Mrs. Hult and Ms. Fragola ran across the foot bridge from barking dogs. Proper noun Mrs. Hult and Ms. Fragola ran across the foot bridge from barking dogs. conjunction Mrs. Hult and Ms. Fragola ran across the foot bridge from barking dogs. Action verb Mrs. Hult and Ms. Fragola ran across the foot bridge from barking dogs. Prep/prep Mrs. Hult and Ms. Fragola ran across the foot bridge from barking dogs. article Mrs. Hult and Ms. Fragola ran across the foot bridge from barking dogs. adjective Mrs. Hult and Ms. Fragola ran across the foot bridge from barking dogs. Common noun Mrs. Hult and Ms. Fragola ran across the foot bridge from barking dogs. Common n oun (barking is a particicple) The Poetry Slam proudly showcased the talents of our students. Proper noun The Poetry Slam proudly showcased the talents of our students. adverb The Poetry Slam proudly showcased the talents of our students. Action verb The Poetry Slam proudly showcased the talents of our students. Common noun (talents are things) The Poetry Slam proudly showcased the talents of our students. preposition The Poetry Slam proudly showcased the talents of our students. Adjective (possessive) Removing his jacket, Jack ran swiftly into the river. Participle (not on final) Removing his jacket, Jack ran swiftly into the river. Adjective (possessive) Removing his jacket, Jack ran swiftly into the river. adverb Removing his jacket, Jack ran swiftly into the river. Action verb I have a paper to write before class. pronoun I have a paper to write before class. Action verb I have a paper to write before class. infinitive I have a paper to write before class. preposition I have a paper to write before class. Common noun We are exhausted after a long year, but are looking forward to high school. pronoun We are exhausted after a long year, but are looking forward to high school. Linking verb We are exhausted after a long year, but are looking forward to high school. Both adjectives We are exhausted after a long year, but are looking forward to high school. preposition We are exhausted after a long year, but are looking forward to high school. article We are exhausted after a long year, but are looking forward to high school. conjunction We are exhausted after a long year, but are looking forward to high school. Helping verb We are exhausted after a long year, but are looking forward to high school. adverb We are exhausted after a long year, but are looking forward to high school. preposition The temperature of the burning classroom reached 100 degrees. Common noun The temperature of the burning classroom reached 100 degrees. Participle (not on final) The temperature of the burning classroom reached 100 degrees. Action verb The temperature of the burning classroom reached 100 degrees. adjective The temperature of the burning classroom reached 100 degrees. Common noun We intended to leave early. pronoun We intended to leave early. Action verb We intended to leave early. infinitive We intended to leave early. adverb