Support Zone Minutes 27.11.15

Support Zone Committee Meeting
(Held on Friday 27th November 2015 at 4.00pm)
Jack Paulley (JP)
Alex Ogedengbe (AO)
Gueth Aluoch (GA)
Kash Lotfi (KL)
Koyin Akinsiku (KA)
Lucy Curd (LC)
Jenny Hall (JH)
VP Support & Committee Chair
Zone Member
Zone Member
Zone Member
Zone Member
Zone Member
Zone Manager
No apologies necessary – all members were in attendance.
1. Conflict of Interests
No conflict of interest was declared.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the last meeting dated 13/11/2015 were signed as an accurate
record of the meeting.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Vet School Peer Mentoring Scheme - Update
VP Support informed the committee that following the second rejection of
the peer mentoring scheme, a third, more detailed business plan has now
been written and will be proposed in January 2016.
4. Discussion
Microsoft Campus Visit
VP Support confirmed that Microsoft will be visiting campus on
Thursday 10th December 2015, in order to promote the free software
package available for students to use. VP Support continued by
informing the committee that the current take-up rate of the free
software was low; the committee then voiced that many students are
not aware of this benefit, and suggested that Microsoft could promote
this at future careers fayres.
Department Common Room Spaces
VP Support informed the committee that he is currently compiling a list
of all department common rooms and envisions using them as study
spaces during the upcoming exam period. VP Support continued by
saying that he wants to create a map of all available common rooms so
students are aware of their location and availability, and also confirmed
that the library are looking into the possibility of creating a section on
their website dedicated to informing students of the common rooms.
The committee then questioned whether computers would be provided
in the common rooms; VP Support responded that computers form a
part of the long-term plan for the rooms, and that the current focus is
getting them prepared for use during the upcoming January exams. VP
Support also emphasised the importance of the common rooms to be
‘active learning zones’ with moveable furniture; another long-term
change that will be considered at future meetings.
The Committee continued by accentuating the idea of all of the
common rooms sharing the same theme in order for them to be easily
distinguishable to students. VP Support confirmed all of the
committee’s points would be addressed at future meetings, and
requested that committee members take a picture of their department
common room and send them to VP Support.
All Committee Members (ASAP)
Exam Period Relaxation Zones
VP Support began by highlighting that he wants to encourage students
to take regular breaks during the exam period. VP Support continued
by pitching the idea of having two different zones students can go to; a
quiet zone and a fun zone. VP Support then informed the committee
that rooms for the zones are needed and addressed the committee for
any ideas. After a brief discussion, it was suggested using either two
rooms in the Lecture Theatre block or using Students’ Union Level 1. VP
Support confirmed he would look into each option further.
VP Support (Ongoing)
Course Termination ‘What Next’ Leaflet
JH provided the committee with an update on the status of the ‘What
Next’ leaflet; the University have now agreed that this leaflet should be
included with course termination letters and JH will be making the
suggested changes as previously proposed by the committee.
VP Support Manifesto – Update
4.4.1 Society Welfare Events
VP Support confirmed that after consultations with VP Activity,
obtaining the STARS silver criteria now involves a society holding a
welfare event. VP Support informed the committee that some societies
have already started welfare schemes, and that status meetings will be
soon be conducted. The committee responded by suggesting that
information on how to hold a welfare event could be included in the
training sessions offered to societies.
4.4.2 Personal Tutors
VP Support began by highlighting that he wants to uniform the
experience provided by personal tutors so that all students receive the
same level of support. VP Support informed the committee that whilst
current personal tutor training isn’t compulsory, he would like it to
become so. VP Support continued by explaining that he is also looking
into the possibility of bring personal tutor MEQ’s back. VP Support then
gave a brief overview of the current training offered to personal tutors
and concluded by suggesting that an online induction module (to be
completed in tutor’s own time) could be the solution to encouraging
more to complete the training. VP Support to update the committee on
any progress.
VP Support (Ongoing)
4.4.3 Support for Students Off Campus
VP Support addressed the committee and informed them that he aims
to find a way to monitor students who aren’t attending lectures and
seminars in order to provide them with sufficient support (if
necessary). VP Support emphasised that he wants to create a system
that identifies disengaged students and investigates why they are not
attending. VP Support confirmed that he realises that the monitoring
of students is a sensitive subject and will be meeting with both Security
and Student Services for advice. VP Support continued by suggesting
that a contactless signing-in system could be adopted and
acknowledged that whilst this would be a costly option, it is very
JH responded by proposing that the task of following up any significant
absences could be allocated to personal tutors. The committee then
questioned what the length of an absence would be before it would be
flagged; VP Support suggested a period of two weeks.
A discussion then ensued surrounding the possible reaction of students
to being monitored.
VP Support continued by suggesting the alternative option of a scanner
that would automatically sign students in, when they come into
contact with it. The committee discussed this option and concluded
that it could work well as students would be aware they are being
automatically signed in which may then increase attendance levels. The
committee continued by suggesting that focus groups be conducted
with students to gage their reaction. VP Support then highlighted that
the system could be used for security purposes as well.
The discussion then returned to the inclusion of placing responsibility
on personal tutors to follow up periods of absence; VP Support
suggested that an automatic email could be set up to inform tutors
that they need to contact their student. The committee continued by
emphasising the importance of carefully considering the tone and
language used in the email, as well as ensuring that students are aware
that the main aim of the system is to monitor those who are failing to
attend. The committee then questioned who would have access to the
data; VP Support confirmed that it would depend on the level of the
data’s anonymity.
The committee also suggested introducing the system alongside
incentives to allow students to gain something from maintaining a high
attendance level. VP Support responded by suggesting awarding a
voucher, and confirmed this would be an ongoing topic of discussion.
5. Any Other Business
Students’ Union Level 1
The committee gave VP Support a brief overview of the concept of an
existing café that charges people a small fee for the amount of time
they spend in there (rather than for each item purchased) and
suggested that Students’ Union Level 1 could offer something similar.
The committee then discussed other possible facilities that could be
included. VP Support confirmed that these details would be further
discussed during a future meeting.
The committee continued by questioning if a TV would be going up; VP
Support confirmed that it would be. VP Support then informed the
committee that the renovation of Students’ Union Level 1 is planned to
occur during reading week in February 2016.
The committee also requested that the music be turned back on during
the day; VP Support agreed.
Zone Merchandise
The committee enquired into the possibility of creating zone
merchandise such as t-shirts; VP Support agreed this would tie the zone
together. The committee suggested utilising Appleseed’s printing
6. Date of Next Meeting
The next Support Zone committee meeting will be held on Friday 4th
December at 04.00 pm, in the Committee Room, Students’ Union.
As there were no further points for discussion, VP Support closed the meeting
at 5.35 pm.