Announcements Monday, January 27, 2014 Second Semester Begins, Third Quarter Begins Catholic Schools Week Catholic Schools Week Liturgy-1:15PM (Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul) SPECIAL SCHEDULE Daily Mass Schedule Catholic Schools Week This week is Catholic Schools Week. This year’s theme is: Catholic Schools-----Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. Several events are planned here at Roman for Catholic Schools Week. A flyer of events is posted in each homeroom and throughout the school. Our first major event will be our Catholic Schools Week Mass on TODAY at 1:15 PM at the Cathedral-Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. In addition to Catholic Schools Week, this liturgy will include the Opening of our 40 Hours Devotion as well as honor the memory of Andrew Crawford ’15 who died this past Fall. As is the case with our school liturgies that are celebrated at the Cathedral-Basilica, we will be on a Special Schedule. We will begin with homeroom, followed by 8th period, and then followed by periods 1-7. Please consult the posting throughout the school for information regarding Catholic Schools Week 2014 at Roman Catholic High School. Guidance – *Are you interested in learning more about being a Firefighter? If you answered yes stop in guidance and let us know. If we get enough students we will have a firefighter do a presentation. *Are you a sophomore or junior interested in the military academies? Please let us know in the guidance center and we will schedule a visit. *Scholarship Deadline - If you are considering attending one of the local Catholic Colleges and have a B average and are involved in activities be sure to apply for the Maguire Scholarship. *The John McKee Scholarship for fatherless boys offers students scholarships up to $21,000 over 4 years. *Both of these scholarships are in the bulletins or you may come to Guidance for information. Faculty/Senior Volleyball Game – Any senior who would like to sign up for the Faculty/Senior Volleyball Game which will take place at 2:15 PM on Thursday, January 30th, please see Mr. Pen ASAP. Sign-ups are limited to 12 students. Football- Phase 1 of weight lifting will begin TODAY after school for all football players in the annex. Track & Field - On Saturday the track team competed at Glen Mills. Senior Matt Brown claimed 5th place in the 800m run. He has now medaled in 3 consecutive meets in 3 different events. The novice 4x200m relay of sophomores Mothy Orange, Abdullah Jeffers, Victor Malizia and freshman Brian Matunda also finished in the top 10. Bowling - We are in the middle of our season doing very well. We bowled Bonner and we took 4 off of them. The high bowler was Ray Sczesny with a 234 game. Pat Morgan also had a 216 game and had a high series with a 630. The following Thursday we traveled to Thunderbird Lanes and bowled Archbishop Wood. We also took 4 off of them. The high bowler was Matt Mayfield with a 268 game. Pat Morgan had a 233 game and Eric Bowers had a 227 game. High series went to Matt Mayfield with a 673 game. Attention all senior Speak-Up! Members - There will be a mandatory meeting to get your picture taken, please meet in the cafeteria after 8th period on Tuesday, January 28th. Roman Reserves – Roman reserves will be collecting old cell phones. The phones can be traded in for free air time for our active military. You can help support the troops without spending a dime by simply cleaning out your closets and drawers! Never forget that you live in the land of the free because of the brave. The collection boxes will be in Mr. Kane's office and also in the cafeteria during lunch periods. Please pray for peace. Room ChangesDr. Bell – 1st period to Room 65. Mrs. Legradi – 1st and 2nd period to the cafeteria. Ms. Jannelli -1st and 8th period to the cafeteria. Ms. Sperry – 1st, 2nd and 8th period to the cafeteria. Upcoming Schedule – Tuesday, January 28, 2014 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion (Closing Benediction during 8th period) Catholic Schools Week Semester Tests (Fine Arts, English, Ph. Ed.) Bell 1 Please remember to always check the online calendar for the latest information and updates on events