NASA Project Report Year 2: Dynamics of anisotropic mean and time-varying structures of ocean circulation Georgia Tech Report Co-PI: Contact Information: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: Applicant/Institution: Dr. Emanuele Di Lorenzo Georgia Institute of Technology Earth & Atmospheric Sciences 311 Ferst Drive Atlanta, GA 30332-0340 404-788-8035 404-894-5638 Georgia Tech Research Corporation Office of Sponsored Programs 505 Tenth Street, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30332-0420 Summary of modeling activities and findings The main goal of the ocean modeling research at Georgia Tech is to investigate the emergence and dynamics of ocean striations in the North Pacific circulation. Using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) we have continued to explore the emergence of ocean striations in the North Pacific mean circulation and their sensitivity to different boundary conditions (e.g. flat bathymetry, weakly nonlinear regimes, etc.) (Figure 1). The ROMS control simulations were configured over the Northeast Pacific region [180W -105W; 9N-53N] with 20km horizontal resolution and 30 terrain following vertical layers. The development of the ocean striations is observed by starting the ocean model from a state of rest with a uniform vertical density profile typical of the North Pacific, and by forcing the ocean with a climatological seasonal cycle of the winds (2.5 degree NCEP Reanalysis) with no buoyancy fluxes. This configuration insures that the only source of energy at the scale of the striations is internal to the ocean and from interactions with bathymetry and coastal geometry. Figure 1: The ROMS ocean model (red box shows the control configuration) is used to explore the emergence of ocean striations in the North Pacific and their sensitivity to different boundary conditions (e.g. flat bathymetry, weakly nonlinear regimes, etc.) (blue box shows a list of the sensitivity experiments). To isolate the signature of the ocean striations we initially focused on the 300 -meter zonal velocity and being addressing some fundamental questions: Q1: Do the striations emerge uniformly over the entire North Pacific or do they originate in the eastern boundary and propagate westward? By analyzing the spinup of the ROMS model we were able to show that ocean striations are not directly forced by surface fluxes of momentum or buoyancy, but can develop from vorticity sources associated with topography and/or with instabilities along the eastern boundaries. During year 0 of the ROMS control run (NEPD 20km) we see the development of small scale zonal velocity anomalies along the eastern boundary (red rectangle) and major topographic features (blue rectangle) (see Figure 2 below). Figure 2: The emergence of striations in the ROMS ocean model. The zonal velocity anomalies (also evident in the vortices field) begin to intensity and propagate westward from the eastern boundary (see snapshot for year 2) and develop into quasi -steady striations (as evident in the 10-year mean from model year 60-70). Q2: Is non-linearity (e.g. eddies) important in the development and maintenance of these features? We also explored the role of nonlinearity in the development and maintenance of the striations by decreasing the resolution of the ocean model to 40 km (to reduce the effect of mesoscale eddies) and by decreasing the strength of the surface forcing by an order of magnitude. We found that changing the resolution (Figure 3, arrow 1), the striations still develop. The striations that have a topographic source in the ocean interior remain unchanged. However , the striations that rely on the eastern boundary source change in location but maintain the same character. The change in location is associated with changes in the small scale vorticity source along the eastern boundary, which is a consequence of changing the model resolution. As we transition towards a more linear regime by reducing the strength of the surface forcing (Figure 2 arrow 2), we found that the striations are still a dominant feature in the mean and the topographic striations remain unchanged. However, the striations with an eastern boundary source become more coherent and appear to behave as beta-plumes. We also noticed that the striations become more zonal due to a decrease in the mean circulation associated with the reduced surface forcing. Figure 3: Results from ROMS sensitivity experiments. Q3: What is the role of topography and eastern boundary coastal geometry in generating the striations? We next explored the relative importance of topography and of eastern boundary coastal geometry in the development and maintenance of the striations. A new sensitivity experiment with the control integration in the weakly nonlinear regime (reduce surface forcing) was conducted using flat bathymetry in the ocean interior and a uniform continental slope along the eastern boundary (Figure 3, arrow 3). The presence of the continental slope and the coastline along the eastern boundary preserve the eastern boundary’s small-scale voritcity sources from which the striations develop. We found that the mean circulation is still characterized by striations, however, the toopograhic striations are no longer evident and the striations form the eastern boundary become more coherent with no signatures of eddy-scale variability. This suggest that topography, even though is not always a source of vorticity for the striations in the ocean interior, is still generating local variability that affects the signature of striations originating from the eastern boundary. In contrast the eastern boundary plays an important role in the development of the striations in that it provides steady sources of energy and vorticity that spread westward in the ocean interior. The role of the eastern boundary was further explored by removing the coastlines of the eastern boundary and setting a wall of constant depth along 125W (see Figure 3, arrow 4). The resulting mean circulation from this experiment is characterized by large-scale features of the gyrescale circulation with no clear signature of striations. Inspection of the time dependent evolution of the 300-meter zonal field shows that this integration is still characterized by striations, however, the long-term mean removes their signature because the sources of eastern boundary vorticity are no longer steady but alternate in sign along the eastern boundary. Future plans for modeling activities In the next year we plan to use more advanced statistical analysis and vorticity budgets to quantify these preliminary findings. We also plan to expand our mode l archive to include higher resolution runs (10km) for critical sensitivity integrations. We also plan to essntialize some of these findings using very idealized ROMS model setup that explore the fundamental elements of the eastern boundary voriticity sources and their interior spreading (e.g. beta-plume linear and nonlinear dynamics). Outreach and modeling data archive In order to improve visibility of this research we have developed a project website ( From this project website is possible to have direct access to the entire ROMS model data archive (see figure 4) through the Georgia Tech OpenDAP data server. We also plan to use this website to post the findings of the project as they become available in the refereed literature and to exchange material/information/data within the project collaborating institutions. The website is currently still under development and not all the components are available. Figure 4: Project website at