Identifying types of volcanoes Problem How could you interpret data to show the relationship between the properties of magma and the properties of volcanoes? Form A Hypothesis: As a pair, discuss the factors that determine different volcanic forms and different volcanic eruptions. Then form a hypothesis about the relationship between magma type and volcano type. Objectives: Infer which properties of magma are related to volcanic eruption and volcanic forms. Classify different types of volcanoes according to magma content. Recognize the effect magma content has on eruptive force and volcanic form. Materials: Paper, pencil Plan the Experiment: 1. As a pair, agree upon a way to test your hypothesis. Write down what you will do at each step of your test. 2, Examine the chart of selected volcanoes below. Then make a list of the properties of magma that you will use to classify the volcanoes according to form, eruptive force, and ability of magma to flow. 3. With your partner, design a way to summarize your data in your journal. Check the Plan: Discuss and decide upon the following points and write them down. 1. Which properties of magma will you use to classify the volcanoes? (If you’re unsure, examine the chart below again. 2. How many data tables will you construct? 3. How will you identify the volcanoes in each of your tables, 4. Carry out your experiment. RECORD all observations. Selected Volcanoes Magma Volcano and Silica Location Content Water Vapor Type of Volcano Eruptive Force 1. Etna, Italy 2. Tam Nora, Indonesia 3. Lassen, California 4. Mauna Loa, Hawaii 5. Paricutin, Mexico 6. Kelut, Indonesia 7. Helgafel, Iceland 8. Saint Helens, WA 9. Laki, Iceland 10. Kilauea lki, Hawaii High Low Composite Moderate Ability of Magma to Flow Medium High High Cinder High Low High Low Composite Moderate Low Low Low Shield Low High High Low Cinder Moderate Medium High High cinder High Low Low High Shield Moderate Medium High High Composite High Medium Low Low Shield Moderate Medium Low Low Shield Low high Analyze and Conclude: 1. Which eruptions are the most explosive---eruptions with high silica content or low silica content? 2. What effect does the silica content and water-vapor content have on its ability to flow? 3. Infer which of the two variables (silica or water vapor) has the greater effect on the eruptive force of a volcano. Summarize: (Individually) 1 ½-2 pages. Summarize the relationship between volcanic form, the silica content and the water vapor content of the magma.