EBRD Prodoc for MEP eng

United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Development Programme
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
Project Document
Project Title:
Demonstration of improvement of energy efficiency of
public buildings at the example of the School No.25
UNDAF Outcome:
Outcome 2: Sustainability of the environment
Expected CP outcome:
Outcome 2. The government, industries and civil society
take steps to adapt to climate change and mitigate its
impact through energy efficiency measures
Output 2.1. Comprehensive national climate change
strategies (with a focus on economic sectors at risk,
ecosystem vulnerability and adaptation needs) are
developed and integrated into national development plans
and sustainable development strategies
Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP) of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
Expected output:
Implementing Partner:
Brief Description
The Project “Demonstration of improvement of energy efficiency of public buildings at the example of
the School No.25” aims at demonstrating the case of improvement of study conditions for pupils at a
typical municipal building in Astana city as a part of the corporate approach in neutralizing the carbon
footprint of a company (EBRD). The main objective of the project is to improve energy efficiency of the
school based on the proposed recommendations of the energy auditors.
The project will result in decrease of the annual budget allocation for the heat and electricity energy
consumption for the school and improvement of thermal conditions for school children and personnel.
This is especially actual in the condition of constant increase of the tariffs for energy sources as well as
a deficit of the municipal heat supply capacity. It will as well decrease the negative effect for the
environment with the GHG emissions decrease due to more rational heat consumption in the building.
Program period: 2010-2015
Key Result Area: Sustainability of the environment
Atlas project ID: 00086637
Atlas award ID: 00074089
Start date:
June 2013
End date:
December 2013
PAC meeting date: 03 May 2013
Management arrangement: NIM
Project budget:
Total resources required: $224,023
Total allocated resources:
$ 204,023
- UNDP (in kind):
Agreed by (UNDP): ______________________________________Stephen Tull, Resident Representative
UNDP in Kazakhstan
Approved by (MEP): ___________________________________ Ministry of Environmental Protection
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
According to the Committee for State Energy Supervision of the Ministry of Industry and New
Technologies, the biggest part of energy losses accounted for heating. About 30% of all energy resources in
the republic are used in the construction and housing sectors. Energy is produced mainly from the burning
of coal fuel. The main consumers of this energy are houses and social facilities. Among other social objects,
a specific attention should be given to schools. Improving energy efficiency in schools should be seen as a
necessary condition for the development of institutions potential and create a comfortable environment
for learning. Comfortable conditions in schools are the basis for the emotional, moral, intellectual and
physical development of students
Almost all schools were built during the Soviet time and characterized by the same problems, such as
the loss of thermal energy and resources on the stage of the air transmission and distribution in the
heating pipes, due to the usage of outdated thermal insulators, wear of the windows and door frames, lack
of modern heat control and regulation systems. Solving these problems can create potential to reduce
energy loss by 40%.
The main indicator to compare the efficiency of energy use for public-sector organizations, such as
schools, is the specific energy consumption per 1 m2 of area per year (kWh/m2 • year). Surveys in some
school in Kazakhstan show that in various public buildings energy intensity has a large spread, even for
same structure buildings.
Only 5% of all facilities financed from the state budget are equipped with heat meters. Installation of
heat meters lead to a significant reduction in actual energy consumption compared to standard that is
used in the absence of metering devices. Installation of heating meters in 69 public sector facilities in
Astana creates an opportunity to reduce utility payments for $ 19.4 million per year. Considering the
number of budget facilities in the country more than 10,000, it is can be estimated that the meters’
installation in public sector facilities will reduce the amount of the annual payment for utility services to
more than 3.0 billion Tenge1, at a total one-time cost for the installation of metering systems in public
sector facilities is 3.5 billion Tenge.
As per of Astana and Almaty cities experience, the installation of automatic heat regulation system in
municipal institutions can reduce energy consumption of at least 500,000 Tenge per year, which is about
25% of the savings from public services payment.
Analysis of the status of energy efficiency and energy saving in the public sector, according to a
survey conducted in more than 100 public organizations shows that the total energy savings potential is 25
to 40 per cent of the utility services cost, and the payback period of typical energy-saving measures in
public buildings, even with the current rates is not more than 3 years2.
Within the context of the above mentioned project, is supposed to implement energy efficiency
measures, based on assessment of potential for the improvement of energy efficiency in School No.25,
located in Astana city.
The EBRD Annual Meeting and Business Forum in 2011 were held in Astana. Because of the lengthy
air travel involved for many in getting to Astana, an event of this complexity and scale had an adverse
impact on the environment, particularly in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.
Promoting energy efficiency and compensating for carbon and greenhouse gas emissions is very
important to the Bank and is at the heart of our Sustainable Energy Initiative. This is why the EBRD has
$1:151 Tenge (exchange rate as of 1 May 2013)
State Program on Energy efficiency till 2025
always invested in energy savings in a local project whenever it holds its annual meeting. Beyond offsetting
emissions, investment in a local project draws public attention to important environmental issues while
highlighting the financial benefits of energy efficiency.
Working together with the Director of the Kyoto Protocol Department in the Ministry of
Environmental Protection, a city school building has been selected from a list of potential energy efficiency
projects compiled with the UNDP – School no. 25. Selection of this school has also been discussed with
Head of the Astana Department of Education.
The School was built in 1963 and was designed to serve the needs of 1,200 students. The building
comprises a central building block and an adjoining building for the gymnasium. The main facade of the
central building faces east. The total area of the building used for calculation is 3,214 square meters and
the total heated net volume is 11,803 m3. The school is currently used in two shifts by a total of 1,630
students and 9 teachers.
According to the National Programme on Renovations “Road Map” of school buildings in Astana, the
heating, water supply and sanitation system of the School were renovated in 2009. Within this in mind, the
EBRD selected D’Appolonia (EBRD contractor) as Energy Efficiency Consultant to prepare an Energy
Performance Assessment (EPA) and to defining measures for further refurbishment of the building.
The main objectives of the EPA were to analyze and assess the energy consumption parameters of
the building, paying particular attention to the external envelope and to the electromechanical equipment
(i.e., heating system, cooling system, ventilation and lighting, etc.) where substantial energy savings are
achievable given current conditions at the premises. The aim of the analysis was to provide a technical and
financial evaluation of overall consumption levels, in order to best identify any opportunities for
refurbishment of the building aimed at improving its energy performance. Based on the EPA
recommendations, implementation of the energy efficiency measures described below became bases for
current project.
The Project is developed to improve overall indoor thermal comfort for school children and staff of
the School #25 located in Astana city, Kazakhstan.
Project Outputs:
Output 1. Energy inspection and actualization of the scope and budget of works, as well as preparation of
tender documents. The technical evaluation and proposed actions for the school were prepared by the
company D’Appolonia (arranged by EBRD) in 2011. The prices of the materials and cost of proposed service
might have changed, increased. In this respect, the scope and budget of works should be revised. The
actual prices for works will be defined during the tender process, thus, the final scope of works can be
slightly adjusted as a result to include additional measures that will improve energy efficiency of the
school. This actualization will be made by a local company and/or local experts in agreement with UNDP
and EBRD.
1.1. Holding of energy inspection in the School 25
1.2. Revision of the scope and budget of works
1.3. Preparation of tender documentation for technical measures outlined under Output 2;
Output 2. Energy efficiency/retrofitting measures – Professional local companies will be subcontracted
through the competition procedure run by UNDP in agreement with EBRD to do the following work.
2.1. Window replacement (tender № 1);
2.2. Installation of district heating sub-stations + heating automation, including small-scale
measures: Hydraulic balancing of the heating system, thermal insulation of horizontal heating
mains, repair of rain spillage, and the installation of entrance door lockers. (tender № 2)
2.3. Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery in the gymnasium or any other activities
contributing to improvement of energy efficiency proposed in Output 1 (NB: pending on funds
availability; subject for consideration by the Project Board).
Output 3. Management, supervision and evaluation of the project activity:
UNDP will conduct supervision of contractors, quality assurance of conducted works and assist the School
on commissioning of further maintenance measures for equipment installed.
3.1. Management, monitoring on quality of installation works and assistance at commissioning
of further maintenance measures.
Expected results:
Total investments in recommended measures are estimated at USD 204,023.
Implementation of measures and technologies in compliance with technical specification defined
in the Annual Work Plan and high quality of installation
Quality assurance and supervision of contractors engaged with installation works
Commissioning of the measures in compliance with national construction regulations
When implemented, the measures will improve overall indoor thermal comfort for school children
and staff. Modern technologies and automation of the heating system will reduce operational
costs and extend the life of the building fabric and building services.
The measures described will also improve the supply of fresh air and prevent a number of hygienic
issues associated with the presence of mold and fungi resulting from indoor water condensation.
Automation of the heating system will reduce heat demand, resulting in lower heating bills.
Annual Work Plan
Year: 2013
Expected outcome
Planned activities
Budget description
Output 1. Energy inspection and actualization of the scope and budget of works, as well as preparation of tender documents.
Baseline: Holding of energy
1.1 Holding
June- July 2013
inspection. Review and up-date
inspection in the School
measures for implementation and
74500 miscellaneous
their costs.
1.2 Revision of the scope
Indicators: (i) revised technical
and budget of works
evaluation and proposed actions,
1.3. Preparation of tender
June-July 2013
energy inspection report
(ii) Tender documentation for
74500 miscellaneous
implementation of measures;
(iii) Contractors procured and signed
for implementation of Measures.
Target: To actualize technical
evaluation and proposed actions.
Contract qualified and professional
Contractors for implementation of
the Measures.
TOTAL for Output 1
Output 2. Energy efficiency/retrofitting measures
Baseline: Existing windows and
heating installation in obsolete
Indicators: New windows installed,
installation of heating sub-station
with control, metering and
automation, hydraulic balancing of
the heating system, thermal
insulation of horizontal heating
2.1. Window replacement. July- 20 August 2013
New windows should have (final date is a subject
EC certificate, U-value equal
to date of tender,
or below 1.8 W/m2.K and
production of
emissivity below 0.6. In case windows and needs
of PVC frames the profiles
to be agreed to
should have at least 4
school authorities)
chamber ;
Small-scale measures: repair
74500 miscellaneous
mains, repair of rain spillage, and the
installation of entrance door lockers.
Target: Implement and commission
the Measures in good quality
of rain spillage, and the
installation of entrance door
lockers, renovation work
related to windows
2.2. Installation of heating
sub-station and automation
with installation of new
closing and regulation valves
temperature sensors, and
automation. All regulation
valves, controller, sensors
and automation should be
having CE marking. Heat
meter should be calibrated
and accepted by the District
Heating supplier as a billing
device ;
Hydraulic balancing of the
heating system, thermal
insulation of horizontal
heating mains. Thermal
insulation should use CE
marked materials and use
insulated hangers and fixing
2.3. Mechanical ventilation
with heat recovery in the
gymnasium or any other
activities contributing to
improvement of energy
Output 1.
74500 miscellaneous
July- October 2013
July- October 2013
TOTAL for Output 2
74500 miscellaneous
Output 3: Management, supervision and evaluation of the project activity
Baseline : The UNDP will ensure
professional supervision over quality
of works conducted by contractors.
UNDP will ensure commissioning of
equipment and building components
installed in compliance with Kazakh
construction regulations.
Indicators: the reports on the
undertaken work, the reports on the
project monitoring, project time
Target: Installation works conducted
at high quality and commissioned by
the contractor according Kazakh
construction regulations.
3.1. Management,
monitoring and evaluation of
the project activity and
experience sharing
UNDP (in 72100
UNDP (in-kind)
Total, USD
Management arrangements
Project Organizational Chart
Project Steering Committee
Key Beneficiary
School # 25
Quality Assurance
Component 1
Short-term national
Implementing Agency
Key Provider
Project Manager
Component 2
Component 3
Short-term national
The project will be executed following established UNDP national execution procedures. The implementing
partner is the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP). The project will be directed by a Project Board,
chaired by the MoEP and comprising of representatives of government partners (MoEP), UNDP, School #
25 management and EBRD. The exact composition of the PB will be set during its first meeting.
The project will be managed by a UNDP Project Manager (PM) who will work full-time on the project. PM
will be responsible for overall coordination of the project, including liaising with partner organizations. PM
will be provided by UNDP as in-kind contribution from UNDP part. The Project office will be located in
Astana, as far as project implementing partner and the pilot project School# 25 is located in Astana.
Within the project implementation UNDP will involve EBDR as observer into discussion of tender
documentation and tender evaluation of companies applied for tenders.
As required by EBRD, upon completion of the Project, the ownership of equipment, supplies and other
properties financed from the Contribution shall vest in Astana School 25 in accordance with Article IV of
the Agreement.
Monitoring framework and evaluation
In accordance with the programming policies and procedures outlined in the UNDP User Guide, the project
will be monitored through the following:
On a quarterly basis, a quality assessment shall record progress towards the completion of key
results, based on quality criteria and methods captured in the Quality Management table below.
An Issue Log shall be activated in Atlas and updated by the Project Manager to facilitate tracking
and resolution of potential problems or requests for change.
Based on the initial risk analysis submitted (see annex 1), a risk log shall be activated in Atlas and
regularly updated by reviewing the external environment that may affect the project
Based on the above information recorded in Atlas, a Project Progress Reports (PPR) shall be
submitted by the Project Manager to the Project Board through Project Assurance, using the
standard report format available in the Executive Snapshot.
a project Lesson-learned log shall be activated and regularly updated to ensure on-going learning
and adaptation within the organization, and to facilitate the preparation of the Lessons-learned
Report at the end of the project
a Monitoring Schedule Plan shall be activated in Atlas and updated to track key management
Annual Review Report. An Annual Review Report shall be prepared by the Project Manager and shared
with the Project Board and the Outcome Board. As minimum requirement, the Annual Review Report shall
consist of the Atlas standard format for the QPR covering the whole year with updated information for
each above element of the QPR as well as a summary of results achieved against pre-defined annual
targets at the output level.
Annual Project Review. Based on the above report, an annual project review shall be conducted
during the fourth quarter of the year or soon after, to assess the performance of the project and
appraise the Annual Work Plan (AWP) for the following year. In the last year, this review will be a
final assessment. This review is driven by the Project Board and may involve other stakeholders as
required. It shall focus on the extent to which progress is being made towards outputs, and that
these remain aligned to appropriate outcomes.
OUTPUT 1: Actualization of the scope and budget of works, as well as preparation of tender documents
Activity Result 1
Preparation of tender documents and procurement.
Start Date: June 2013
End Date: July 2013
The technical evaluation and proposed actions for the school were prepared by the
company D’Appolonia 2 years ago. The prices of the materials and cost of proposed
service have changed, increased. In this regards, the document has to be revised,
actual cost recalculated. The actualization will be made by local company and/or local
1.1 Holding of energy inspection in the School 25
1.2 Revision of the scope and budget of works
1.3 Preparation of tender documentation
Quality Criteria
Quality Method
Revised technical evaluation and
proposed actions, energy inspection
report, tender documents.
Expert assessment of technical
evaluation, proposed actions, and
tender documents.
Date of Assessment
July 2013
OUTPUT 2: Implementation of the energy efficiency/retrofitting measures
Activity Result 1
(Atlas Activity ID)
Energy efficiency/retrofitting measures
Professional local companies will be subcontracted through the competition
procedure run by UNDP to implement energy efficiency/retrofitting measures
2.1. Window replacement;
2.2. Installation of district heating sub-stations + heating automation including smallscale measures: Hydraulic balancing of the heating system, thermal insulation of
horizontal heating mains, repair of rain spillage, and the installation of entrance door
Start Date: July 2013
End Date: October 2013
2.3. Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery in the gymnasium (NB: pending on
funds availability; subject for consideration by the Project Board)
Quality Criteria
Quality Method
Date of Assessment
New windows installed, heating
automation, hydraulic balancing of the
heating system, thermal insulation of
horizontal heating mains, repair of rain
spillage, and the installation of
entrance door lockers
Technical acceptance by responsible
state authorities
October 2013
(final date is a subject to
production of windows
and needs to be agreed
to school authorities)
OUTPUT 3: Site-management, evaluation and commissioning of the project activities specified under
Output 2
Activity Result 1
(Atlas Activity ID)
Site-management, evaluation and commissioning of
energy efficiency measures specified in Output 2
The UNDP will ensure professional supervision over quality of works
conducted by Contractors. UNDP will ensure commissioning of equipment and
building components installed in compliance with Kazakh construction
3.1. Management, monitoring and evaluation of the project activity
Quality Criteria
1. Installation works
conducted at high quality
and commissioned by the
Contractor according
Kazakh construction
2. Quality of reports on the
undertaken work, the
reports on the project
monitoring, project time
Start Date: June 2013
End Date: December 2013
Quality Method
Date of Assessment
Inspection of school site and
inspection of works performed by
contractors at completion. Review of
monitoring reports submitted by
UNDP to Project Board.
July- October 2013 (on a
monthly basis)
Assessment of reports
Risks and liabilities
Risks mitigation strategy
Organizational risks
Quality and productivity of all stakeholders
Approval of the Plans of Action and maintenance of an
appropriate information exchange and holding of regular
Financial risks
Increases of procurement prices of goods, Careful development and preparation of documents on
interaction of the parties taking direct part in
implementation of the Project, and also on interaction
with the involved organizations
Consistent with the Article III of the Standard Basic Assistance Agreement (SBAA), the responsibility for the
safety and security of the Implementing Partner and its personnel and property, and of UNDP’s property in
the Implementing Partner’s custody, rests with the Implementing Partner. To this end, the Implementing
Partner shall:
a) put in place an appropriate security plan and maintain the security plan, taking into account the
security situation in the country where the project is being carried;
b) assume all risks and liabilities related to the implementing partner’s security, and the full
implementation of the security plan.
UNDP reserves the right to verify whether such a plan is in place, and to suggest modifications to the plan
when necessary. Failure to maintain and implement an appropriate security plan as required hereunder
shall be deemed a breach of the Implementing Partner’s obligations under this Project Document.
The Implementing Partner agrees to undertake all reasonable efforts to ensure that none of the UNDP
funds received pursuant to the Project Document are used to provide support to individuals or entities
associated with terrorism and that the recipients of any amounts provided by UNDP hereunder do not
appear on the list maintained by the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267
(1999). The list can be accessed via http://www.un.org/sc/committees/1267/aq_sanctions_list.shtml. This
provision must be included in all sub-contracts or sub-agreements entered into under/further to this
Project Document”.