DRAFT Sign-On Letter and Sample for Emails Dear Senator ______

DRAFT Sign-On Letter and Sample for Emails
Dear Senator ___________,
I recognize that polluted runoff makes our rivers and the Chesapeake Bay unsafe. As a member of a
faith community, I know that we have all contributed to the problem and we all need to be part of the
solution. Furthermore, we are called to heal the Earth and respect our shared resources.
I urge you to uphold Chapter 151 of 2012 to support local stormwater projects and vote against any
efforts to repeal the law. I urge you to keep the polluted runoff law in tact so we can heal the bay and
create safe water.
I recognize that some of our churches and non-profit organizations are concerned about their ability to
pay the stormwater fees. And I applaud those jurisdictions that have provided reduced fee structures
and credit programs in recognition of the many ways that our churches, synagogues and non-profit
ministries are used in service to the community-at-large.
At the same time, I know that the very people we seek to serve through our charitable institutions are
put at risk by the runoff pollution, exposed to unsafe seafood and drinking water, unable to swim or
wade in at least a quarter of our creeks and rivers.
I believe that together, with more time, the faith community, environmental organizations, state and
local governments can find a way to develop the local policies and programs as the law intended. I urge
you not to support any provisions that would weaken the law.