A-Z Mystery-Detective Camp-

Detective Camp
Chapter 1:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. How many kids are at the Detective Camp altogether? Write the page number that you found
the answer on.
3. What is the name of the cabin that Dink and Josh are going to be in? Write the page number
that you found the answer on.
4. What did josh find? Write the page number that you found the answer on.
5. Write your own question and answer with the page number that you found the answer on.
Detective Camp
Chapter 2:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. What are some things the campers learned at their camp-wide meeting? Write the page
number that you found the answer on.
3. What did Buzzy mean when he said “mealtimes are sacred here?” Write the page number that
you found the answer on.
4. What is the camp mascot? Write the page number that you found the answer on.
5. Write your own question and answer with the page number that you found the answer on.
Detective Camp
Chapter 3:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. What did Buzzy say he was looking for under Hunter’s bed? Write the page number that you
found the answer on.
3. What went missing? Write the page number that you found the answer on.
4. What do you think happened to the missing item?
5. Write your own question and answer with the page number you found the answer on.
Detective Camp
Chapter 4:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. What are “alphabet clues?” Write the page number that you find the answer on.
3. Do you think the Shady Lake Monster is real? Why or why not?
4. What did Ruth Rose find? Write the page number that you find the answer on.
5. Write your own question and answer with the page number you found the answer on.
Detective Camp
Chapter 5:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. Where did Ruth Rose find the ring? Write the page number that you found the answer on.
3. Why doesn’t Ruth Rose want to give the ring back to Mademoiselle right away? What is Ruth
Rose’s idea on how to give the ring back to her? Write the page number that you found the
answer on.
4. Where did the smudge of yellow come from on Dink’s cuff? Write the page number that you
found the answer on.
5. Write your own question and answer with the page number you found the answer on.
Detective Camp
Chapter 6:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. What are two things Dink did to help Mario? Write the page number that you found the answer
3. Who is the man the kids see talking to Buzzy? Write the page number that you found the
answer on.
4. Describe Detective Robb. Write the page number that you found the answer on.
5. Did Mademoiselle find her ring? Write the page number that you found the answer on.
6. Write your own question and answer with the page number you found the answer on.
Detective Camp
Chapter 7:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. Why did Grandma Moses paint on fiberboard from her barn instead of a painting canvas? Write
the page number that you found the answer on.
3. Where did Dink find the first piece of map using his alphabet clue? Write the page number that
you found the answer on.
4. Where did Ruth Rose find the map piece that went along with her alphabet clue? Write the
page number that you found the answer on.
5. What did the campers find when they were looking for Josh’s M alphabet clue map piece?
Write the page number that you found the answer on.
6. Write your own question and answer with the page number you found the answer on.
Detective Camp
Chapter 8:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. What does it mean if a signature is being forged? Write the page number that you found the
answer on.
3. What do the campers think Mademoiselle is doing with the paintings in the trunk? Write the
page number that you found the answer on.
4. Who did the campers tell about what they suspect of Mademoiselle? Write the page number
that you found the answer on.
5. Write your own question and answer with the page number you found the answer on.
Detective Camp
Chapter 9:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. What did Ruth Rose realize that Josh’s ‘M’ clue stood for? Write the answer and the page
number that you found the answer on.
3. Who are the three campers that got chosen to put together the pieces of the jigsaw map? Write
the answer and the page number that you found the answer on.
4. Where did Angie tell Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose to go? Write the answer and the page number
that you found the answer on.
5. Write your own question and answer with the page number you found the answer on.
Detective Camp
Chapter 10:
1. Find at least 2 difficult words. Write the page number that you found the words on and write
the definition of the word.
2. Why were the two police officers at Detective Camp? Write the answer and the page number
that you found the answer on.
3. What did Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose find out about Buzzy when they were talking to the Darbys?
Write the answer and the page number that you found the answer on.
4. Name at least three things the campers found out about Mademoiselle Muee? Write the
answer and the page number that you found the answer on.
5. What will happen the Mademoiselle Muee? Write the answer and the page number that you
found the answer on.
6. Write your own question and answer with the page number you found the answer on.