Appendix 1 – Search strategies PubMed: (attention deficit

Appendix 1 – Search strategies
PubMed: (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder[Title/Abstract]; attention deficit
disorder[Title/Abstract]; hyperkinetic disorder[Title/Abstract]; hyperkinetic syndrome[Title/Abstract];
hyperkinesis[Title/Abstract]; ADHD[Title/Abstract]) AND(friends[Title/Abstract] OR
bullying[Title/Abstract] OR social skills[Title/Abstract] OR communication[Title/Abstract] OR social
life[Title/Abstract] OR adaptive function[Title/Abstract] OR stress[Title/Abstract] OR
hyperactivity[Title/Abstract] OR social relationships[Title/Abstract] OR peer
relationships[Title/Abstract] OR partner[Title/Abstract] OR marriage[Title/Abstract] OR
divorce[Title/Abstract] OR family[Title/Abstract] OR alcohol[Title/Abstract] OR drugs[Title/Abstract]
OR drug abuse[Title/Abstract] OR alcohol abuse[Title/Abstract] OR alcoholism[Title/Abstract] OR
addiction[Title/Abstract] OR suicide[Title/Abstract] OR impulsiveness[Title/Abstract] OR
participation[Title/Abstract] OR activities[Title/Abstract] OR hobbies[Title/Abstract] OR
sports[Title/Abstract] OR leisure activities[Title/Abstract] OR accident[Title/Abstract] OR
function[Title/Abstract] OR functional impairment[Title/Abstract] OR executive
function[Title/Abstract] OR mental health[Title/Abstract] OR inattention[Title/Abstract] OR
independence[Title/Abstract] OR autonomy[Title/Abstract] OR learning[Title/Abstract] OR joint
attention[Title/Abstract] OR theory of mind[Title/Abstract] OR school[Title/Abstract] OR
education[Title/Abstract] OR academic[Title/Abstract] OR degree[Title/Abstract] OR
grade[Title/Abstract] OR graduation[Title/Abstract] OR expulsion[Title/Abstract] OR
transition[Title/Abstract] OR career[Title/Abstract] OR occupation[Title/Abstract] OR
socioeconomic[Title/Abstract] OR income[Title/Abstract] OR salary[Title/Abstract] OR
promotion[Title/Abstract] OR employment[Title/Abstract] OR behavior problems[Title/Abstract] OR
health related quality of life[Title/Abstract] OR quality of life[Title/Abstract] OR
measures[Title/Abstract] OR interview[Title/Abstract] OR observation[Title/Abstract] OR
rating[Title/Abstract] OR self-report[Title/Abstract] OR parent-report[Title/Abstract] OR teacherreport[Title/Abstract] OR questionnaire[Title/Abstract] OR inventory[Title/Abstract] OR
classification[Title/Abstract] OR checklist[Title/Abstract] OR assessment[Title/Abstract]
ORICF[Title/Abstract] OR ICF-CY[Title/Abstract] OR vocational rehabilitation[Title/Abstract] OR selfcare[Title/Abstract] OR environment[Title/Abstract] OR home[Title/Abstract] OR domestic
life[Title/Abstract] OR support[Title/Abstract] OR criminality[Title/Abstract] OR
antisocial[Title/Abstract] OR oppositional[Title/Abstract] OR incarceration[Title/Abstract] OR
arrest[Title/Abstract] OR death[Title/Abstract] OR obesity[Title/Abstract] OR outcome[Title/Abstract]
OR disability[Title/Abstract] OR special education[Title/Abstract] OR social
impairment[Title/Abstract] OR neurocognitive function[Title/Abstract] OR psychosocial function)
Medline: ((MH “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”) OR(MH “Hyperkinesis”)) AND(“behavior
and behavior mechanisms”/ or adaptation/ or psychological/ or behavior/ or accident proneness/ or
adolescent behavior/ or behavioral symptoms/ or affective symptoms/ or exp aggression/ or
depression/ or exp obsessive behavior/ or paranoid behavior/ or exp self-injurious behavior/ or
stress, psychological/ or wandering behavior/ or exp child behavior/ or “codependency
(psychology)”/ or exp communication/ or dangerous behavior/ or exp drinking behavior/ or drugseeking behavior/ or exploratory behavior/ or feeding behavior/ or habits/ or food habits/ or
smoking/ or exp health behavior/ or illness behavior/ or imitative behavior/ or impulsive behavior/ or
exp “inhibition (psychology)”/ or motor activity/ or personal satisfaction/ or exp reproductive
behavior/ or risk reduction behavior/ or exp risk-taking/ or self-stimulation/ or exp sexual behavior/
or social behavior/ or aggression/ or altruism/ or anomie/ or competitive behavior/ or cooperative
behavior/ or deception/ or professional misconduct/ or “rejection (psychology)”/ or scapegoating/ or
shyness/ or social adjustment/ or social conformity/ or social desirability/ or social discrimination/ or
social distance/ or social identification/ or social isolation/ or social marginalization/ or social stigma/
or stereotyping/ or stereotyped behavior/ or exp “tobacco use cessation”/ or child rearing/ or exp
defense mechanisms/ or exp emotions/ or human characteristics/ or exp human development/ or
mental competency/ or achievement/ or “aspirations (psychology)”/ or “conflict (psychology)”/ or
drive/ or goals/ or intention/ or neurobehavioral manifestations/ or anhedonia/ or apraxias/ or
catatonia/ or exp confusion/ or lethargy/ or intellectual disability/ or exp psychomotor disorders/ or
exp personality/ or psychology, social/ or family/ or exp family characteristics/ or exp family
relations/ or exp nuclear family/ or single-parent family/ or interpersonal relations/ or exp life style/
or human activities/ or exp “activities of daily living”/ or exp automobile driving/ or exercise/ or exp
leisure activities/ or physical fitness/ or retirement/ or exp work/ or accidents/ or accidental falls/ or
accidents, home/ or accidents, occupational/ or accidents, traffic/ or exp drowning/ or “psychological
phenomena and processes”/ or mental health/ or mental processes/ or exp cognition/ or executive
function/ or exp learning/ or perception/ or auditory perception/ or “theory of mind”/ or exp
thinking/ or personal autonomy/ or exp psychomotor performance/ or exp psychophysiology/ or
resilience, psychological/ or socioeconomic factors/ or career mobility/ or educational status/ or exp
employment/ or exp family characteristics/ or exp income/ or exp occupations/ or social problems/
or exp crime/ or exp dangerous behavior/ or divorce/ or exp homicide/ or illegitimacy/ or incest/ or
juvenile delinquency/ or needle sharing/ or poverty/ or prostitution/ or runaway behavior/ or exp
suicide/ or exp violence/ or “Quality of Life”/ or data collection/ or exp interviews as topic/ or
narration/ or exp questionnaires/ or rehabilitation/ or “activities of daily living”/ or occupational
therapy/ or rehabilitation, vocational/ or exp social environment/ or crime/ or fraud/ or exp
homicide/ or exp sex offenses/ or theft/ or violence/ or exp domestic violence/ or death/ or obesity/
or “delivery of health care”/ or “outcome assessment (health care)”/ or exp disability evaluation/ or
education, special/ or “mainstreaming (education)”)
PsycINFO: (exp attention deficit disorder/) AND (exp interpersonal relationships/ or antisocial
behavior/ or exp criminal behavior/ or exp juvenile delinquency/ or runaway behavior/ or exp
violence/ or drinking behavior/ or exp alcohol drinking patterns/ or social behavior/ or exp aggressive
behavior/ or exp compliance/ or exp gambling/ or exp prosocial behavior/ or exp risk taking/ or social
cognition/ or social drinking/ or exp social interaction/ or social skills/ or exp ability/ or exp behavior
disorders/ or exp leisure time/ or exp executive function/ or exp personality traits/ or exp
achievement/ or socioeconomic status/ or family socioeconomic level/ or income level/ or exp
“quality of life”/ or measurement/ or achievement measures/ or aptitude measures/ or performance
tests/ or exp psychiatric evaluation/ or exp psychological assessment/ or exp questionnaires/ or exp
rating scales/ or symptom checklists/ or exp disabilities/ or social environments/ or academic
environment/ or home environment/ or working conditions/ or exp behavior problems/ or law
enforcement/ or incarceration/ or legal arrest/ or legal detention/ or “death and dying”/ or exp
overweight/ or treatment outcomes/ or special education/ or exp stress/ or exp symptoms/ or
mental health/ or accidents/ or falls/ or home accidents/ or daily activities/ or learning/ or theory of
mind/ or exp rehabilitation/ or attention/ or exp sustained attention)
ERIC: SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Attention Deficit Disorders ") AND (SU.EXACT("Marriage") OR
SU.EXACT("Interpersonal Relationship") OR SU.EXACT("Collegiality") OR SU.EXACT("Caregiver Child
Relationship") OR SU.EXACT("Family Relationship") OR SU.EXACT("Friendship") OR
SU.EXACT("Teacher Student Relationship") OR SU.EXACT("Peer Relationship") OR SU.EXACT("Crime")
OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Failure") OR SU.EXACT("Smoking") OR SU.EXACT("Student Participation") OR
SU.EXACT("Job Performance") OR SU.EXACT("Participation") OR SU.EXACT("Antisocial Behavior") OR
SU.EXACT("Aggression") OR SU.EXACT("Hyperactivity") OR SU.EXACT("Social Behavior") OR
SU.EXACT("Academic Failure") OR SU.EXACT("Addictive Behavior") OR SU.EXACT("Performance") OR
SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Adjustment (to Environment)") OR SU.EXACT("Drug Abuse") OR
SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Child Behavior") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Self Destructive Behavior") OR
SU.EXACT("Parent Participation") OR SU.EXACT("Substance Abuse") OR SU.EXACT("Citizen
Participation") OR SU.EXACT("Life Style") OR SU.EXACT("Bullying") OR SU.EXACT("Violence") OR
SU.EXACT("Family Involvement") OR SU.EXACT("Behavior") OR SU.EXACT("Student Adjustment") OR
SU.EXACT("Suicide") OR SU.EXACT("Imitation") OR SU.EXACT("Social Adjustment") OR
SU.EXACT("Health Behavior") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Drug Use") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Drinking")
OR SU.EXACT("Alcohol Abuse") OR SU.EXACT("Success") OR SU.EXACT("Vandalism") OR
SU.EXACT("Community Involvement") OR SU.EXACT("Student Behavior") OR SU.EXACT("Cheating")
OR SU.EXACT("School Involvement") OR SU.EXACT("Nonverbal Communication") OR
SU.EXACT("Verbal Communication") OR SU.EXACT("Communication (Thought Transfer)") OR
SU.EXACT("Interpersonal Communication") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Language Skills") OR
SU.EXACT("Competence") OR SU.EXACT("Interpersonal Competence") OR SU.EXACT("Daily Living
Skills") OR SU.EXACT("Home Economics Skills") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Cognitive Ability") OR
SU.EXACT("Nonverbal Ability") OR SU.EXACT("Homemaking Skills") OR SU.EXACT("Basic Skills") OR
SU.EXACT("Job Skills") OR SU.EXACT("Thinking Skills") OR SU.EXACT("Skills") OR SU.EXACT("Academic
Ability") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Language Proficiency") OR SU.EXACT("Minimum Competencies")
OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Psychomotor Skills") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Communication Skills") OR
SU.EXACT("Ability") OR SU.EXACT("Learning Activities") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Recreational
Activities") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Physical Activities") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Creative Activities")
OR SU.EXACT("Play") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("School Activities") OR SU.EXACT("Activities") OR
SU.EXACT("Cognitive Processes") OR SU.EXACT("Executive Function") OR SU.EXACT("Social
Cognition") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Learning Processes") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Language
Processing") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Conflict Resolution") OR SU.EXACT("Personal Autonomy") OR
SU.EXACT("Overachievement") OR SU.EXACT("Low Achievement") OR SU.EXACT("Achievement") OR
SU.EXACT("Graduation") OR SU.EXACT("High Achievement") OR SU.EXACT("Academic Achievement")
OR SU.EXACT("Underachievement") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Employment Level") OR
SU.EXACT("Social Status") OR SU.EXACT("Socioeconomic Status") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Marital
Status") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Economic Status") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Quality of Life") OR
SU.EXACT("Performance Tests") OR SU.EXACT("Nonverbal Tests") OR SU.EXACT("Rating Scales") OR
SU.EXACT("Screening Tests") OR SU.EXACT("Behavior Rating Scales") OR SU.EXACT("Questionnaires")
OR SU.EXACT("Tests") OR SU.EXACT("Diagnostic Tests") OR SU.EXACT("Cognitive Tests") OR
SU.EXACT("Aptitude Tests") OR SU.EXACT("Social Environment") OR SU.EXACT("Work Environment")
OR SU.EXACT("Family Environment") OR SU.EXACT("Environment") OR SU.EXACT("Physical
Environment") OR SU.EXACT("Social Isolation") OR SU.EXACT("Disadvantaged Environment") OR
SU.EXACT("Educational Environment") OR SU.EXACT("Problems") OR SU.EXACT("Financial Problems")
OR SU.EXACT("Barriers") OR SU.EXACT("Labor Problems") OR SU.EXACT("Learning Problems") OR
SU.EXACT("Family Problems") OR SU.EXACT("Discipline Problems") OR SU.EXACT("Employment
Problems") OR SU.EXACT("Communication Problems") OR SU.EXACT("Emotional Problems") OR
SU.EXACT("Youth Problems") OR SU.EXACT("Writing Difficulties") OR SU.EXACT("Reading
Difficulties") OR SU.EXACT("Behavior Problems") OR SU.EXACT("Death") OR SU.EXACT("Homicide")
OR SU.EXACT("Suicide") OR SU.EXACT("Outcome Measures") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Special
Education") OR SU.EXACT("Anxiety") OR SU.EXACT("Depression (Psychology)") OR
SU.EXACT("Defense Mechanisms") OR SU.EXACT("Wellness") OR SU.EXACT("Child Health") OR
SU.EXACT("Mental Health") OR SU.EXACT("Physical Health") OR SU.EXACT("Physical Fitness") OR
SU.EXACT("Accidents") OR SU.EXACT("Social Life") OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Injuries") OR
SU.EXACT("Addictive Behavior") OR SU.EXACT("Communication Disorders") OR
SU.EXACT("Disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Congenital Impairments") OR SU.EXACT("Learning
Disabilities") OR SU.EXACT("Adventitious Impairments") OR SU.EXACT("Developmental Disabilities")
OR SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Language Impairments") OR SU.EXACT("Behavior Disorders") OR
SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Speech Impairments") OR SU.EXACT("Multiple Disabilities") OR
SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Rehabilitation") OR SU.EXACT("Body Weight") OR
SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Psychological Characteristics") OR SU.EXACT("Conceptual Tempo"))
Cinahl: ((MH "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder") OR (MH "Hyperkinesis")) AND ((MH
"Adaptation, Psychological+") OR (MH "Behavior") OR (MH "Child Rearing") OR (MH "Defense
Mechanisms") OR (MH "Emotions") OR (MH "Human Development") OR (MH "Motivation") OR (MH
"Neurobehavioral Manifestations") OR (MH "Personal Values") OR (MH "Personality") OR (MH
"Psychology, Social") OR (MH "Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms") OR (MH "Adolescent Behavior")
OR (MH "Affection") OR (MH "Assertiveness+") OR (MH "Attachment Behavior") OR (MH "ParentInfant Bonding") OR (MH "Prenatal Bonding") OR (MH "Behavior, Addictive+") OR (MH "Behavioral
Changes") OR (MH "Behavioral Objectives") OR (MH "Child Behavior+") OR (MH "Codependency") OR
(MH "Coercion") OR (MH "Communication+") OR (MH "Competitive Behavior") OR (MH "Compulsive
Behavior") OR (MH "Cooperative Behavior") OR (MH "Coping+") OR (MH "Disengagement") OR (MH
"Disruptive Behavior") OR (MH "Drinking Behavior+") OR (MH "Eating Behavior+") OR (MH "Habits+")
OR (MH "Harm Reduction") OR (MH "Patient Compliance+") OR (MH "Health Behavior") OR (MH
"Medication Compliance") OR (MH "Treatment Refusal") OR (MH "Help Seeking Behavior") OR (MH
"Human Error") OR (MH "Maternal Behavior") OR (MH "Motor Activity+") OR (MH "Parental
Behavior") OR (MH "Paternal Behavior") OR (MH "Power+") OR (MH "Risk Taking Behavior+") OR (MH
"Self-Injurious Behavior") OR (MH "Sexuality+") OR (MH "Social Behavior+") OR (MH "Social
Conformity") OR (MH "Social Dominance+") OR (MH "Social Skills") OR (MH "Substance Abuse+") OR
(MH "Wandering Behavior") OR (MH "Activities of Daily Living+") OR (MH "Exercise") OR (MH
"Leisure Activities") OR (MH "Physical Fitness+") OR (MH "Recreation+") OR (MH "Walking") OR (MH
"Relaxation") OR (MH "Sports+") OR (MH "Work") OR (MH "Vehicle Operation+") OR (MH
"Vacations") OR (MH "Accidents") OR (MH "Accidental Falls") OR (MH "Accidents, Home") OR (MH
"Accidents, Occupational") OR (MH "Accidents, Traffic") OR (MH "Drowning+") OR (MH "Mental
Health") OR (MH "Mental Processes+") OR (MH "Psychological Well-Being") OR (MH "Psychomotor
Performance+") OR (MH "Psychophysiology+") OR (MH "Socioeconomic Factors") OR (MH
"Educational Status") OR (MH "Employment+") OR (MH "Family Characteristics+") OR (MH
"Income+") OR (MH "Occupations and Professions") OR (MH "Career Mobility") OR (MH "Professional
Development") OR (MH "Promotion and Tenure") OR (MH "Unemployment") OR (MH "Child
Abuse+") OR (MH "Social Problems") OR (MH "Crime") OR (MH "Assault and Battery") OR (MH "Elder
Abuse") OR (MH "Fraud") OR (MH "Homicide") OR (MH "Recidivism") OR (MH "Sexual Abuse+") OR
(MH "Stalking") OR (MH "Theft") OR (MH "Violence") OR (MH "Domestic Violence+") OR (MH
"Suicide+") OR (MH "Substance Abuse+") OR (MH "Runaways") OR (MH "Pregnancy in
Adolescence+") OR (MH "Divorce") OR (MH "Juvenile Delinquency") OR (MH "Quality of Life+") OR
(MH "Focus Groups") OR (MH "Interviews+") OR (MH "Narratives") OR (MH "Observational
Methods+") OR (MH "Projective Techniques+") OR (MH "Self Report") OR (MH "Surveys") OR (MH
"Record Review") OR (MH "Rehabilitation, Vocational") OR (MH "Rehabilitation, Psychosocial") OR
(MH "Rehabilitation, Pediatric") OR (MH "Physical Therapy") OR (MH "Occupational Therapy") OR
(MH "Home Rehabilitation") OR (MH "Activities of Daily Living") OR (MH "Rehabilitation") OR (MH
"Social Environment+") OR (MH "Obesity+") OR (MH "Outcome Assessment") OR (MH "Disability
Evaluation+") OR (MH "Education, Special") OR (MH "Mainstreaming (Education)")