our full list of available courses

In company Courses
In addition to the courses on our public programme all the courses listed below can be delivered as incompany courses:
The six concepts of statistical thinking - 1 day - Foundation
This refreshingly different course provides you with an introduction to statistics and analyses and takes you
through the 6 key concepts that underlie all statistical thinking and analysis.
Turn trends into actions – 1 day – Foundation
If you’re looking to improve the way you plan your business and save money by introducing statistical
forecasting then this course is ideal.
Add value with statistical thinking – 1 day – Foundation
Statistical thinking should not be the preserve of technical experts. If your role requires you to understand
and make use of statistical data and reports produced by other analysts, then you need to be a statistical
thinker as well.
Analytical Teams – 2 day – Foundation
Today there are greater opportunities for analytical teams to work with their customers, to help them plan
and deliver business outputs in an efficient and effective way, and with measurable impact. But how do you
ensure that your analytical advice is heard, understood, used and valued. What barriers get in the way of
building powerful and productive partnerships and how can they be overcome?
Inspirational leadership within a statistical organisation – 1 day – Foundation
Statisticians play a crucial role in providing evidence and advice to help others in their efficiency agendas,
whilst also finding efficiencies of their own. This 2 day workshop aims to enhance participants’ understanding
of effective leadership behaviours, with particular emphasis on leading through periods of uncertainty,
change and when facing dilemmas.
Effective presentation – 1 day – Foundation
This course is for statisticians who are expected to deliver presentations to large and small audiences, and
who would like to be more polished and confident in doing so.
Mentoring and coaching – 1 day – Foundation
Mentoring and coaching can be powerful and cost-effective ways of developing people within the workplace.
There is a wealth of evidence to show that the usefulness of mentoring and coaching relationships is
significantly enhanced if the mentor/coach has been trained in how to undertake the role.
Understanding credit scoring – 1 day – Foundation
Credit scoring is now the most common means of banks and other lenders making consumer lending
decisions. This workshop introduces the delegates to the business context and discusses the statistical
methods and models and related statistical issues within that context
Questionnaire design – 1 day – Foundation
Through looking at a wide range of pitfalls, this course explores ways to assess the effectiveness of existing
questionnaires as well as how to write successful new questionnaires.
Questionnaire design and web-surveys – 1 day – Foundation
The first screen of your web survey can make or break your study (Dillman et al 2009). This course is about
how to create a visually effective respondent friendly web questionnaire and how to implement it in an
optimal way.
Introduction to Bayesian analysis – 1 day – Foundation
This course will introduce attendees to Bayesian statistics, from the underlying philosophy, to the general
methods, and ending with practical guidance showing how to analyse data using Bayesian techniques.
Pharmacokinetics – 1 day – Foundation
This is an introductory course in Pharmacokinetics & Clinical Pharmacology. The main focus is placed upon
understanding the key pharmacokinetic concepts & principles and their application within Pharmaceutical
Surrogate endpoints in clinical trials – 1 day – Foundation
The course will present an overview of the developments in surrogate market evaluation, with illustrations
predominantly from the fields of ophthalmology, oncology, and mental health. It combines applied and
methodological aspects, but is not deeply theoretical.
Analysing sectional and national survey data – 2 day – Foundation
Latent variable models are a broad family of models that can be used to capture abstract concepts by means
of multiple (continuous and/or categorical) indicators. They are often best known in the form of factor
analysis and structural equation models. The course provides training in the use of the Mplus programme to
carry out the analyses.
Introduction to modelling R Commander – 1 day – Foundation
This course will introduce participants to the R environment for statistical computing through the use of R
commander – a menu-driven interface to R.
Introduction to Stata – 1 day – Foundation
This one-day course aims to give a basic introduction to Stata for people with no previous experience of
Stata but who wish to go on to use it for research purposes.
Appreciation of SPC in the NHS – 1 day – Foundation
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a widely applicable methodology for improving the quality of processes
in industry and is being applied to healthcare. This course provides a practical introduction to using SPC for
people with access to valuable data and an interest in research into service improvement, as well as
responding to the requirements of the NHS Intelligent Board Report.
Time series forecasting – 2 day – Professional
This course offers an introduction to time series forecasting. The course will explain how to forecast time
series using univariate and vector statistical time series models, and how to evaluate the forecasts obtained
to help decide on the best forecasting specification to be used in practice.
Problem solving methodologies – 1 day – Professional
This course introduces a suite of problem solving tools, discusses applications and demonstrates how they
can be used within a process improvement framework. It is aimed at statistical practitioners who are required
to improve processes and managers who need an insight into how problem solving and statistical techniques
can be used for business benefit.
Latent trait and latent class analysis – 2 day – Professional
Latent variable models are a broad family of models that can be used to capture abstract concepts by means
of multiple (continuous and/or categorical) indicators. This course provides training in the use of the Mplus
programme to carry out the analyses.
Practical 3-point estimating – 2 day – Professional
Most business decisions are based on estimates of one kind or another. 3-point estimating is now seen as
best practice, as it overcomes many of the problems associated with single point estimates.
This course, through skills transfer, is designed to equip delegates with sufficient knowledge to generate
good quality 3-point estimates, and how to use them to make informed decisions about the potential cost or
timescale of a product/project.
Multilevel modelling with applications – 1 day – Professional
This course provides an introduction to methods for analysing data with a hierarchical structure. The course
covers the basic statistical principles of multilevel modelling, the practical application of multilevel analysis
using the MLwiN software, and their interpretation of results.