HALF TERMLY HOMEWORK TOWER BRIDGE YEAR 4 OUR TOPIC THIS HALF TERM IS: THE ROMANS YOU MUST DO THE FOLLOWING HOMEWORK: Reading Maths Read your reading book every day and complete your reading journal Learn times tables up to 12 x12 *Note to parents: please listen to your child read and talk with them about what they have read Number facts – Secure knowledge of addition and subtraction and identify the doubles of 2-digit numbers, multiplication facts up to 10 x 10, identify pairs of fractions that total 1 and so on. *Note to parents: please test your child by asking them questions. Practice these daily You Should Do One: You Could Do: A Challenge Would Be: (5 reward points) (10 reward points) (20 reward points) Write a newspaper report about the death of Julius Caeser, a famous Roman dictator. Make a short film about the day in a life of a Roman girl/boy from a middle class family. Design and make a Roman outfit Design a menu card for a Roman restaurant (include food of what the rich Romans ate e.g. peacocks tongues and little mice) Create a fact file about the Romans Make a model of a Roman temple Write a story about a Roman myth Create a Roman dictionary of Latin words to help think about where some of today’s words originally came from. Each page should have the Latin word at the top (in red), the English translation at the bottom (in blue) and a picture in the middle Who they were, what they were famous for, the Roman empire, the famous Roman gods and so on Make a poster to show an advert for a Roman villa! What would its selling points be? (views, safety, amenities such as baths, amphitheatre nearby etc.) You can design their layout using terms such as peristilum for indoor garden, galleria for kitchen, slave quarters, dining rooms etc. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to show how the Roman built roads Design your own signet ring – a famous part of the Roman Culture Design and make a Roman mosaic You must choose 2 options from the table above. You must choose 1 from the first column. The darker the colour the more difficult the task is. Try to challenge yourself! HOMEWORK IS DUE IN ON MONDAY 13TH OCTOBER