Analysis Training PPT Slides

Presented by Gay Wakefield
April 2012
“You have made one of the most important
fundamental points: Our success in public
education is going to be gauged not by the
amount of money we put in it, but by the
results that we get and the outputs—and
we are going to spend a lot of time, I think,
clarifying just what the outputs are [that]
we desire, in very empirical form, and then
how do we get there in terms of effort
expended and money invested there.
Teaching, as the representative alluded to,
is going to be a big, big part of that.”
~ Sen. Kel Seliger
April 6, 2012—14:50—assessment; 16:27—budget cuts too hard on higher ed
 Must
Fifth-Year Interim Self-Study
reflect assessment maturation
Upgrade of SLO reporting frequency
(2-3 times in each 5-year period)
 Thorough analyses of results
 Improved annual documentation
 Highest
Assessment Section
area of noncompliance
 Citations for 93% of recent Fifth-Year
Interim Reports
most frequent citations
 Limited
data—details and factors
 Immature data—trends and changes
 Non-representative sampling
 Not addressing all distance education,
alternate-delivery modes, and offcampus program sites
Including those added since previous
SACS accreditation review
 Annual
ongoing compliance.
reporting improvement
sampling …
 Include
rationales for the sample as
reasonable and representative.
data on programs offered
at off-campus sites and via
distance learning.
 Required
if >50% of program available
without classes on main campus
 Must compare results to Stephenville
 “Not
analyses of data.
just data dumps” (SACS quote)
clear, succinct writing.
 Avoid
discipline jargon
 Reviewers likely not from your field
 Triangulated
 Action-plan progress each semester
 Factor findings and implications
 Data trends
 Action-plan completion rates and
 According
of data
like discussion section of
journal article or grant report
to reach WEAVE log-in page.
Use Tarleton name and password.
Select a program you manage.
Apply information learned in this
training session.
your program’s 2010-11
“Assessment Summary/Analysis.”
Step-by-step screen shots follow.
Additional help and resources:
 Accompanying
example handout
 Academic Assessment Committee
representatives (click for list)
you have not entered 2010-11
findings, which were due 5/31/11.
 Enter
those findings, then continue.
info needed for annual
expanding this section,
compare what you see to the
example on the handout
accompanying this training session.
you see no entry, click “Add.”
you see an entry that does not
meet required criteria, click “Edit.”