Bio 155 - Natural History of Animals Dr. Beverly Krilowicz

Bio 418 – Advanced Evolution
MW 4:20-6:00 PM, BioSci 247
Drs. Patrick Krug & Ryan Ellingson*;
LaKretz Hall 314, 3-2076
Office hours: Wed 1-2 PM
Spring 2015 Lecture Schedule
Lecture Topic
March 30
April 01
May 04
Review sources of diversity: mutation & gene expression
Review of natural vs. sexual selection & genetic drift
Interpreting and inferring phylogenies
Dispersal, gene flow & population structure
Adaptation I – the evolving phenotype
Adaptation II – constraints on evolution (adaptation paper TBD)
Sexual selection I – Bateman’s principle, male competition
Sexual selection II – female competition, conflict of the sexes
Monogamy and biparental brood care (Brown et al. 2010)
Maternal effects & polyandry
Midterm Exam
Part II – macroevolution and comparative methods
May 06
What are comparative methods, and why are they necessary?
11* Biogeography & mass extinctions
Key characters and diversification
18* Co-evolution I – mutualism, mimicry, endosymbiosis
20* Co-evolution II – arms races (Corcoran et al. 2013)
Memorial Day; campus closed
Correlated trait evolution (Schärer et al. 2002)
June 01* Evolutionary medicine
Major events in the evolution of complex animal bodies
Background reading
(Herron & Freeman)
Ch. 5, 6
Ch. 3, 7
Ch. 4
Ch. 10, 15
Ch. 11
Ch. 18
Ch. 14
Ch. 19
FINAL EXAM: MONDAY, June 8th, 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Course Description: This course builds on topics covered in BIOL 350 to provide an in-depth examination of
evolution, the unifying principle of biology. We will study how the scientific method is used to test predictions
of evolutionary theory with examples drawn from, and exercises involving, the primary literature. The first half
of the course will explore microevolutionary processes that determine how the genetic composition of
populations change over time. We will examine how natural selection acts at the level of one locus or trait,
versus across the whole genome or phenotype. Then we will investigate the causes and consequences of sexual
selection in a variety of systems, exploring the relative costs and benefits of different sexual strategies and
breeding systems. We will review the methods used to construct phylogenies from molecular data, and how to
interpret the information represented by phylogenetic trees. The second half of the class will focus on
macroevolution, including comparative methods used to study how key traits influence lineage diversification,
the evolution of other traits, and species interactions over evolutionary time scales. We will review the history
of major events influencing the development of multi-cellular life on earth, including origins of complex animal
bodies and episodic mass extinctions. Lectures and in-class activities will emphasize the primary literature,
encouraging students to consider how evolutionary theory guides scientific inquiry, and to cultivate an
understanding of modern methods used by investigators to study the origins and diversity of life on earth.
Drop Policy: The University deadline for no record drops is April 7; no exceptions will be made.
Required Reading: No required textbook. Four required papers will be posted on the course website for
reading assignments and in-class activities. For background reading, you may refer to the indicated sections in
Evolutionary Analysis, Herron & Freeman, 5th edition (the required text for BIOL 350).
Exams: Lecture exams include multiple choice, definitions, short answer and essay questions. Exams may
require you to examine data and draw conclusions, testing your ability to interpret graphs as reviewed in lecture.
There will be one midterm and a cumulative final exam covering lecture material. Missed exams will require
prior approval by the instructor or an official excuse (i.e., doctor’s note) or no make-up exam will be given. If
you miss an exam, you must notify the instructor within 48 hr or you will be given an incomplete.
abide by the Academic Honesty Policy (; violation of
this policy will result in a failing grade for the course. Reasonable accommodation will be provided to any
student who is registered with the Office of Students with Disabilities and requests needed accommodation.
Policy Regarding Correction of Errors in the Grading of Exams: You have one week from the time that the
lecture exams are returned to report errors in the grading or discuss appropriateness of alternative answers.
Primary Literature Activities: There will be four graded activities that require reading and understanding
primary research articles. Each activity will have an at-home component to be done individually, and an inclass component to be done in small groups. Further details will be provided in class; attendance is mandatory.
Grading: Grades will be based on paper critiques, midterm and final examination scores, totaling 200 possible
points. Paper critiques, including at-home and in-class components, will account for 20% of your final grade.
The midterm will account for 30%, and cumulative final exam 50%, of final grades. Grades are curved, with
the mean of a normal distribution (typically ~70%) set as the border between B-/B; scores one standard
deviation above the mean are in the A-range, those one standard deviation below the mean are in the C range.
Learning Objectives: By completing the course, students will understand:
(1) how mutation serves as the underlying source of new genetic novelty, including changes in gene expression
and splicing uncovered by recent deep sequencing efforts
(2) how selection acts on individual loci and traits, versus linkage groups or trait combinations; how to model
directional, stabilizing and disruptive selection
(3) methods of phylogenetic analysis; use of DNA sequence information and patterns of gene expression during
development to infer evolutionary relationships; how to interpret a phylogenetic tree
(4) how the scale of dispersal affects gene flow and population genetic structure
(5) how selection produces adaptation; factors that may constrain adaptation
(6) Bateman’s principle; how sexual selection drives male-male, and female-female, competition; adaptive
significance of maternal effects; benefits of promiscuous mating for males vs. females
(7) why comparative methods are necessary to draw statistically meaningful inferences about evolution across
lineages of organisms; how comparative methods are used to study macroevolution
(8) how key characters promote diversification, versus mass extinctions that deplete biodiversity
(9) how co-evolution between species results in dramatic adaptations promoting mutualisms or arms races
(10) how traits can evolve in a correlated (non-independent) manner, shaping among-species trends
(11) the significance of evolution to modern medicine
(12) underlying genetic changes that led to the development of increasingly complex animal bodies