rorimer rules_dress code

Children are expected to respect and obey all Rorimer staff, administrators, teachers, instructional
assistants, noon supervisors, office personnel, and custodians.
Children may not leave the school grounds during the school day without permission of the teacher or
During class time, students must be accompanied by a buddy when going to the restroom or office.
Students may not play or linger in the bathrooms.
Students may not use cell phones during the school day. They may carry them in their backpack. Cell
phones are allowed to be used only in case of an emergency.
Students may only call home from the office when sent with an “Office Referral” form.
Before the bell rings at 8:15am, students need to stay behind the yellow line and wait for recess to
begin play (no running, jumping, or handball).
Fighting, defacing property, the use of profanity, disrespect to teacher, willful disobedience of the
school authorities, stealing, possession of weapons or dangerous objects, possession of drugs,
narcotics, intoxicants, and sexual harassment are forbidden by law (E.C. 48900) and are a cause for
suspension and/or expulsion.
Chewing gum is not allowed in the classroom or on the school grounds.
Students must stay on specified playgrounds at recess.
Students must share equipment during games and all students may participate in recess activities.
Students are not allowed to climb fences, backstops, trees, or other equipment not specifically
designed for climbing.
There is to be no running on the blacktop except in a supervised game; no running while jumping rope.
Kickball must be played on the grass only.
Contact activities (tag, wrestling, tackle football, etc.) are not allowed.
When the recess bell rings, students are to immediately “freeze” and wait until the adult on supervision
gives a whistle signal to walk to the classroom or lunch line. Students must dismount playground
equipment when the recess bell rings.
It is unsafe for students to jump on or run along the logs in the primary playground grass area.
Hard balls or tennis balls may not be brought from home.
Students are to stand reasonably quiet in the lunch line, and keep hands and feet to self.
Students are expected to have good table manners.
When finished eating, students need to make sure their area is clean and dispose of trash and lunch
trays in an orderly manner.
Students must stay in specified areas at lunch recess and after dismissal from the cafeteria.
Rorimer Elementary School
Rorimer School has a Standardized Dress Program. The use of standardized dress has several benefits. First of all,
students’ behavior tends to improve when they are dressed more professionally. Unity of dress creates a sense of
belonging and team spirit. Self-image is enhanced since who you are becomes more important than what you wear. In
addition, it increases safety. It is a recognized fact that certain combinations of dress attire can be, and are, gang
identification. Lastly, the cost of school clothing is dramatically reduced.
Each Rorimer student will be expected to comply with our Mandatory Standardized Dress Code unless that school has
on file an approved parent’s non-participation form. Students on non-participation must comply with RUSD’s Dress
Collared polo shirt – must be SOLID color (no black) and NO logos, or characters .
Collared shirt or blouse - must be SOLID color (no black) and NO logos, or characters .
Turtle neck shirts- must be SOLID color (no black) and NO logos, or characters.
Rorimer School shirts or Rorimer School sweatshirts – every Friday or School Spirit Days.
Pants in SOLID color ONLY (no black; navy blue or tan preferred). Pants must be properly fitted –
no oversized or sagging pants allowed.
o Blue jeans must be a SOLID color (no black) – No holes, faded areas, printed designs, or
specialty designs.
o Walking shorts in a SOLID color (no black; navy blue or tan preferred) - No oversized shorts or
short shorts allowed and length MUST be at finger tips.
o If a belt is worn, it must be appropriately sized.
o Pleated or non-pleated in navy blue or navy plaid. (skirts length MUST be of finger tips)
o Cardigans or vests - must be SOLID color (no black)
o Sweatshirts - must be SOLID color (no black), and NO logos, or characters . Sweatshirts must
be appropriately sized.
o A shirt worn under the sweatshirt must be a uniform shirt.
At all times, students are to comply with RUSD Dress Code. Clothing must be appropriate for study and play.
Clothing that is distracting to others or which may not be safe for active play should not be worn. It is expected
that all students shall dress appropriately for school. All clothing must be appropriately sized.
The following types of clothing may NOT be worn:
o Short shorts, tight bicycle shorts, or oversized shorts.
o Oversized pants or shorts larger than one’s waist size, especially ones that “sag” below the natural
waistline and oversized shirts.
o Backless shoes, slingbacks, open toe shoes, sandals or shoes with wheels for skating.
o Clothing with vulgar, suggestive printing on it or clothing advertising alcohol or tobacco.
o Clothing that allows excessive exposure.
o Tube tops and tank shirts.
o Clothing which is symbolic of gang membership or clothing with an inappropriate message advertising
illegal activities or promoting violence.
Other guidelines for all students.
o Elementary school children may not wear make-up to school.
o No inappropriate or dangerous ear ware such as dangling earrings may be worn.
o No distractible “unnatural” hair colors or style may be worn.
o When wearing laced shoes, laces must be worn and holes must be laced crisscrossed from bottom to
o Caps/hats may be worn outdoors only for sun protection and must be a solid color without words, logos,
or characters. If worn, caps are to be worn with the “bill” in the front and not turned around backwards.