AUXILIARY MATERIAL Stationarity of the Tropical Pacific Teleconnection to North America in CMIP5/PMIP3 Model Simulations Sloan Coats1, Jason E. Smerdon1, Benjamin I. Cook2, and Richard Seager1 1 LDEO, New York, USA; 2GISS, New York, USA ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION OF METHODS I. Signal-to-noise analysis of SST forcing on NA teleconnection Our main analysis demonstrates multidecadal teleconnection variability across a wide range of models and simulations and concludes that the majority of the variability is associated with changes in tropical Pacific SSTs. This conclusion was made by comparing an ensemble of atmosphere only simulations to coupled simulations, with fully dynamic SSTs, over the period 1979-2005. While the results clearly indicate a much larger role for ocean dynamics in determining the character of the NA teleconnection, it is worth considering the potential for our analysis to overestimate the contribution of the SST boundary forcing relative to that from internal atmospheric variability. This is particularly important given the strong connection between a model’s inherent tropical Pacific SST variability and the stationarity of its teleconnection as demonstrated in Figure 3C of the main paper. While we have strongly concluded that this represents the ability of ENSO to rise above noise from secondary patterns of coupled ocean-atmosphere variability, large SST variance in the tropical Pacific will also allow the signal of ENSO to rise above any noise from internal atmospheric variability. Given this, and the difficulty with controlling certain aspects of the SST forced signal to internal atmospheric analysis (mostly due to the limited ensemble size), we will revisit potential sources of error herein. Firstly, the AMIP ensemble will simulate a realistic teleconnection over NA with a higher probability than the coupled model simulations. That is, relative to the AMIP ensemble, the inter-model ensemble of coupled runs is expected to have a more non-stationary teleconnection simply because different coupled models will have different levels of interannual SST variability. For example a model with very small SST variability, might be expected to have a poor teleconnection because it is always disrupted by internal atmospheric variability. The correlation in Figure S1 does indeed indicate a weak connection between the amplitude of the Niño3.4 index and the CPCS in the historical simulations but this is not statistically significant at the 95% level using a two-tailed test with a white noise null-hypothesis. Figure S2 further indicates that an AMIP model's level of total atmospheric variability cannot account for inter-model differences in CPCS range. It might be expected that a model with a high level of total atmospheric variability would be one in which the CPCS range was large because the SST forced component was competing against a high level of internal variability. A high level of total atmospheric variability, however, could also arise from a strong SST-forced component. The relative contributions of SST-forced and internal atmospheric variability could only be determined with large ensembles for each model that are not available here. Furthermore, the strength and character of the teleconnection to NA fundamentally depends on the interaction between the SST-forced Rossby wave and the North Pacific storm track [Hoerling and Ting, 1994; Seager et al., 2010]. Given these considerations it is perhaps not surprising that there is no clear and strong relationship between the CPCS range and the level of total atmospheric variability. These results further support our interpretations in the main paper that the impact of large-amplitude tropical Pacific SST variability on the NA teleconnection is associated with the ability of ENSO to emerge above other patterns of coupled variability. As a final consideration, the strength of the teleconnection, as measured by the root mean square (RMS) of the regression coefficients over NA from the regression of the Niño3.4 index against the 200mb geopotential height field (both DJF averages), is plotted against the teleconnection stationarity in Figure S3. There is a clear relationship between teleconnection strength and stationarity, implying that stationarity comes from strong teleconnections rising above noise from other sources of variability. This relation is nevertheless weaker than that between a model’s inherent tropical Pacific SST variability and the teleconnection stationarity. This provides further evidence that large variability in the tropical Pacific, and more generally ocean dynamics, are an important control on the simulated teleconnection. References Hoerling, M. P., and M. Ting (1994), Organization of extratropical transients during El Niño, J. Climate, 7, 745-766. Seager, R., N. Naik, M. A. Cane, N. Harnik, M. Ting, and Y. Kushnir (2010), Adjustment of the atmospheric circulation to tropical Pacific SST anomalies: Variability of transient eddy propagation in the Pacific-North America sector, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 136, 277-296. Table 1: Model information for the analyzed CMIP5 simulations. Modeling Center Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), Australia Beijing Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling Analysis National Center for Atmospheric Research Center National de Recherches Météorologiques/Centre de Recherche et Formation Avancée Calcul Scientifique Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in collaboration with Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Institute ID CSIRO-BOM Model Name ACCESS1.3 BCC BCC-CSM1.1 CCMA CanEMS2, CanAM4 NCAR CCSM4 CNRM-CERFACS CNRM-CM5 CSIRO-QCCE CSIRO-Mk3.6.0 FIO FIO-ESM LASG-IAP FGOALS-gl NOAA GFDL NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Institute for Numerical Mathematics Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (The University of Tokyo), and National Institute for Environmental Studies Max-Planck-Intitut für Meteorologie (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology) Meteorological Research Institute NASA GISS GFDL-ESM2G, GFDLESM-2M, GFDL-HIRAMC180 GISS-E2-R INM IPSL MIROC INM-CM4 IPSL-CM5A-LR MIROC-ESM MPI-M MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-P MRI Norwegian Climate Centre NCC MRI-AGCM2-2H, MRICGCM3 NorESM1-M Figure S1: The average interannual variance of the DJF Niño3.4 anomaly plotted against the teleconnection CPCS value for each historical simulation. The correlation and P-value (twotailed) are given in the figure inset. Figure S2: The average interannual variance of the 200mb DJF geopotential height anomaly over NA plotted against the average value of the CPCS for each AMIP model. The correlation and P-value (two tailed) are given in the figure inset. Figure S3: Teleconnection strength as measured by the RMS over NA of the coefficients from the linear regression of the DJF Niño3.4 index against the 200mb DJF geopotential height anomaly over NA for the control and LM simulations plotted against the teleconnection CPCS range. The correlation and P-value (two tailed) are given in the figure inset.