Houston Community College (HCC) Substantive Change Procedure

Houston Community College (HCC)
Substantive Change Procedure
Background: Member institutions of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on
Colleges (SACSCOC) are required to notify the Commission of changes in accordance with the substantive
change policy and, when required, seek approval prior to the initiation of changes. Further, member
institutions are required to have a policy and procedure to ensure that all substantive changes are
reported to the Commission in a timely fashion.
Definition: Substantive change is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an
accredited institution. Under federal regulations, substantive change includes
• Any change in the established mission or objectives of the institution
• Any change in legal status, form of control, or ownership of the institution
• The addition of courses or programs that represent a significant departure, either in content or
method of delivery, from those that were offered when the institution was last evaluated
• The addition of courses or programs of study at a degree or credential level different from that
which is included in the institution’s current accreditation or reaffirmation.
• A change from clock hours to credit hours
• A substantial increase in the number of clock or credit hours awarded for successful completion
of a program
• The establishment of an additional location geographically apart from the main campus at which
the institution offers at least 50 percent of an educational program.
• The establishment of a branch campus
• Closing a program, off--‐campus site, branch campus or institution
• Entering into a collaborative academic arrangement such as a dual degree program or a joint
degree program with another institution
• Acquiring another institution or a program or location of another institution
• Adding a permanent location at a site where the institution is conducting a teach--‐out program
for a closed institution
• Entering into a contract by which an entity not eligible for Title IV funding offers 25% or more of
one or more of the accredited institution’s programs
Purpose: The purpose of a Houston Community College (HCC) Substantive Change Procedure is to
ensure HCC compliance with its own substantive change policy and the SACSCOC policy on substantive
change as detailed in The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, Principle
3.12. Rules for substantive change and the notification procedures are to be found in Substantive
Change for Accredited Institutions of the Commission on Colleges: Policy Statement. Both the Principles
of Accreditation and the Substantive Change Policy statement are to be found online on the SACSCOC web
site at http://www.sacscoc.org.
Responsibility: Responsibility for notifying SACSCOC of substantive changes that have occurred or will
occur officially rests with the HCC Accreditation Liaison. At HCC, the Accreditation Liaison is the
Director of Accreditation Compliance. That office is located within the administrative
division headed by the Vice -Chancellor of Instructional Services.
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Responsibility for HCC compliance with its own substantive change policy and that of SACSCOC rests
with the HCC district administration. It is the responsibility o f t h e A c c r e d i t a t i o n C o m p l i a n c e
D i r e c t o r to inform all members of the HCC institution of the SACSCOC policy requirements. HCC’s
substantive change policy is published online at http://www.hccs.edu/district/about-us/policies/ . All
personnel mentioned within the following procedures have been notified of their role in complying with
HCC’s substantive change policy and the SACSCOC substantive change policy and that compliance is
required. These procedures are also published online at http://www.hccs.edu/district/aboutus/accreditation/ .
This procedures document is in three sections, A, B and C. Section A, beginning just below this paragraph,
covers the most common types of substantive change concerning HCC. Section B, beginning on page 6,
covers the procedures for handling uncommon occurrences that involve substantive changes. Section C,
beginning on page 9 lists actions and decisions that called for a substantive change in the
past, have already been made, and reported.
Responsible party
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Area of responsibility
Overall substantive change process
A. Steps to complete common types of Substantive Changes:
1. New programs, degrees, certificates or significant changes to the length of a program or
a. New programs, degrees, certificates, significant changes to the length of an award must be
approved by the HCC Curriculum Committee. Faculty proposing these changes must consult
with the Director or Manager of Curriculum to determine the procedures to follow to be
placed on the agenda of the next Curriculum Committee meeting and to assure a successful
outcome for the proposal.
b. The Director or Manager of Curriculum will determine if the proposed change is of a type to
merit a prospectus or modified prospectus be prepared for submission to SACSCOC. The
Director or Manager of Curriculum will consult with the faculty proposing the change to
determine how far in advance the prospectus or modified prospectus must be submitted to
SACSCOC in order for the change to take place by the date desired by the faculty.
c. Changes proposed that qualify as substantive changes requiring a prospectus will not be
placed on the agenda of the HCC Curriculum Committee unless a completed prospectus or
modified prospectus is included with the paperwork submitted to the Curriculum Committee.
d. The Director or Manager of Curriculum will give copies of the prospectus to the Accreditation
Compliance Director for all changes approved by the Curriculum Committee.
e. The prospectus copy will be filed in the Accreditation Compliance office until the next
regular substantive change letter of notification is written to SACSCOC. The prospectus in
that file will provide the information needed to notify SACSCOC of substantive changes to
the curriculum.
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Responsible party
Faculty proposing curriculum change
Chairman of the Curriculum Committee
Accreditation Compliance Director
Area of responsibility
Completion of form containing prospectus
information; submitting it to the Curriculum
Approval of proposed change; non--‐approval of
proposed curriculum change without an
accompanying prospectus; delivery of copy of
prospectus to Accreditation Compliance Director
Compilation of prospectuses to be sent to
2. Deactivated and closed programs and certificates (with or with--‐out teach--‐out agreements)
a. Program faculty notify the HCC Curriculum Director or Manager of plans to close or deactivate
programs or certificates so that the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board can be notified.
b. The Curriculum Director or Manager will notify the Accreditation Compliance Director’s office, in
writing, of all plans to close or deactivate a program or certificate at the time the Coordinating
Board is notified. If there are students in the certificate or program, a teach--‐out plan must be
submitted in writing to the Director or Manager of Curriculum.
c. The Accreditation Compliance Director will file all such notices and teach out plans until the next
regular substantive change letter of notification is written to SACSCOC.
Responsible party
Faculty of deactivating certificate or
Director of Curriculum
Accreditation Compliance Director
Area of responsibility
Notification of HCC Curriculum Office of plans to
close certificate or program
Delivery of written notice and/or teach out
agreement to Accreditation Compliance Director
Compilation of notices and plans to be sent to
3. New Facilities, Instructional Sites or Campuses or relocation of any site
The SACSCOC office in Atlanta keeps a record of the name and address of every instructional site at which
an HCC credit class is offered. All sites are reported, both owned and leased, where credit or dual credit
classes are offered.
a. All major new facilities are approved by the HCC Board of Trustees.
b. When a major new facility is proposed or if it is proposed that an existing major site be moved,
the HCC Chancellor will provide a copy of the Board agenda page to the Vice--‐Chancellor of
Instructional Services with the name and address of the facility.
c. If the new facility is approved, the Board secretary will provide the Vice Chancellor Instructional
Services with minutes of the approval.
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d. The Vice Chancellor of Instructional Services will provide Board minutes approving the facility to the
Accreditation Compliance Director.
e. The Accreditation Compliance Director will notify the President, the COO and the appropriate
program or department chair (if applicable) if and when a prospectus for the new facility is
needed and establish a deadline for the receipt of the prospectus in the Accreditation
Compliance Director’s office.
f. The Accreditation Compliance Director will file the information about the new facility and send
the prospectus so it will arrive at the SACSCOC office at least 6 months prior to the opening of a
new, major facility.
g. The HCC Assistant Registrar maintains the tables in the PeopleSoft system for all instructional
sites and will notify the Accreditation Compliance Director of the name and address of any new
instructional site that is added to PeopleSoft at any time. This will notify the Accreditation
Compliance Director of any instructional site added (including all dual credit high schools) even
if it is not a major site that required HCC Board approval and at which not more than 50 percent
of any program is offered.
Responsible party
Area of Responsibility
Notifies Vice Chancellor of Instructional Services of
HCC Chancellor
any Board action item to build or acquire a new
facility or to move an existing facility
HCC Board Secretary
Provides Vice Chancellor of Instructional
Services with minutes if action is approved.
Vice--‐Chancellor of Instructional Services
Notifies Accreditation Compliance Director of
new facilities approved by the HCC Board of
Trustees; provides copies of the Minutes of the
Board of Trustees approving the new site
College President, COO, and Program Coordinator(s) Prepare prospectus for facilities at least six
months before a new, major facility opens;
submits prospectus to Accreditation Compliance
HCC Assistant Registrar
Notifies Accreditation Compliance Director of
name and address of any new, minor instructional
site added to PeopleSoft for HCC instruction
Accreditation Compliance Director
Compiles names and addresses of all new
instructional sites; works with college
administrations on prospectuses for major sites;
assists college personnel with writing and
submitting the prospectus; submits the
prospectuses or notices to SACSCOC 6 months prior
to opening a new, major facility
4. Current sites that have reached the 25 percent and are approaching the 50 percent thresholds
SACSCOC will be notified by letter when the college begins to offer 25--‐49 percent of any program at a site.
The letter will contain the date on which the threshold was reached. HCC will notify SACSCOC of a site
reaching this mark in the college’s next substantive change letter. A prospectus for a site and a
substantive change letter to SACSCOC will be prepared when the college approaches the 50 percent
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threshold. Since there is no certain way to know when a site may begin to offer more than 50 percent of
a program, SACSCOC will be notified and a prospectus sent when a site reaches a 40 percent threshold, so
as to ascertain that the prospectus will reach SACSCOC at least six months before a site crosses the 50
percent threshold.
a. The HCC PeopleSoft student system report “Schedule by Campus” collects data including
individual classes offered at all sites, the date each class started, and the instructors’ names.
b. The personnel in the Accreditation Compliance Director’s office will run a “Schedule by Campus”
report on the official day of record each semester (including flex entry dates within semesters)
to determine if any site has crossed the 25 percent threshold or is approaching the 50 percent
threshold that semester.
c. Sites that have crossed the 25 percent threshold are listed with the date of the beginning of
classes at that site that semester. The list will be held in the Accreditation Compliance Director’s
office until the next substantive change letter is mailed to SACSCOC.
d. Because it is difficult to predict exactly when a site will exceed the 50 percent mark for any
program and because HCC must notify SACSCOC six months in advance of such mark and provide
a prospectus three months in advance, HCC will prepare a prospectus for all sites reaching 40
percent of instruction. Half of an associates’ degree is 30 SCH or 10 courses. Therefore a
prospectus will be prepared when there are at least 8 general education courses offered at a site
or a mixture of general education and workforce courses equaling or exceeding
24 SCH.
Responsible party
Accreditation Compliance Director
Accreditation Compliance Director
Accreditation Compliance Director
College Deans and COO
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation
Compliance Director)
Area of Responsibility
Run the “Schedule by Campus” report on official day of
record for each semester (including flex entry dates
within semesters)
Keep list of sites offering 25--‐40 percent of a program
until that semester’s substantive change letter is
Determine if any site has crossed the 40 percent
threshold and notify the colleges of need to prepare
Prepare prospectus for sites that have crossed the 40
percent threshold and return them to the Accreditation
Compliance Director
Prepare a substantive change letter for SACSCOC and
notify it of sites that offer 25 percent of a program and
send prospectuses for sites that have crossed the 40
percent threshold
5. Early college high schools
SACSCOC will be notified by letter of the initiation of an early college high school. When more than 50
percent of any HCC program credit may be obtained at the high school SACSCOC must be sent a
prospectus. The Vice Chancellor of Instructional Services must prepare a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) with the partner school district for operation of an Early College High School and an action item
for approval of the MOU by the HCC Board. The Vice--‐Chancellor of Instructional Services notifies the
Accreditation Compliance Director upon Board approval of the MOU for a new early college high
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school. The Accreditation Compliance Director monitors the high school via the “Schedule by Campus”
report in PeopleSoft mentioned in the above section, so that when it approaches the 50 percent mark,
the appropriate college president and COO can be notified to prepare a prospectus.
Responsible party
Vice-Chancellor of Instructional Services
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
College president, COO and Deans
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation
Compliance Director)
Area of responsibility
Notification of Accreditation Compliance Director
of Board approval of MOU creating a new early
college high school.
Monitor early college high school for requirements
of letter of notification and/or prospectus
Prepare a prospectus for early college high schools
that have crossed the 40% of a program threshold
Send prospectus to SACSCOC for an early college
high school that is at least three months away
from crossing the 50% of a program threshold
B. Steps to complete substantive changes not covered by the above process
The responsibility for reporting all substantive changes rests with the HCC Accreditation Liaison, who is
the Director of Accreditation Compliance. The most common substantive changes and the details of how
they are handled at HCC are listed in Section A of this document. For all other types of substantive
changes, especially those involving significant changes in terms of institutional mission, level of program
or course offerings, and partnerships with other institutions, the Chancellor will play the initiating role,
securing Board and/or State approval (THECB, State Legislature) when required.
Responsible party
HCC Chancellor
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Area of responsibility
Secure HCC Board and/or State approval (THECB
and/or State Legislature) when required and notify
Vice Chancellor of Instructional Services to pursue
needed internal approval processes and
notification processes for SACSCOC in a timely
manner.the substantive change process in a timely
1. Initiating coursework or programs at a different level than currently approved.
This type of change would require the HCC Chancellor to secure approval first by the HCC Board of
Trustees of the intent and second by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).
Additionally, this action is currently not allowed in Texas without specific state legislative action.
Following approval of the intent by the various governing bodies (HCC Board of Trustees, THECB, or
State Legislature), the details of the curriculum would have to follow the internal approval processes as
outlined in the HCC Curriculum Handbook. The Vice Chancellor of Instruction would oversee the
approval processes and ensure that sufficient time is allowed to accommodate the twelve months
advanced notice and prior approval required by SACSCOC before the implementation.
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Responsible party
HCC Chancellor
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Area of responsibility
Secure HCC Board and/or State approval (THECB
and/or State Legislature) when required and notify
Vice Chancellor of Instructional Services to pursue
needed internal approval processes and
notification processes for SACSCOC in a timely
manner.the substantive change process in a timely
2. Altering significantly the educational mission of the institution.
The fundamental educational mission of Texas community colleges is determined by the State
Legislature and overseen by the THECB. With each new Strategic Plan, the HCC Board revisits the HCC
Mission Statement to ensure its alignment with state law, THECB rules and regulations, and to phrase it
in terms that they feel best serve the interests of the community. Any significant change in the
educational mission would necessarily require concurrent conversations and approval by all governing
bodies (HCC Board, THECB, and the State Legislature). The Chancellor will communicate the desire of
the Board to make any significant changes in the educational mission of the institution to the Vice
Chancellor for Instructional Services for subsequent notification to SACSCOC.
Responsible party
HCC Chancellor
Vice-Chancellor for Instructional Services
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Area of responsibility
Secure HCC Board and/or State approval (THECB
and/or State Legislature) when required and notify
Vice Chancellor of Instructional Services to pursue
needed internal approval processes and to notify
the Accreditation Liaison i n or de r to notify
SACSCOC in a timely manner.
Notify the Accreditation Compliance Director of the
impending change
Execute the substantive change process in a timely
3. Initiating joint or dual degrees with another institution.
This type of change would come as a result of a contract or agreement originated by the highest levels
of the HCC administration and would potentially require the HCC Chancellor to secure the approval of
the HCC Board of Trustees. Upon Board approval, the HCC Chancellor would direct the Vice--‐Chancellor
of Instructional Services and the Accreditation Compliance Director so that the process of notifying
SACSCOC and requesting its approval could be completed in a timely manner.
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Responsible party
HCC Chancellor
Vice-Chancellor for Instructional Services
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Area of responsibility
Secure HCC Board and/or State approval (THECB
and/or State Legislature) when required and notify
Vice Chancellor of Instructional Services to pursue
needed internal approval processes and to notify
the Accreditation Liaison
Notify the Accreditation Compliance Director of the
impending change
Execute the substantive change process in a timely
4. Initiating programs or courses offered through contractual agreement or consortium.
This type of arrangement is likely to begin at the program level in the instructional departments. A dean
and ultimately a college president would be involved in the initial stages. HCC regulations do not allow
the college presidents to sign contracts that would obligate HCC to participate in this type of
arrangement without the HCC Chancellor’s approval. Once the Chancellor has approved, the Chancellor
will seek Board and/or State approval when required and notify the Vice--‐Chancellor of Instructional
Services to pursue the internal approval processes and to work with the Accreditation Compliance
Director to notify SACSCOC in a timely manner.
Responsible party
HCC Chancellor
Area of responsibility
Secure HCC Board and/or State approval (THECB
and/or State Legislature) as required and notify
Vice Chancellor of Instructional Services to
pursue needed internal approval processes
Vice-Chancellor for Instructional Services
Notify the Accreditation Compliance Director of the
impending change
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Execute the substantive change process in a timely
5. Entering into a contract with an entity not certified to participate in USDOE Title IV programs.
This type of agreement would begin at the highest levels of HCC administration and would potentially
require HCC Board of Trustees approval. Once the Chancellor has approved, the Chancellor will seek
Board and/or State approval, when required, and notify the Vice--‐Chancellor of Instructional Services to
pursue the internal approval processes and to work with the Accreditation Compliance Director in order
to notify SACSCOC in a timely manner.
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Responsible party
HCC Chancellor
Vice-Chancellor for Instructional Services
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Area of responsibility
Secure HCC Board and/or State approval (THECB
and/or State Legislature) when required and notify
Vice Chancellor of Instructional Services to
pursue needed internal approval processes and
notification processes for SACSCOC in a timely
Notify the Accreditation Compliance Director of the
impending change
Execute the substantive change process in a timely
6. Changing governance, ownership, control or legal status, or acquiring a program from another
institution, or adding a permanent location at a site where the institution is conducting a teach--‐out for
students from another institution that is closing.
Taking over another institution’s governance, building(s) or programs or teaching--‐out another
institution’s programs are activities that would be initiated at the highest levels of HCC administration
and would require the approval of the HCC Board of Trustees. Once the Chancellor has approved, the
Chancellor will seek Board and/or State approval, when required, and notify the Vice--‐Chancellor of
Instructional Services to pursue the internal approval processes and to work with the Accreditation
Compliance Director in order to notify SACSCOC in a timely manner.
Responsible party
HCC Chancellor
Vice-Chancellor for Instructional Services
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Area of responsibility
Secure HCC Board and/or State approval (THECB
and/or State Legislature) as required and notify
Vice Chancellor of Instruction to pursue needed
internal approval processes and notification
processes for SACSCOC in a timely manner.
Notify the Accreditation Compliance Director of the
impending change
Execute the substantive change process in a timely
7. Initiating a merger or consolidation with another institution.
Merging with another institution would be initiated at the highest levels of HCC administration and
would require the approval of the Board of Trustees and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board. Once the Chancellor has approved, the Chancellor will seek Board and/or State approval when
required and notify the Vice--‐Chancellor of Instructional Services to pursue the internal approval processes
and to work with the Accreditation Compliance Director to notify SACSCOC in a timely manner.
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Responsible party
HCC Chancellor
Vice-Chancellor for Instructional Services
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Area of responsibility
Secure HCC Board and/or State approval (THECB
and/or State Legislature) as required and notify
Vice Chancellor of Instruction to pursue needed
internal approval processes and notification
processes for SACSCOC in a timely manner.
Notify the Accreditation Compliance Director of the
impending change
Execute the substantive change process in a timely
8. Contracting with another institution to teach--‐out HCC students after closing a program, off--‐campus
site, branch campus or the institution. [The scenario of HCC teaching--‐out another institution’s students
is covered in 6. above.]
If HCC closes a program, a site, or decides to close altogether, and contracts with another institution to
teach--‐out HCC’s students, the decision to do so will be made at the highest levels of the HCC
administration and would require the approval of the Board of Trustees and the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board. The Vice--‐Chancellor of Instructional Services would inform the Accreditation
Compliance Director of this event. From that point the procedures for notifying SACSCOC would be
Responsible party
HCC Chancellor
Area of responsibility
Secure HCC Board and/or State approval (THECB
and/or State Legislature) as required and notify
Vice Chancellor of Instructiona l Se r v i ce s to
pursue needed internal approval processes
Vice-Chancellor for Instructional Services
Notify the Accreditation Compliance Director of the
impending change
Accreditation Liaison (Accreditation Compliance
Execute the substantive change process in a timely
C. Substantive Changes for which all notifications and reports have been made:
1. Initiating Distance Learning.
2. Offering 50% or more of all programs taught at HCC via Distance Learning.
3. Changing from clock hours to credit hours.
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