
Long Vowels Mini-lesson
Name: Focusing Writing
Date: April 11, 2011
Objective or Focus: TSW improve their recognition of long vowel sounds both verbally and visually.
Materials List:
Invitation or Introduction: “I have been noticing that some of us are getting confused when it comes to
seeing and hearing long vowels. So, today we are going to practice using our long vowels so we do not
get confused when a long vowel appears in our reading or writing.”
Teacher Modeling: “Remember, a long vowel says its own name. They always sound the same, but long
vowels can appear in many different forms; that is why our eyes get confused sometimes when we see
long vowels. Here I have some cards that are going to help us see the different ways the different long
vowels can look like.” TTW have a note card for a, e, i, o, and u. Listed on it are the different ways each
long vowel can be written. Ex: On the “a” card, the following will be written: “a-e,” “a-y,” and “ai.” TTW
go over each card with the students.
“Now I am going to write some sentences on the board and I want you to help me find the long vowels.”
TTW write the following sentence on the board: The baby saw a bee land on a bike and then fly over a
unicycle. TTW say, “Now I am going to identify each of the long vowels in this sentence. I am going to
mark the long vowels with a symbol known as a macron. Can everyone say that word? It looks like this!”
TTW draw the macron symbol (-) on the board. TTW then draw a macron over the a in baby; ee in bee; i
in bike; o in over; and u in unicycle.
Independent Practice: “See how easy this is! Now you are going to work on long vowels on your own.
Here I have some silly sentences that all have a variety of long vowels in them. It is your job to identify
every long vowel in each sentence. Once you have identified it, draw a macron over the vowel, just like I
did on the board.” TTW give each student a not card containing numerous silly sentences with a wide
array of vowels in each sentence. TSW work on identifying the long vowels on their own. TTW provide
assistance if needed.
Assessment and Reflection: TTW observe the students’ works as the students identify and draw macrons
on the long vowels. If time permits, TTW give the students a fun mystery activity sheet in order to
provide the students with more practice regarding long vowels.