ZACHARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT MANUAL FOR MONITORING: SELF, PEER, & EXTERNAL REVIEW ZACHARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT SELF, PEER, & EXTERNAL REVIEW CYCLE NES ZES CMES NMS ZHS 2006-07* External SACS District Accreditation visit 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 SACS – District (Conduct LANA) SACS - District (Conduct LANA) SACSSelf SACSSelf SACSPeer SACSPeer SACS - District (Conduct LANA) SACS - District (Conduct LANA) SACSSelf SACSSelf SACS - District (Conduct LANA) SACSSelf SACSPeer SACS - District (Conduct LANA) SACSSelf SACS - District (Conduct LANA) SACS - District (Conduct LANA) SACSSelf SACSSelf SACSPeer SACSPeer SACS - District (Conduct LANA) SACS - District (Conduct LANA) SACSSelf SACSSelf 2011-12* External ADVANC-ED District Accreditation visit 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 ADVANC-ED – External ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDPeer ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-ED – External ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDPeer N/A N/A N/A ADVANC-ED – External ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDPeer ADVANC-ED – External ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDPeer ADVANC-ED – External ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDPeer ADVANC-ED – External ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDPeer ADVANC-ED – External ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDPeer ADVANC-ED – External (Conduct LANA) ADVANC-ED – External (Conduct LANA) ADVANC-ED – External (Conduct LANA) ADVANC-ED – External (Conduct LANA) ADVANC-ED – External (Conduct LANA) ADVANC-ED – External (Conduct LANA) ADVANC-ED – External (Conduct LANA) ADVANC-ED – External (Conduct LANA) ZELC NES RPES ZES CMES NMS ZHS PHCA ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDSelf ADVANC-EDSelf SELF REVIEW: Each school will conduct web-based surveys for administrators, instructional staff, parents and students (when applicable). The surveys will include questions that help determine how well the school is meeting each of the 10 SACS standards. The administrative team will also conduct classroom observations and/or walkthroughs and complete a summary report. Schools will use a district-developed instrument to collect classroom observation data. The summary report shall explain the strengths and needs of the school and describe how well the school is achieving each of the 10 SACSCASI standards. School Improvement Plans shall be modified (if necessary) based upon the results of the self review process. The summary report must be submitted to the Zachary Community School District main office by May 1st of the year the self review is conducted. PEER REVIEW: Prior to the on-site visit, the school shall provide the peer review team with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Teaching schedule for all core area teachers Copy of the floor plan of the school and room assignments Copy of the School Improvement Plan Description of location of all teacher lesson plans Copy of bell schedule (or class change schedule) Copy of the SACSCASI annual report Each school will conduct web-based surveys for administrators, instructional staff, parents and students (when applicable). The surveys will include questions that help determine how well the school is meeting each of the 10 SACS standards. The school will also arrange for classroom observations and/or walkthroughs from a visiting team of administrators and/or faculty members from other schools within the district. The school will use a district-developed instrument to collect classroom observation data. After analyzing all survey and classroom observation data, the team will compose a summary report. The summary report shall explain the strengths and needs of the school and describe how well the school is achieving each of the 10 SACSCASI standards. School Improvement Plans shall be modified (if necessary) based upon the results of the peer review process. The summary report must be submitted to the Zachary Community School District main office by May 1st of the year the peer review is conducted. EXTERNAL REVIEW: The external review process is conducted via the Louisiana Needs Assessment (LANA) model. The external review team consists of district level staff and/or personnel outside of the Zachary Community School District. Prior to the on-site visit, the school shall provide the external review team with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Teaching schedule for all core area teachers Copy of the floor plan of the school and room assignments Copy of the School Improvement Plan Description of location of all teacher lesson plans Copy of bell schedule (or class change schedule) Copy of the SACSCASI annual report The following instruments are used to collect comprehensive needs assessment data for the external review: administrator interview protocol administrator questionnaire classroom observation summary form comprehensive needs assessment-final report (powerpoint) contextual observation checklist counselor interview protocol faculty needs assessment instructional staff interview protocol instructional staff focus group protocol instructional staff questionnaire parent/community focus group protocol (when necessary) parent questionnaire student focus group protocol student questionnaire The external review (LANA) model uses a mixed methods approach to collecting, organizing, and reporting school level data. Every core area teacher is observed at least once and all stakeholders fill out web-based questionnaires. The external team also conducts interviews with various stakeholder groups. LANA Data Notebooks are produced for each school and data is analyzed to determine the strengths and needs for each school. Summary data is shared with school faculties through Powerpoint presentations. All external needs assessment data is incorporated into School Improvement Plans. APPENDIX A VERIFICATION OF PLANNING YES NO INDICATOR Were appropriate levels of stakeholder involvement included in the planning process? Is there evidence of commitment to school improvement among all stakeholders? DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT/COMMUNITY PROFILE YES NO INDICATOR Does the profile consider recent history as well as current status of student performance and demographics of the school community? Has the staff adequately identified trends in student performance? Has the staff adequately identified evidence of influences on student performances? FORMULATIONS OF BELIEFS AND DEVELOPMENT OF MISSION STATEMENT YES NO INDICATOR Were appropriate levels of stakeholder involvement included in the development of the beliefs/mission statement? Are the stated beliefs evident in the practices that were observed throughout the school? Is there evidence that the identification of beliefs/mission had an impact on climate and educational programs? ANALYSIS OF INSTRUCTIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS YES NO INDICATOR Has the school adequately identified its instructional and organizational strengths and weaknesses? Has the school identified reasonable goals for school improvement? DEVELOPMENT OF THE ACTION PLAN FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (SIP) YES NO INDICATOR Have the trends in student performance data been utilized to formulate the identified goals and objectives? Are all instructional strategies research based? Are appropriate methods established for evaluating the implementation of the goals and objectives? IMPLEMENTING THE ACTION PLAN FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT YES NO INDICATOR Does the school annually determine if goals were achieved and make appropriate modifications if necessary? Does the school’s process sustain commitment to continuous improvement? SAMPLE TEAM SCHEDULE 7:30am – 8:15am 8:15am - 9:00am 9:00am – 1:00pm 1:00pm-2:30pm 2:30pm – 2:45pm 2:45pm – 3:00pm Interview Teacher Group Interview Administrator Group Classroom Observations and Lunch Minimum # of Observations: 3 ELA; 3 Math; 3 Sci; 3 SS Discuss significant finding and prepare summary documents Discuss findings with administrative team Present findings to School Improvement Team OATH OF CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT I _____________________________________________________, do hereby affirm that I will maintain confidentiality in all matters concerning the External or Peer Review visit to _______________________________________________ school. ___________________________________________ Signature of Team Member __________________________ Date A peer review team made an on-site visit to ______________________________ school on _____________________. The team conducted classroom observations, stakeholder surveys, and an in-depth review of the school’s continuous improvement processes. Members of the team included the following: Team Member Position Signature The Monitoring Team had five primary functions as follows: Assess the adequacy of the school’s improvement planning and implementation Processes Identify the strengths of the school deserving commendation Develop recommendations intended to strengthen the school’s programs, activities, And student performance results Assess the school’s compliance with the SACSCASI standards Develop a written report of the team’s findings SACS/CASI INTERNAL MONITORING TEAM REPORT Evaluation of Planning Commendations AREAS OF CONCERN: RATIONALE: RECOMMENDATIONS: Evaluation of the Action Plan Commendations AREAS OF CONCERN: RATIONALE: RECOMMENDATIONS: Evaluation of Implementation Commendations AREAS OF CONCERN: Summary: RATIONALE: RECOMMENDATIONS: Assessment of Standards From the review of documentation, interviews with personnel, and observations during the visit, the Peer/District Review Team certifies that this school meets the standards of accreditation except for the following deficiencies (if no deficiencies, write NONE) Standard Number Nature and Degree of Deficiency