year the PEER leaders present to the GSA club during one of their regularly scheduled meeting after school. In an effort to continue to improve and expand suicide prevention efforts, SOS refresher presentations are conducted with all the juniors in the Language 11 class settings. All of these presentations totaled just over 1,000 students who received information on the warning signs of suicide and how to help a friend. Pre/post test data is collected to measure efficacy of presentations. Suicide prevention information is provided to staff on an annual basis. Suicide prevention information is included in the parent newsletter each September during suicide prevention awareness month. Since the PEER leader group was formed, two parent presentations have been conducted. Cable locks were provided to participating parents to reinforce the importance of means restriction. PEER leader group was expanded to include any student who was interested in participating in activities to promote a positive school climate. Preble was chosen as one of the high schools to participate in the “To Write Love on Her Arms- Storytellers Campaign” which is intended to increase awareness of issues including suicide prevention, depression, and substance abuse. Students participated in a fundraiser with the proceeds going towards an organization that helps offset the cost of treatment for young people struggling with mental health issues. Awareness activities were conducted including an “Operational Beautiful” campaign and a week of facts being read on the announcements, displayed on the hornet tron, Facebook, and twitter. PEER leaders wrote and participated in the filming of suicide prevention PSA in partnership with Fox 11. Preble has had representation at the Wisconsin Suicide Prevention conference each year since the inception. Preble representative took a lead role in writing a grant focusing on suicide prevention efforts with youth. Intervention During the classroom presentations, students are provided a tool enabling them to self-refer for follow-up with a social worker if they are concerned about themselves or a friend. Social workers screen individual students based on referrals received from friends, teachers, and parents and collaborative closely with the Crisis Center as well as other community agencies to ensure the safety of students. Collaboration occurs when students are receiving in patient treatment and social workers follow-up with students upon return. Postvention The crisis response plan is being updated to incorporate recently released recommendations to meet the needs of students, faculty, and parents when a sudden death occurs.