1 Kelly A. Nugent & H. Damon Matthews (2012). Drivers of Future Northern Latitude Runoff Change, 2 Atmosphere-Ocean, 50:2, 197-206. doi: 10.1080/07055900.2012.658505 3 Abstract 4 Identifying the drivers of changing continental runoff is key to understanding current and 5 predicting future hydrological responses to climate change. Potential drivers of runoff change 6 include changes in precipitation and evaporation due to climate warming, vegetation 7 physiological responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, increases in lower- 8 atmospheric aerosols, and anthropogenic land cover change. In this study, we present a series of 9 simulations using an intermediate-complexity climate and carbon cycle model, to assess the 10 contribution of each of these drivers to historical and future continental runoff changes. We 11 present results for global runoff, in addition to northern latitude runoff that discharges into the 12 Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans, so as to identify any potential contribution of increased 13 continental freshwater discharge to changes in North Atlantic deep-water formation. Between 14 1800 and 2100, the model simulated a 26% increase in global runoff, and a 32% runoff increase 15 in the northern latitude region. This increase was driven by a combination of increased 16 precipitation from climate warming, and decreased evapotranspiration due to the physiological 17 response of vegetation to elevated CO2. When isolated, climate warming (and associated 18 changes in precipitation) increased runoff by 16% globally, and by 27% at northern latitudes. 19 Vegetation responses to elevated CO2 led to a 13% increase in global runoff, and a 12% increase 20 in the northern latitude region. These changes in runoff, however, did not affect the strength of 21 the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, which was affected by surface ocean warming 22 rather than by runoff-induced salinity changes. This study indicates that vegetation physiological 23 responses to elevated CO2 may be contributing to changes in continental runoff at a level similar 24 to that of the direct effect of climate warming. 25 1. Introduction 26 27 Predicting runoff change is challenging given the complexity and uncertainty associated 28 with the climate’s response to anthropogenic forcings and, particularly, the hydrological changes 29 associated with anthropogenic climate warming. However, quantifying a range of possible 30 responses is critical given the important ramifications of a modified hydrological cycle (Allen & 31 Ingram, 2002; Milly, Dunne & Vecchia, 2005). Analysis of historical stream discharge has 32 identified a trend towards increasing continental runoff at high northern latitudes (Labat et al., 33 2004, Dai et al., 2009). There is some disagreement over historical records at low to mid 34 latitudes, with the result that estimates of global runoff changes range from an increasing trend 35 (Labat et al, 2004) to no statistically detectable trend (Dai et al., 2009). Climate model 36 predictions of future runoff change are also highly variable; though there is general agreement 37 that continental runoff is expected to change on the order of 5-15% per degree of global 38 warming. These projected changes include an anticipated decrease in runoff in many temperate 39 and subtropical regions, and a corresponding increase at high latitudes as a result of an overall 40 intensification of the global hydrological cycle (Solomon et al., 2010). 41 Though these model projections account for changes in precipitation and evaporation 42 associated with anthropogenic climate warming, they generally do not include other potentially 43 important drivers of continental runoff change. In particular, several recent studies have 44 highlighted the potential role of terrestrial vegetation responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 1 45 concentrations as a contributor to global runoff changes. This so-called “physiological forcing” 46 results primarily from decreased stomatal conductance as plants are able to use available soil 47 moisture more efficiently in higher ambient CO2 concentrations. The effect of vegetation 48 physiological forcing has been shown in some regions to amplify the response of runoff to 49 climate warming (Betts et al., 1997; Levis, Foley & Pollard, 2000; Medlyn et al., 2001; Gedney 50 et al., 2006; Betts et al., 2007; Bernacchi et al., 2007; Cao et al., 2009; 2010). 51 In general, vegetation physiological forcing tends to decrease transpiration, leading to 52 increased soil moisture and a corresponding increase in continental runoff (Levis et al., 2000; 53 Piao et al., 2007). This effect can be damped somewhat by plant structural responses to CO2 54 changes whereby enhanced leaf growth can lead to an increase in available surface area for water 55 transpiration and a corresponding increase in moisture recirculation to the atmosphere. In so 56 doing, plant structural responses are thought to at least partially offset the effect of the 57 physiological forcing, though the outcome is also highly dependent on regional landscape 58 characteristics (Betts et al., 1997; Levis et al., 2000; Piao et al., 2007). 59 Anthropogenic land-cover change has also been identified as a potential contributor to 60 historical runoff change through its influence on vegetation and land surface characteristics 61 associated with cropland establishment and abandonment (Piao et al., 2007). For example, 62 deforestation and/or agricultural expansion might be expected to affect runoff as a result of 63 changes in evapotranspiration and soil water retention. In addition, the differing albedos of 64 forests and crops could modify regional radiative forcing and could therefore affect precipitation 65 patterns via altered surface temperatures. At a global scale, however, studies have found 66 relatively little impact of land cover change on historical runoff changes (Gedney et al., 2006). 2 67 Finally, the growing knowledge of the effect of anthropogenic aerosols on climate 68 processes has revealed several potential means by which increased atmospheric aerosols may 69 affect continental runoff. Aerosols in the atmosphere absorb and scatter shortwave radiation 70 resulting in both a cooling of the atmosphere, and a decrease of energy received at Earth’s 71 surface. This has the potential to decrease precipitation (as a result of atmospheric cooling) or to 72 decrease surface evaporation (due to less surface energy availability), either of which could 73 affect overall continental runoff. In addition, anthropogenic aerosols can act as cloud 74 condensation nuclei, leading to changes in their physical and chemical properties, potentially 75 further altering precipitation patterns (Boucher, Myhre & Myhre, 2004; Solomon et al., 2007). 76 Some studies have found a reduction in precipitation and evaporation due to lowered surface 77 solar radiation from aerosol forcing (e.g. Liepert et al., 2004). However, the results of Gedney et 78 al.’s (2006) analysis of 20th century runoff observations showed little evidence of aerosol 79 impacts over northern latitude continents. 80 In this study, we present transient model simulations of historical and future climate 81 change using an intermediate complexity global climate and carbon cycle model. In a series of 82 sensitivity experiments, we assess the relative contributions of physical climate changes due to 83 greenhouse gas increases, vegetation physiological forcing and structural changes, land-use and 84 land-cover change, and anthropogenic aerosols as potential drivers of observed and projected 85 future continental runoff changes. We focus in particular on high northern latitudes, which have 86 seen increased historical runoff, due to the possibility that changes in continental runoff could 87 have implications for ocean circulation and deep water formation in the North Atlantic. Our use 88 of transient simulations with a coupled climate and carbon cycle model enables an examination 3 89 of these potential links between land surface processes and ocean circulation, and in addition, 90 advances previous research focused on equilibrium-only climate simulations. 4 91 2. Methodology 92 93 We use here the University of Victoria’s Earth System Climate Model (UVic ESCM) 94 version 2.9 (Eby et al., 2009, Weaver et al., 2001), a coupled climate-carbon model of 95 intermediate complexity. Version 2.7 of the UVic ESCM was a contributing model to the C4MIP 96 model inter-comparison project (Friedlingstein et al., 2006) and to the Fourth Assessment Report 97 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Meehl et al., 2007). Version 2.9 has an 98 equilibrium climate sensitivity of 3.5 °C and a transient climate response of about 2 °C, which 99 falls approximately within the mid-range of more comprehensive climate models (Meehl et al., 100 101 2007). The atmospheric component of the UVic ESCM is a reduced complexity (1 vertical level) 102 energy-moisture balance model, with a spherical grid resolution of 3.6° longitude by 1.8° 103 latitude. The atmosphere model controls heat and moisture transport through Fickian diffusion, 104 as well as moisture transport via advection. Precipitation in the model occurs when relative 105 humidity exceeds 85% (Weaver et al., 2001). This simple atmosphere is coupled to a three- 106 dimensional ocean general circulation model, the Modular Ocean Model version 2.2 (MOM2.2, 107 Pacanowski, 1996) which has 19 vertical levels (Weaver et al, 2001). MOM2.2 is driven by 108 surface boundary conditions from the atmosphere and land surface; in particular, the freshwater 109 flux (as a function of precipitation, evaporation and runoff) is added to the surface ocean in the 110 form of a salinity flux. The maximum Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) is also 111 calculated in the ocean model, whose value corresponds to the strength of deep-water formation 112 in the North Atlantic (Weaver et al., 2001). 5 113 The land surface scheme used is the Met Office Surface Exchange Scheme (MOSES) 114 (Cox et al., 1999, Essery et al., 2003), coupled to a biochemical vegetation model (TRIFFID: 115 Top-down Representation of Interactive Foliage and Flora Including Dynamics) which together 116 simulate biophysical processes for five plant functional types found in the model (Cox et al, 117 2001). TRIFFID is a dynamic vegetation model, which simulates the structure and spatial 118 distribution of vegetation in response to changing climate conditions. MOSES simulates land- 119 atmosphere carbon fluxes and calculates various components of the hydrological cycle, including 120 evapotranspiration, soil moisture and runoff. Evapotranspiration in the model is calculated using 121 the Penman-Monteith formulation and varies as a function of both local climate conditions and 122 atmospheric CO2 concentration (Cox et al., 1999, Essery et al., 2003). The version of MOSES 123 implemented in the UVic ESCM is a simplified version of MOSES2 as described in Essery et al 124 (2003); in particular, soil moisture here is stored in a one-meter soil layer, as opposed to the four 125 soil layers in the original version. Excess moisture is diverted to the ocean as runoff via 32 126 realistic river basins, according to a river-routing scheme as described (Weaver et al., 2001). We 127 note that version 2.9 of the UVic ESCM does not represent permafrost, wetlands or frozen soils; 128 this is an area of active model development (Avis et al., 2011), but represents a limitation of the 129 current model in representing Arctic continental runoff responses to climate warming. 130 In our study, we performed five transient model simulations following a 10,000 year 131 spin-up period under pre-industrial forcing. For the reference simulation (ALL) we included all 132 potential drivers of runoff change: the SRES A2 business-as-usual CO2 concentration scenario, 133 including additional prescribed forcing from non-CO2 greenhouse gases (Nakicenovic et al., 134 2000); physiological and structural responses of vegetation to CO2 changes; historical land-cover 6 135 change from Ramankutty and Foley (1999); and, the direct effect of anthropogenic sulphate 136 aerosols, represented as a prescribed aerosol optical depth following historical and future A2 137 aerosol emissions (see Matthews et al., 2004 and http://climate.uvic.ca/EMICAR5/forcing for 138 more information about aerosol forcing in the UVic model). Subsequently, we performed 139 additional simulations wherein each of the four runoff drivers was turned off. For aerosol effects 140 and land-use change, the effect was removed from each respective simulation by holding the 141 forcing constant at pre-industrial conditions. We isolated the effect of vegetation-CO2 142 physiological forcing by holding CO2 concentrations constant at pre-industrial levels with 143 respect to the vegetation component of the model while allowing CO2 radiative forcing to affect 144 the physical climate model. Conversely, the climate effect of greenhouse gases was isolated by 145 masking the radiative forcing from increased greenhouse gases in the climate model, while 146 allowing CO2 increases alone to affect vegetation growth. 147 Model simulations are summarized in Table 1. In the results presented here, we isolated 148 the effect of individual drivers by calculating the difference between each of the four simulations 149 and the reference simulation ALL. We extracted and analysed runoff changes both globally and 150 for land areas that discharge into the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans north of 45°N latitude, 151 and between 105°W and 90°E longitude (see grey area marked on Figure 3). Within this region, 152 we calculated runoff, land temperature, precipitation and evaporation over the river basins whose 153 discharge areas were within the specified latitude and longitude ranges. Ocean fields 154 (temperature and salinity) were calculated for all ocean surface areas within the region. 155 156 7 157 3. Results 158 Under present-day conditions, globally-averaged runoff in the model was 1.1 Sv (where 1 159 Sv = 106 kg/s). In our selected northern latitude region, which includes river drainage into the 160 North Atlantic and part of the Arctic Oceans, total runoff was 0.13 Sv at present-day. These 161 values compare well to recent estimates by Dai and Trenberth (2009), who reported a total 162 continental discharge of about 1.15 Sv for the year 2004, and an Arctic Ocean discharge of 0.14 163 Sv. 164 Simulated trends in globally-averaged runoff, global land surface air temperature, land 165 precipitation and land evaporation are shown in Figures 1 (global) and 2 (northern latitude 166 region). Over the 20th century, global runoff in ALL increased by 7.5 mm/year, or 3.4% relative 167 to pre-industrial, accompanying a 0.6 ºC increase in global temperature (Fig. 1A and 1B). This 168 represents a 5.6% increase per degree of global warming, which is consistent with the 4%/ºC 169 reported by Labat et al. (2004) based on historical runoff and temperature observations, though 170 not with Dai and Trenberth (2009) who did not detect a significant trend in global runoff over the 171 past 50 years. Over the specified northern latitude land region, runoff increased by 9.3 mm/yr 172 (Figure 2A), corresponding to a total discharge increase of 0.006 Sv. By way of comparison, Dai 173 and Trenberth (2009) reported a significant increase in continental discharge to the Arctic Ocean 174 of 0.014 Sv between 1948 and 2004, with no significant trend in the Atlantic as a whole; this is 175 broadly consistent with the simulated results in our northern latitude region, which covers a 176 portion of both the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans (see area marked on Figure 3). Over the 21st 177 century, changes in global runoff per degree of global warming were slightly larger (6.3 %/ºC), 178 which is generally consistent with the range of 5-15 %/ºC reported from a range of different 8 179 models by Solomon et al. (2010). In our selected northern latitude region (Fig. 2A), runoff 180 increased by 32% over the 21st century alongside a 4.1 ºC temperature rise – a slightly higher 181 regional sensitivity of 7.8 %/ºC. 182 As can also be seen in Figure 1, greenhouse gas increases (line GG) were the primary 183 driver of global runoff changes as a result of increased precipitation over all land areas at a rate 184 of 1.2 % per degree Celsius of land temperature increase. In the northern latitude region, 185 warming from greenhouse gas increases led to both an increase in precipitation, and a decrease in 186 evaporation, resulting in a relatively larger increase in continental runoff (Figure 2). Vegetation 187 physiological forcing was the second largest contributor to simulated runoff changes. At the 188 global scale, the effect of vegetation physiological forcing was only slightly smaller than the 189 effect of greenhouse gases, though was closer to half the effect of greenhouse gases in the 190 northern latitude region. 191 The mechanism for runoff changes due to physiological forcing was fundamentally 192 different from that of greenhouse gases. In the case of V-CO2, physiological forcing resulted in a 193 large decrease in precipitation, though unlike the case of GG, this was not a function of 194 temperature changes (which were small); rather, precipitation in V-CO2 was driven by a large 195 decrease in evapotranspiration (Fig. 1D and 2D) as a result of increased water-use efficiency at 196 higher CO2. Consequently, there was a clear division between the two mechanisms of 197 influencing changes in continental runoff. Climate warming tended to increase precipitation and 198 drive a parallel increase in runoff (line GG), whereas elevated CO2 tended to induce decreased 199 transpiration, leading to decreased water re-circulation to the atmosphere, increased soil moisture 9 200 and consequent further increase in runoff. The runoff change in the ALL simulation was driven 201 in approximately equal measure by each of these two processes 202 Aerosols (AER) and land cover changes (LCC) were clearly of secondary importance in 203 driving both historical and future runoff changes. Aerosols tended to have the opposite effect as 204 GG, leading to a cooling of land temperatures, and an associated decrease in precipitation and 205 runoff (with little change in evaporation). The effect of aerosols was relatively larger in the 206 northern latitude region, owing to the higher concentration of anthropogenic aerosols over 207 northern continental areas; even here, however, aerosols had less than half the effect of 208 vegetation physiological forcing by the year 2100. Land cover changes had an almost negligible 209 effect on historical runoff changes, and were not relevant to future changes given that areas of 210 anthropogenic land use did not change in the simulations after the year 2000. 211 Land temperatures (Fig. 1B and 2B) increased in both the GG and ALL simulations, 212 though warming in GG was greater (4.8 °C globally and 5.8 °C in the northern region at 2100) 213 than in ALL (4.2 °C globally and 4.8 °C in the northern region) due to the absence of the effect 214 of reflective aerosols in GG. Globally, aerosols accounted for about 0.9 °C cooling at the year 215 2000, with a larger cooling of 1.3 °C in the northern latitude region. Temperatures continued 216 cooling slightly for the first half of the 21st century, then warmed in the latter half of the century 217 due to a decreased aerosol forcing after ~ 2040. V-CO2 and LCC did not play a prominent role in 218 affecting air temperature change over the course of the two centuries. Vegetation structural 219 feedbacks did result in a small amount of warming (~ 0.25 °C globally and in the northern 220 region) as a result of increased leaf area and spatial coverage of vegetation in response to 221 elevated CO2 concentrations, leading to decreased surface albedo. Land-use change led to an 10 222 even smaller amount of cooling (~ 0.1 °C) due to the higher surface albedo associated with 223 agricultural vegetation types compared to forest vegetation. 224 Figure 3 shows the spatial distribution of precipitation minus evaporation (P–E) changes 225 from 1800 to 2100 for each simulation. The spatial patterns seen here reflect the contrasting 226 mechanisms behind simulated runoff changes as discussed in Figure 2. For instance, in GG, a 227 greater P–E increase is seen along coastal regions and in areas of higher elevation; this reflects 228 an increase in precipitation under climate warming that occurs predominantly over the oceans 229 and over orography. Similarly, cooling in AER generated a similar pattern of P–E changes 230 reflecting decreased precipitation. By contrast, P–E changes in V-CO2 are more representative of 231 global vegetation distributions, which reflects the pattern of decreased evapotranspiration driven 232 by vegetation responses to elevated CO2 (CO2 physiological forcing). In general, the spatial 233 pattern of P–E in ALL reflects the combined P–E changes in GG and V-CO2, with smaller 234 contributions from AER and LCC. 235 Finally, we assessed to what extent the simulated runoff increases shown here may have 236 affected deep-water formation in the North Atlantic. Figure 4 shows the simulated change in the 237 Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) (Fig. 4A) in response to changes in 238 surface water temperature (Fig. 4B) and salinity (Fig. 4C). For all simulations, AMOC changes 239 appear to correlate with both salinity and temperature variations, with a consistent pattern of 240 decreased (increased) strength of the AMOC associated with increased (decreased) temperature 241 and decreased (increased) salinity. However, it is clear that North Atlantic salinity changes were 242 not driven by changes in continental runoff, but rather by changes in P–E over this ocean region. 243 In particular, the V-CO2 simulation, which showed a large increase in continental runoff, did not 11 244 simulate decreased North Atlantic salinity nor a change in the strength of the AMOC. Instead, 245 ocean circulation appears to be governed primarily by changes in high-latitude temperatures (and 246 the associated change in the latitudinal temperature gradient): climate warming in ALL and GG 247 led to a slowing of the AMOC, whereas climate cooling in AER led to a slightly stronger 248 AMOC. Changes in continental runoff did not have a noticeable effect. 249 250 4. Discussion 251 In this study we investigated the variation in and explanation for future continental runoff 252 changes using transient climate simulations driven by a suite of anthropogenic forcings. Climate 253 change (including climate warming and changes in precipitation) and vegetation physiological 254 responses to elevated CO2 are projected to be the predominant drivers of runoff change for the 255 21st century, contributing in approximately equal measure to simulated global runoff increases. 256 By contrast, land cover change and anthropogenic aerosols had secondary effects on continental 257 runoff trends. We further assessed to what extent simulated changes in continental runoff could 258 affect the strength of North Atlantic deep water formation; while deep water formation did 259 decrease in response to climate change, this occurred as a result of temperature and P–E changes 260 rather than due to runoff-induced salinity changes. 261 The effect of vegetation-CO2 interactions that we have shown here represents the net 262 effect of both physiological and structural responses of vegetation to CO2, though we have also 263 identified the specific climatic outcome of each of these two vegetation processes. The effect of 264 the vegetative structural feedback was primarily to generate a small increase in surface 265 temperature; this occurred as a result of CO2 fertilization, in which forest expansion over 12 266 grasslands led to decreased local surface albedo, consequently increasing absorption of 267 shortwave radiation (see also Matthews, 2007). In contrast, the effect of CO2 physiological 268 forcing was seen predominantly in hydrological cycle changes; elevated CO2 led to increased 269 vegetation water-use efficiency, decreased evapotranspiration and a consequent increase in 270 continental runoff. 271 Our model results contribute to the growing number of studies suggesting that vegetation 272 physiological forcing from increasing atmospheric CO2 is an important contributor to both runoff 273 changes as well as to the overall climate response to CO2 emissions (Betts et al., 2007; Boucher 274 et al., 2009 Cao et al., 2010). The effect of vegetation physiological forcing shown here supports 275 the findings Betts et al. (2007) and Boucher et al. (2009), who use a similar version of the 276 vegetation model employed here, though coupled in their case to the Hadley Centre global 277 climate model. In our study, the effect of physiological forcing on the hydrological cycle was 278 also substantially larger than the direct effect of vegetation changes on surface temperature; we 279 simulated a relatively small temperature increase due to CO2 fertilization of vegetation (less than 280 0.25 °C increase in the northern latitude region and only 0.1 °C increase averaged over the 281 globe). By contrast, other studies have found a somewhat larger effect; for example, Cao et al. 282 (2010) simulated a ~0.42°C increase in global surface temperature due to vegetation 283 physiological responses to elevated CO2. This difference reflects inter-model uncertainty, as well 284 as differences in methodology between our studies; in particular, we have carried out transient 285 model simulations here, whereas Cao et al. (2010) used equilibrium time-slice simulations. This 286 has implications for the timescale of vegetation responses: while hydrological responses to 287 elevated CO2 occur quickly, the structural response and particularly the lateral expansion of 13 288 vegetation is limited by the fairly slow growth of vegetation in the model. Consequently, we 289 suggest that the transient methodology we have adopted provides a more realistic representation 290 of the relative balance of hydrological and temperature responses to CO2-induced vegetation 291 changes. 292 Historical land cover change did not contribute in any large measure to simulated runoff 293 changes in our study. This is consistent with the conclusions of Gedney et al. (2006), who found 294 that land cover change did not have a significant influence on observed continental runoff 295 changes. There is some evidence that deforestation can lead to local-scale changes in runoff due 296 to decreased evapotranspiration and soil water retention (e.g. Costa et al., 2003, Bradshaw et al., 297 2007); however, these studies have focused on tropical forests, which have experienced a much 298 larger extent of land cover change compared to Northern latitudes. There is also the potential for 299 interactions between future land-use change and vegetation-CO2 responses. For example, 300 agricultural vegetation is likely to respond differently to CO2 changes as compared to natural 301 vegetation types – a phenomenon which we have not explicitly considered here. In addition, we 302 have considered changes in cropland areas only as a representation of land cover change, and 303 have not included pastures as an additional source of land-conversion, which would likely 304 increase slightly the total effect of land-use change shown here. 305 In the case of aerosols, we did simulate decreased precipitation in response to the cooling 306 induced by increased anthropogenic aerosols, which is consistent with other models, as well as 307 the climate response to aerosols resulting from recent volcanic eruptions (Trenberth and Dai, 308 2009). This change in precipitation led to a small decrease in runoff, both globally and in the 309 northern latitude region considered here. We note, however, that we have considered only the 14 310 direct effect of sulphate aerosols, and not a full representation of the possible direct and indirect 311 effect of a range of anthropogenic aerosols; this could also lead to an underestimate of the effect 312 of aerosols on the global hydrological cycle. 313 We note also, that none of the models which have been used thus far to assess the effect 314 of vegetation physiological forcing on continental runoff dynamics include the impacts of 315 permafrost and changes in frozen soils on high-latitude soil water retention in response to climate 316 warming. This is potentially an important additional driver of runoff changes (see e.g. Rawlins 317 et al., 2003, Slater et al., 2007) which would alter the response of high-latitude runoff to 318 continued climate warming. The response of permafrost to climate warming remains a critical 319 open question regarding both the potential for greenhouse gas feedbacks to climate warming, as 320 well as the possible implications for continental runoff changes. 321 We did not find that simulated runoff changes were sufficient to induce a reduction of the 322 strength of North Atlantic deep water formation. Our model did simulate a decrease in the 323 meridional overturning circulation of 4.5 Sv between 1800 and 2100, from a pre-industrial state 324 of 21.5 Sv (about a 20% decrease). This general trend agrees with previous research; for 325 example, Bryan et al. (2006) showed a 22-26% circulation decline per century in response to a 326 1% per year increase in CO2 forcing. This simulated decrease was driven by temperature 327 increases in the North Atlantic (leading to associated changes in precipitation and sea-surface 328 salinity), as well as by a decreased equator to pole temperature gradient brought about by climate 329 warming. By contrast, simulated runoff changes did not affect the strength of the overturning 330 simulation, as evidenced by the lack of AMOC response to runoff changes from vegetation 331 physiological forcing. Our results suggest that vegetation responses to elevated CO2, while 15 332 important for projections of hydrological cycle changes, are not likely to influence projections of 333 the AMOC response to anthropogenic climate warming. However, we note that a significant 334 potential source of freshwater input to the North Atlantic from melting land ice is not included in 335 this study; this has been identified previously as a more important factor influencing salinity in 336 the North Atlantic than stream discharge (Bryan et al., 2006). Clark et al. (2002) found that only 337 an ~0.1 Sv change to the hydrological cycle was sufficient to induce a thermohaline circulation 338 response during the last glaciation, though we note that recent research has questioned the ability 339 of coarse-resolution ocean models to simulate AMOC responses to continental freshwater 340 discharge (Condron and Winsor, 2011). Nevertheless, our findings represent an ~0.04 Sv 341 increase between 1800 and 2100 in freshwater discharge to the North Atlantic, which if 342 combined with significantly increased land ice melt, may be sufficient to affect a more dramatic 343 deep-water formation response than that simulated here. 344 Considering our findings more broadly, they do suggest the potential for major regional 345 alterations in the hydrological cycle, which could have significant implications for both human 346 and ecological communities. One possible positive implication may be that increased runoff 347 could result in increased water availability for agriculture and other human uses. However, such 348 increases will likely be concentrated in areas that already have ample water supply, whereas 349 more arid regions may be negatively impacted by regional declines in precipitation. Ultimately, 350 the combination of greater soil moisture availability and a warmer climate will require adaptation 351 in how humans make use of the water resources available to us in a changing climate. 352 16 353 5. Conclusion 354 Projecting runoff change for the 21st century is an important step in understanding potential 355 future climate change as anthropogenic activities continue to be the dominant driver of changes 356 in the Earth system. Understanding the complexities of the climate system components will help 357 us prevent harmful climate impacts that have begun as a result of unmitigated temperature 358 increases and changes in the spatial patterns of precipitation. This study concludes that plant 359 responses to atmospheric CO2 concentrations will play an important role, in addition to the direct 360 effect of climate warming, in driving future changes in the global hydrological cycle. Vegetation 361 changes will likely also influence regional patterns of temperature changes, though this effect is 362 secondary to the hydrological effects of vegetation physiological responses to elevated CO2. The 363 relationship between increased freshwater discharge and ocean circulation response was shown 364 to be less significant, with changes in North Atlantic deep water formation responding primarily 365 to temperature changes rather than changes in continental runoff. The use of transient 366 simulations with our coupled climate-carbon cycle model has been a useful approach as it has 367 enabled us to investigate potential links between land surface processes and ocean circulation, 368 while advancing previous runoff change research that, thus far, has focused largely on 369 equilibrium-only climate simulations. 17 370 6. References 371 Allen, M. R., & Ingram, W. J. (2002). Constraints on future changes in climate and the 372 373 374 375 hydrologic cycle. 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Figure Legends 506 Figure 1: 507 Simulated global trend in A) continental runoff, B) land temperature, C) precipitation over land, 508 and D) evaporation over land, in response to the drivers ALL, GG, V- CO2 , LCC and AER. 509 Figure 2: 510 Simulated northern latitude trend in A) continental runoff, B) land temperature, C) precipitation 511 over land, and D) evaporation over land, in response to the drivers ALL, GG, V- CO2 , LCC and 512 AER. The region shown here covers all river basins that drain into the North Atlantic and Arctic 513 Oceans north of 45 °N latitude, and between 105°W and 90°E longitude, as indicated by the 514 shaded box in Figure 3. 515 Figure 3: 516 Spatial distribution of precipitation – evapotranspiration (P–E) change between 1800 and 2100, 517 in response to each driver: A) ALL simulation; B) greenhouse gas forcing; C) vegetation 518 physiological forcing; E) aerosol forcing; E) land cover change. The grey bounding box 519 represents our selected northern latitude region. 520 Figure 4: 521 Simulated trends in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) (A), surface ocean 522 temperature changes (B) and surface ocean salinity changes (C) in response to the drivers ALL, 523 GG, V- CO2 , LCC and AER. Surface ocean temperature and salinity values are averaged over 524 the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, north of 45 °N latitude, and between 105°W and 90°E 525 longitude. 26 526 Table 1: Description of model simulations. Simulation ALL Reference simulation with all runoff drivers included: CO2+non-CO2 radiative forcing; Vegetation-CO2 physiological forcing; direct effect of sulphate aerosols and historical land cover change. GG Effect of CO2 and non-CO2 greenhouse gas forcing alone* V-CO2 Effect of vegetation physiological forcing alone* AER Effect of direct sulphate aerosol forcing alone* LCC Effect of historical land cover change alone* * Effect of single driver calculated as the difference between a simulation without this process, and the reference simulation ALL. 527 528 27 529 530 28 531 532 29 533 30 534 31