Lesson Title: - McKay School of Education

S ystematic & E ngaging E arly L iteracy

Mouse Mess (Sound Identification)


Students will say the first sound they hear in a series of words that begin with the letter M .

Target words and phrases mouse, mix, make, mess, mat , “Make a mess with macaroni.”, “Mice make a mighty mess.”


 Mouse Mess by Linnea Riley (optional)

 Small empty trash can (for items that do not begin with the / m / sound)

 Mop (made with yarn taped to the end of a pencil)

 Thick paper for a messy mat

/ m / and non –/ m / items or picture cards

Make Mouse a Muffin text

Millie the Mouse graphic

State and model the objective

Read Mouse Mess by Linnea Riley (optional). Say, "Who likes to make a mess? Does your mom like you to make a mess like the mouse in the story? Making a mess isn’t usually allowed but today we're going to learn the / m / sound while we make a mess! We’re going to make a mess on a messy mat with things beginning with the / m / sound.

Identify and emphasize target words and phrases within an activity

Have the students take turns selecting a picture or object to mix into the mess using the mop.

State the name of each picture or object, emphasizing the initial sound, and ask the student, “Should we mix the ______ in the mess?”

 Have the class determine whether each item should go on the messy mat or in the trash. Ensure that

 pictures and objects that begin with a sound other than the / m / sound are placed in the trash and students understand why they do not belong on the messy mat .

Once all of the objects have been selected and placed on the messy mat, have the students mix, make, mash, and move the mess. Then use a mop to “mop up the mess”.

Have the students say the alliterative actions while doing them, for example, “Mash macaroni into the mouse mess,” or “Mix the mouse mess.”

Note: Just call it a “mess” throughout the activity if the class did not read Mouse Mess.

Read target words/patterns introduced in the activity

 As a class, write a list of things that started with the / m / sound that they put in the mouse mess. Choral read

 the list.

Read Make Mouse a Muffin text. Display the text for the students to see. Every time they hear a word that starts with the / m / sound have the students clap their hands.

Write about the activity using target words/patterns

Give each student a Millie the Mouse graphic.

Have the students draw all of the /m/ items that were placed in the mouse mess on the messy mat.

Have the students label each object they had drawn. Support as needed.

1 BYU David O. McKay School of Education

© 2012 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University

S ystematic & E ngaging E arly L iteracy

Mouse Mess (Sound Identification)

/m/ and Non–/m/ Picture Cards

2 BYU David O. McKay School of Education

© 2012 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University

S ystematic & E ngaging E arly L iteracy

Mouse Mess (Sound Identification)


© 2008 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University All rights reserved

© 2008 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University All rights reserved

BYU David O. McKay School of Education

© 2012 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University

© 2008 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University All rights reserved

© 2008 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University All rights reserved

S ystematic & E ngaging E arly L iteracy

Mouse Mess (Sound Identification)

Make Mouse a Muffin Text


Make Mouse a Muffin

Make mouse a muffin.

Mix many M’s into the muffin.

Mash a marshmallow into the muffin.

Mix macaroni into the muffin.

Mix money into muffin.

Mix a mint into the muffin.

Microwave the muffin for a minute.

Mouse might munch the muffin!

Mouse might munch the muffin with many mice!

BYU David O. McKay School of Education

© 2012 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University

S ystematic & E ngaging E arly L iteracy

Mouse Mess (Sound Identification)

Millie Mouse Graphic





5 BYU David O. McKay School of Education

© 2012 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University

S ystematic & E ngaging E arly L iteracy

Mouse Mess (Sound Identification)


Playing to Learn

Goal: Generate words that begin with the / m / sound (e.g., mouse ).

You will need

Items in the folder: Millie Mouse picture

From home: sack; objects beginning with the / m / sound; mop, pencil

Activity: Mouse Mess

1. Have your child hold the Millie Mouse graphic and a sack as they look around the house for objects beginning with the / m / sound.

2. Take turns finding an object. Say the name of the object and then ask, “Can ___ go in the mess for Millie

Mouse?” Put the object into the sack only if it begins with the / m /sound.

3. When you have found several objects, pour all the objects on the floor or table. Take turns mixing the mess for Millie Mouse.

4. At the end of the activity, pretend to clean up the mess by using a mop. Say, “Mop up the mess,” while repeating the action of mopping.

Remember to be playful and have fun!

The activity can be repeated several times.

© 2014 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University


Playing to Learn

Goal: Generate words that begin with the / m / sound (e.g., mouse ).

You will need

Items in the folder: Millie Mouse picture

From home: sack; objects beginning with the / m / sound; mop, pencil

Activity: Mouse Mess

1. Have your child hold the Millie Mouse graphic and a sack as they look around the house for objects beginning with the / m / sound.

2. Take turns finding an object. Say the name of the object and then ask, “Can ___ go in the mess for Millie

Mouse?” Put the object into the sack only if it begins with the / m /sound.

3. When you have found several objects, pour all the objects on the floor or table. Take turns mixing the mess for Millie Mouse.

4. At the end of the activity, pretend to clean up the mess by using a mop . Say, “Mop up the mess,” while repeating the action of mopping.

Remember to be playful and have fun!

The activity can be repeated several times.

© 2014 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young

6 BYU David O. McKay School of Education

© 2012 Project SEEL, McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University