Supporting Child Development at home

Resource List Compiled by
Mary Foltz, Principal
Mary Foltz & Associates, LLC
National and State Resources
Fun and Learning for Parents and Children - An Activities Handbook, Us Dept. of Health and Human
Services, ACF, Office of Head Start, Nov. 1995
Early Head Start Tip Sheet No. 32, EHS Home Visiting Play Materials, March 2009
And “Using Ordinary Materials to Promote Discovery and Learning with Infants and Toddlers”,
Addendum to Tip Sheet No. 32
A Family Note on Finding the Math – from the High Five Mathematize Curriculum
Every Day I Learn Through Play - from Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning
Positive Parenting Tips - from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is essential assure
attention to health and safety.
Caregiver-Child Activities – from Zero to Three
Compiled by Mary Foltz, Mary Foltz & Associates, LLC - 2015
What’s the Harm if I Paint My Arm? : A Toddler’s Guide to Sensory Experiences in the Home – from
NAEYC. Helps us keep in mind that, regardless of how cool an idea is, we need to check for the child’s
readiness for the experience.
The Imagination Tree Creative Play and Learning for Kids
A treasure trove of creative, easy-to-make materials for all ages.
Hands on As We Grow
Growing a Jeweled Rose
A Guide to Cookery Skills by Age
Ideas by Tonia Cowling
Here are some of the favorite homemade toys. You can make these toys by simply using household
discards along with a few items that can be found in dollar stores. Bright colors, soft textures, and
tinkling sounds make these play things especially appealing to the little ones. (But, please make sure you
use only materials that are safe for baby/toddler play and no matter what toys you give your child to
play with—supervision is always a priority.)
Homemade Book
Stitch together (by hand or machine) several zipper-top sandwich bags along the bottom edge.
Compiled by Mary Foltz, Mary Foltz & Associates, LLC - 2015
Cut cardboard to fit inside each bag.
Glue magazine pictures or personal photos to the cardboard, then slip each page into the
plastic sleeve.
You can change these pictures often for variety, and the pages are easy to clean with a damp cloth or
sponge. Enjoy sitting with your baby and turning the pages of your homemade book together. Don’t
forget to talk to your baby as you look at the pictures—it helps to develop important language skills.
Ker-Plunk Can
Collect several plastic milk-jug lids.
Cut an “X” into the plastic lid of an empty coffee can.
Decorate as desired. (I spray painted the cans with bright colors and attached whimsical
stickers. Another variation would be to use colorful adhesive contact paper.)
You and your baby or toddler can take turns pushing the plastic milk-jug lids through the X in the coffee
can. Ker-plunk! Your child will enjoy making this musical sound. When you have used all of your milk-jug
lids, remove the coffee can lid, empty the can, and start again!
Building Blocks
Gather milk cartons in a variety of sizes (half gallon, quart, and pints).
Wash, clean, and stuff the cartons with newspaper.
Fold and tape the open ends down, creating a square and proceed to cover each block with
adhesive contact paper.
You now have lightweight, surface-washable blocks. This is a great toy with which your little one can
build towers (and no heavy blocks to fall on tiny toes or pinch little fingers).
Nesting or Stacking Tins
Gather several aluminum or tin cans of various diameters such as coffee, vegetable, soup,
tomato paste, and large juice cans (you can also use plastic containers).
With one end removed, clean and soak off labels from each can.
Hammer down the edges until they are flat and very smooth; use cloth or vinyl tape to
cover the rims and edges (We must protect tiny, tender fingers.)
Compiled by Mary Foltz, Mary Foltz & Associates, LLC - 2015
With this colorful tape, make stripes around each can (primary colors work well). Sit with your little one
and show him how to nest the smaller cans inside the largest one. If you turn the cans upside down,
stack them to make a tall tower.
Clothespin Game
Here is a color-classifying game to use along with the above nesting tins: Paint wooden clothespins (you
can find these in craft stores—don’t purchase the spring-action type), to coordinate with the striped
tape of the cans in the above toy. Your young baby will enjoy dropping the clothespins into the can.
Older toddlers can play two games:
1) Drop the pins into the correct colored can;
2) Clip the clothespins in a line around the rim of the can (this activity promotes good finemotor skills).
Shape Matching Puzzle
Gather several small household items, such as jar lid, comb, plastic spoon, old key, clothespin,
and unsharpened pencil.
Take a piece of cardboard and simply arrange these items on top.
Spray paint the entire surface (outdoors). After the paint dries, remove the items.
Help your toddler match each item to its matching silhouette on the cardboard.
Making your own baby/toddler toys might take a little more effort on your part as the parent, however
the rewards are well worth it—a delighted child and money saved.
Video Clips
Janet Lansbury Video Clips – From the Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) perspective
Creative Toys for Smart Babies
RIE baby’s educational toy
Compiled by Mary Foltz, Mary Foltz & Associates, LLC - 2015
Books (Just a couple, there are SO MANY!)
Socially Strong, Emotionally Secure – 50 Activities to Promote Resilience in Young Children, by Nefertiti
Bruce and Karen Cairone with the Devereaux Center for Resilient Children
Things to Do with Toddlers and Twos, and More Things to Do with Toddlers and Twos, by Karen Miller
Compiled by Mary Foltz, Mary Foltz & Associates, LLC - 2015