Assessment Task Sheet Student Name: ______________________ Year Level: 7 Name of Task: Archaeological Discovery Teacher: Should we be Custodians of the Ancient Past? Learning Area/s: Date Commenced: History and English (speaking & listening) and ICLT __/___/ 12 - Term 3 Date Due: __/___/ 12 - Term 3 Type of Task: Oral Written Other Task Conditions: Individual Pair Group Work In Class Homework Other Opportunity to Access: Books Notes Library Assessed By: Self Peer Teacher Technology Task Description Bringing the Ancient World to Life As a journalist you have been given the assignment to create a report on an ancient (BC/BCE) archeological discovery (Troy, The Royal Tombs of Ur, The Minoan Palace at Knossos or Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley). Create a draft report/notes (see note-taking sheet) covering the following ….. A detailed map of the site A timeline of events (relating to the site itself, an archaeological work on the site) What was discovered? When and how it was discovered & by whom? The techniques and/or technology they employed to discover this site How and where it is being preserved? Significance of this discovery. Why should we continue preserve the ancient past? Include relevant images or artifacts **OR formulate your own questions (check the questions with the teacher before researching) Final Presentation (Options) Translate report into……. - Oral presentation with supporting illustrations or - Narrated slide show presentation including illustrations (using photo story) or - Computer generated report including illustrations (presented as an oral presentation) Note: There will be a listening assessment component added during presentation. Procedure 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Decide on selected topic _______________________________ Locate sites and different resources/sources to find information on selected topic (NOTE: write them down!) Read information on selected topic & highlighting key information Take notes (Remember to write notes in your own words) Translate draft into an oral presentation/narration Finalise illustrated presentation (slide show or photo story or poster e.t.c) Present oral presentation to class & teacher Resources: History Assessment Task Tips to remember - As a journalist you have been given the assignment to write a report on an ancient (BC/BCE) archeological discovery (Troy, The Royal Tombs of Ur, The Minoan Palace at Knossos or Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley). Create an ICT product (with visual and audio components) that tells the story of a famous or interesting archaeological site. You will use your note-taking sheet to translate into……. Oral presentation as a reporter with supporting illustrations or Narrated slide show presentation including illustrations (Photo Story) or Computer generated report including illustrations (presented as an oral presentation) Guide i. Question Analysis What is your question? ii. Include a detailed map of the site iii. Include a timeline of events (relating to the site itself, an to archaeological work on the site) iv. Writing the Introduction (Indicate the major points that will be discussed in your presentations) v. Major areas to cover What was discovered? When and how it was discovered & by whom? (including the archaeologist/s and other professionals involved) The techniques and/or technology they employed to discover this site How and where it is being preserved? NOTES e.g. Should we be custodians of ………….. vi. Writing the Conclusion Significance of this discovery. Why should we continue preserve the ancient past? vii. Include relevant images or artifacts (well described & visual representation) Audio/Visual Marking Criteria Technology (ICT) Duration Speaking Name: __________________________________ Topic:________________________________ Year 7 - 2012 A B C D *Clearly pronounced *Easily heard *Fluid (flowing) speech with pausing to enhance *Adequate timing with audio and visual images working simultaneously *Great use of expression *No mistakes or stumbles in speech *Mostly clearly pronounced *Good volume level *Fluid (flowing) speech with some use of pausing *Good use of expression *Most aspects had sufficient timing with audio and visual images working simultaneously *Minimal mistakes *Some mispronunciation *Satisfactory volume *Mostly fluid (flowing) speech with partial pausing *Some expression used *Some considerations used with timing the audio and visual images to work together *Some mistakes and stumbles with speech (may include repetition of words & sentences) No attempt *Difficult to understand made *Mispronunciation of words *Straining to hear *Many pauses *Many mistakes with speech and consistently stumbles over words. *Timing with audio and visual images do not work together or match 2 ½ - 2 mins 2 - 1 mins Under 1 minute 3 – 2 ½ mins Slides have been created using appropriate images. Advanced effects on each slide that enhance presentations. Effects allow the audio and images to flow simultaneously. Text on each slide clearly visible. Comprehensive narration. Evidence of customisation in transitions The creation of a music track as background. Include a slide with bibliography and reference to all images and music. Slides have been created using Slides created using appropriate appropriate images. images. Suitable effects on each slide Some effects on each slide. to enhance presentation. Effects allow the audio and Effects mostly allow the audio images to flow but NOT ALL and images to flow simultaneously. simultaneously. Text included on most slides. Text on each slide is visible. Clear narration included. Comprehensive narration. Some evidence of transitions. Evidence of customisation in Music track included. transitions. Include a slide with bibliography May include the creation of a and reference to most images music track as background. and music. Include a slide with bibliography and reference to all images and music. Presentation incomplete Images missing Audio and images do NOT flow simultaneously No text included on slides. Narration is partly included. No evidence of transition. No music. No bibliography and reference included E No attempt made No attempt made CRITERIA SHEET – Bringing the Ancient World to Life - Should we be Custodians of the Ancient Past? Criteria A B C D E The methods and sources used to investigate at least ONE historical controversy or mystery that has challenged historians or archaeologists, such as in the analysis of unidentified human remains (ACDSEH030) WAYS OF WORKING HISTORY Historical Report – include relevant and accurate information on selected Archaeological discovery covering ….. A detailed map of the site A timeline of events (relating to the site itself, an archaeological work on the site) What was discovered? When and how it was discovered & by whom? The techniques and/or technology they employed to discover this site How and where it is being preserved? Significance of this discovery. Why should we continue preserve the ancient past? Include relevant images or artifacts Feedback: Communicates substantial historical knowledge on this topic that accurately covers a selected archaeological discovery. Communicates historical knowledge on this topic that covers a selected archaeological discovery. Communicates some historical knowledge that covers some parts of this topic on a selected archaeological discovery. Communicates limited and/or inaccurate historical knowledge of this topic on a selected archaeological discovery. Communicates inaccurate historical knowledge of this topic on selected archaeological discovery. Includes a detail map of site relevant to topic. Includes a map of site relevant to topic. Includes a map of site relevant to topic. Includes a map of site partly relevant to topic. Map of site not include. Includes an accurate and detailed timeline of events relating to the site’s existence, destruction/abandoned and archaeological work on the site (e.g existence of site, discovery of site) in chronological order & correct spacing. Includes a detailed timeline of events relating to the site’s existence, destruction/abandoned and archaeological work on the site (e.g existence of site, discovery of site) in chronological order & correct spacing. Includes a timeline of events relating to the site’s existence, destruction/abandoned or archaeological work on the site (e.g existence of site, discovery of site) in chronological order. Includes events relating to the site’s existence, or destruction/abandoned or archaeological work on the site with some errors in chronological order. Events lists incorrectly Logically sequencing information that shows fluency in ordering information to create a coherent, valid and clear report & presentation. Well-constructed sections that logically order information to create a clear report and presentation. Has descriptive and explanatory language to create a satisfactory report & presentation. Has descriptive language where the meaning is not always clear. No apparent order, sequence or real sense of cohesion. Uses well structured concluding comments that succinctly sums up report and presentation. Uses effective concluding comments that sum up report and presentation. Contains some concluding comments that sum up report and presentation. Show initiative in locating and organising primary and secondary sources. Show initiative in locating and using, primary and secondary sources. Locates and organises some relevant sources. Creates and maintains a detailed, systematic, coherent records indicating extensive research, with clear demonstration of the aspect of inquiry on an archaeological discovery answering all questions thoroughly. Creates and maintains systematic, coherent records indicating extensive research, with clear demonstration of the aspect of inquiry on an archaeological discovery answering all questions. Maintains a record of research that demonstrates a basic understanding of the aspect of inquiry on an archaeological discovery answering most questions. Presents a record of research that demonstrates some of the aspects of inquiry an archaeological discovery answering most questions. Limited research that demonstrates a lack of understanding with inquiry of an archaeological discovery. Detailed & accurate note-taking. Detailed note-taking. Satisfactory effort with note-taking. Research may be flawed in terms of its use of correct note-taking. Submit fragmented, sometimes irrelevant research notes. Includes relevant images and/or artifacts that are well-described & represented visually. Includes relevant images and/or artifacts that are described & represented visually. Includes relevant images and/or artifacts that are represented visually. Includes images and/or artifacts that are irrelevant. Accurately uses a recognised convention when using a bibliography. Uses a recognised convention, some technical lapses when using a bibliography. Uses some elements of referencing when using a bibliography. Uses some elements of referencing with only a list of resources. Contains some concluding remarks to shows the end of report and presentation. No conclusions apparent. Locates some relevant sources. Locates limited information in sources provided. No images and/or artifacts. Provides no system of referencing.