Science 9 – Atoms, Elements and Compounds Guiding Question – Why does matter, matter? Investigation Lab: Pure Genius Name:____________________ Date:________________ Bl:__ Sample #___________________ Purpose To use your scientific method and laboratory skills To design your own experimental method in order to determine the true identity of a pure substance To collect, present, interpret and explain data make conclusions To reflect on the validity of observations and make connections to chemistry in real life To write a formal scientific lab report of your findings What are we going to do? 1. Obtain your sample of your pure substance and write the number of the container. Question: What is the identity of the unknown pure substance “__”? 2. Design a logical, complete and safe method in which you will collect data and observations of your unknown pure substance’s physical properties (color, odor, conductivity, lustre, harness, density, melting temperature, boiling temperature, solubility, etc.) 3. Follow your method to record detailed quantitative data and qualitative observations of your pure substance’s physical properties. 4. Compare your data and observations to known properties of pure substances from a chemistry data table such as: and Appendix C Table of Properties provided. Identify and explain your unknown pure substance using correct scientific reasoning. 5. Evaluate how valid your method was in determining the identity of your unknown pure substance. 6. Explain how your method could be improved. What new questions do you now have for future investigations? 7. Hand in a formal lab report of your investigation, along with a self-assessment of this criteria sheet. 8. Due Date:____________________________ Formal Lab Report Checklist: In order to be assessed on your inquiring/designing and processing/evaluating skills, you must write and hand in a formal lab report that includes the following headings (bold and underlined): o o o o o o Title of Lab centered at the top, with your name, lab partner’s name, block, and date on top right hand corner Purpose o Question: What is the identity of the unknown pure substance “__”? Method o All materials and equipment are listed o List of steps and/or diagram flow chart that thoroughly and completely explains your method design Data and Observations o Accurate and complete with all units o Original data tables and drawn with a ruler and in pen Can create a “good copy” of data and observations if desired, but must hand in original “raw” data as an appendix o All calculations are clearly shown with units Discussion o Written in full sentences. o Answers statements 4, 5 and 6 above Conclusion o Summarizes the purpose and the key findings of your experimental investigation Assessed by:_____________________________________ Criteria for Lab Investigation: Please ensure you have completed ALL items on the formal lab report checklist. Criterion B: Inquiring and Designing (0) I have not achieved a standard described by any of the descriptors to the right. Beginning (1-2) I am able to: state a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation Developing (3-4) I am able to: outline a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation design & communicate in formal lab design & communicate in formal lab report a method, with limited report a safe method in which he or success. she selects materials and equipment. Accomplished (5-6) Exemplary (7-8) I am able to: I am able to: describe a problem or question to be explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation tested by a scientific investigation design & communicate in formal lab report a complete and safe method in which I select appropriate materials and equipment. design & communicate in formal lab report a logical, complete and safe method in which I select appropriate materials and equipment. Criterion C: Processing and Evaluating (0) I have not achieved a standard described by any of the descriptors to the right. Beginning (1-2) Developing (3-4) Accomplished (5-6) Exemplary (7-8) I am able to: I am able to: I am able to: collect and present data in numerical correctly collect and present data in correctly collect, organize and and/or visual forms numerical and/or visual forms present data in numerical and/or visual forms I am able to: correctly collect, organize, transform and present data in numerical and/ or visual forms interpret data accurately interpret data and explain results using correct scientific reasoning accurately interpret data and explain results accurately interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning state the validity of the method outline the validity of the method discuss the validity of the method evaluate the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific based on the outcome of a scientific based on the outcome of a scientific based on the outcome of a scientific investigation investigation investigation investigation state at least 1 improvements or extensions to the method. outline at least 1 improvements or describe at least 2 improvements or explain at least 3 improvements or extensions to the method that would extensions to the method that would extensions to the method that would benefit the scientific investigation. benefit the scientific investigation. benefit the scientific investigation. A Selection of some Command Terms for Sciences Describe - Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process Design - Produce a plan, simulation or model Discuss - Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence Evaluate - Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations Explain - Give a detailed account Outline - Give a brief account Present - Offer for display, observation, examination or consideration State - Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation