Tasmanian Youth Conference 2015

‘Celebrate, Create,
6 – 7 August, 2015
Door of Hope, Launceston
Tasmanian Youth
Conference 2015
'Celebrate, Innovate, Create.'
The Tasmanian Youth Conference (TYC) is a biannual event which celebrates and explores what it means to be a young person in
Tasmania! TYC is open to young Tasmanians aged between 12-25 years who are, or want to be, involved in their community. A
concurrent program also caters to the needs of the wider youth sector.
TYC provides the opportunity for young people to get together with the wider youth sector and initiate projects, learn skills, hear
from dynamic speakers, and engage with interactive workshops on a wide range of subjects. It also provides an excellent chance
to increase the social capacity and engagement of a broad range of young people.
About TYC 2015
TYC15 will be held on August 6 and 7, 2015, at the Launceston Conference Centre, Launceston.
A professional development pre-conference workshop on the Youth Ethics Framework for Tasmania will be held on 5 August,
TYC13 is open to both the broader youth sector and young people. We believe this format provides young people and workers with
a great opportunity to come together to share experiences and ideas with each other.
The TYC Program
TYC15 has a varied, exciting and enagaging program with speakers from around Australia, including experts in a range of fields,
young people and workers. The program also offer a number of interactive workshops.
The TYC Program will include:
Several keynote speakers (sector and young person)
A selection of concurrent workshops/presentations (sector and young people)
Professional development opportunities
A pre-conference professional development workshop (limited places available)
Evening event
The TYC15 program highlights include:
Jane Burns, Founder and CEO of the Young and Well CRC
Adam Mostogl, Young Tasmanian of the Year and social entrepreneur
Andrew Cummings, former ED of AYAC and youth work consultant
Matthew Keeley, Director, National Youth Children and Law Centre
Dr Lindsey Smith, Australian Research for Children and Young People
Heidi LaPaglia, TUU President and youth advocate
Peter Murphy, Noetic Solutions
Mark Morrissey, Tasmanian Commissioner for Children
Kylie Dunn, motivational speaker
Terrapin Puppet Theatre, Shadow Photo Booth
As well as presentations on drugs and alcohol, relationships, education, sexual health, relevant youth research and policy, the
professionalisation of the youth sector, youth ethics, mental health and much, much more.
2 \\ 6 – 7 August 2015, Launceston
Who is TYC for?
Youth workers, youth health workers and social workers
Youth justice workers, child protection and Gateway Workers
Workers from community organisations
Policy makers and researchers
Those working in government
Anyone with a commitment to improving the health and wellbeing outcomes for young people
Register for TYC15
Registrations are now open! Please register online through our easy which can be found on our website http://www.ynot.org.au/tyc
There is a registration fee for all people attending TYC, but we aim to keep this as low as we possibly can. We also offer sponsored
positions to young people who might not otherwise be able to attend.
For young people their registration fee will include their accommodation, food and transport to the event where possible.
Presenting, exhibitions and stalls
Expressions of Intersted for speakers, workshop presenters, stallholders and exhibits are now open.
It is possible to present to both young people or the youth sector – or both at the same time, just indicate this option on your
expression of interest. All information is available at http://www.ynot.org.au/tyc
Closing date for Expressions of Interest: 29 May 2015
How is TYC Possible?
TYC is organised by a committed Working Group made up of people from YNOT, TYF and a range of other organisations. Young
people are also involved in the Working Group so that TYC is relevant and interesting to them! To find out how you can be
involved in TYC contact us to discuss.
TYC 2015 is funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Communities, Sport and Recreation Tasmania.
TYC would not be possible through the support and sponsorship of the Tasmanian community. If you would like to support TYC
2015 then please contact us for further discussion.
History of TYC
The Tasmanian Youth Conference (previously known as DENIM) was first held in 2004 and again in 2006, 2008 - and in 2011 and
2013 combining a youth sector conference. The conference in 2015 will provide skills development and networking opportunities for
young people aged 12-25 years of age, as well as for those working in the youth sector.
For more information:
Joanna Siejka
Youth Network of Tasmania
t: 6223 5511
m: 0458 235 511
e: ceo@ynot.org.au
w: www.ynot.org.au
3 \\ 6 – 7 August 2015, Launceston