St John’s Angell Town CE Primary School Development Plan 2014-15: PUPIL ACHIEVEMENT AT KS1 1. Objective 2. Success Criteria To ensure that attainment in the Phonics Screening Check is raised to outstanding for all groups and in school gaps are closed (RonL p14). In Yr1, the proportion of pupils achieving above the national standard in the Phonics’ Screening Check will be equal for all groups of pupils. Boys in school gap 10% Black Caribbean in school gap 29% Black African in school gap 19%. School Action 17% 3. Key Levers & Actions Target setting 1. Ensure all pupils (especially boys, SEN, Black Caribbean and Black African) are on track to achieve the Phonics Check in Y1. Tracking progress 1. Ensure Phonics is taught daily as a discrete 20min session using agreed effective procedures (e.g. every pupil to use a WB and pen 4 times a week). 2. Identify which pupils (especially boys, SEN, Black African and Black Caribbean) need further targeted intervention to achieve Phonics Check in Yr1, create and implement a weekly intervention timetable and monitor the implementation fortnightly. Personalised Intervention 1. Include on the intervention timetable: specific support for phonics; additional home phonics support; use of specific ICT phonics programmes; parent communication time; additional guided reading/ phonics sessions / tasks; extra reward systems. 2. Allocate additional support for intervention timetable including: parent volunteers /extra TA time / KS2 pupil reading / phonics buddies / volunteers / students. 3. Pupils to be given practise phonic test during the half term preceding the Phonics Check to boost pupil confidence and pupil test technique. To update the phonics policy in line with the new curriculum. Opportunities are found across the curriculum to extend and apply learning from discreet phonics’ teaching sessions. Monitor and evaluate 1. Monitor pupils’ phonics each half term ensuring targeted pupils are on track to achieve end of year target. 1. Daily and weekly target words overtly taught across the curriculum. 2. Marking picks up success and areas for development. 3. Key challenges and examples of the children’s work are displayed in the classroom. Page 1 of 2 4. Time / Staff / Milestones 5. Budgets / Resources 6. Evaluation & Review Complete pupil progress meetings, identifying precise actions required for pupils not on track to achieve agreed targets each half term. Intervention Support Staff Red - not achieved Amber – partly achieved Green – achieved Intervention programme to be set up and monitored each half term by: 1. Observation 2. Planning scrutiny 3. Activity scrutiny 4. Pupil discussion KS1 pupil progress meetings Yr1 assessment analysis and evaluation Review SIP in conjunction with School Schedule for Self Evaluation at the end of each half term with the SLT and termly with Governors. Evaluate against success criteria Agree priority actions, outcomes and meetings for next half term 1. Have the actions been completed? 2. Have the actions been effective – have the success criteria been achieved? 3. What needs to be done now to achieve the success criteria? 4. How can the issue be prevented from happening again? 5. Have the new procedures been embedded in practice? St John’s Angell Town CE Primary School Development Plan 2014-15: PUPIL ACHIEVEMENT AT KS1 1. Objective 2. Success Criteria To ensure attainment in writing is raised at L2A and L3+ so that the percentage of pupils (especially boys) attaining each level will be above NA. (RonL p20/22-24) Attainment in writing will be above NA: L2A+ 37% NA, L3+ 15% NA, resulting in an increased APS in writing at KS1: Boys NA 14.2 APS, BC 14.4 NA APS Summer 14.2 NA APS (RonL p23/24) Attainment in writing will be above NA: L2A+ 51% NA, L3+ 23% NA, resulting in an increased APS in maths at KS1: Boys NA 16.0 APS, Girls NA 16.1 APS, W&BC/BC 15.6 /14.4 NA, Aut. 16.9 Sum.15.3 NA. Attainment in reading will be above NA: L2A+ 55% NA, L3+ 29% NA, resulting in an increased APS in reading at KS1: Boys NA 15.7 APS, Girls NA 16.8 APS. Other ethnic groups except BA APS for ‘all NC Core subjects’ is above NA: To ensure attainment in maths at L2A+ and L3+ is raised so that the percentage of pupils (especially boys) attaining each level will be above NA. (RonL p20/22-24) NA 16.1 To ensure attainment in reading at L2A+ and L3+ in reading is raised so that the percentage of pupils (especially boys) attaining each level will be above NA. (RonL p20/22-24) NA 16.3 To ensure the increase in attainment for specific pupil groups: boys, Caribbean, Summer / Aut. Born pupils so that the APS increases to above NA. (RonL p24) Boys: 15.3 APS, Caribbean 15 APS Summer 15 APS Autumn 16.5 APS 3. Key Levers & Actions 4. Time / Staff / Milestones 5. Budgets / Resources 6. Evaluation & Review Target setting 1. Ensure the percentage of pupils targeted for each level in each subject is above NA. Writing: 40% L2A+ in Y2 / 40% L1A+ in Y1, Maths: 55% L2A+ in Y2 / 55% L1A+ in Y1, Reading: 60% L2A+ in Y2 / 60% L1A+ in Y1, 3 sublevels progress expected per year across KS1. Complete pupil progress meetings, identifying precise actions required for pupils not on track to achieve agreed targets each half term. Intervention Support Staff Red - not achieved Amber – partly achieved Green – achieved Tracking progress 1. Identify which pupils need targeted intervention to achieve level - create and implement a weekly intervention timetable and monitor the implementation fortnightly. Intervention programme to be set up and monitored each half term by: 1. Observation 2. Book scrutiny 3. Planning scrutiny 4. Pupil discussion Personalised Intervention 1. Include on the intervention timetable: agree/establish non-negotiable opportunities per week within that subject. 2. Allocate additional support for intervention timetable including: parent volunteers / extra TA time / volunteers. 3. Establish the L2A+/ L3+ expectations within the subject and ensure pupils are enabled to learn at the appropriate level as a result of specific provision of resources. Monitor and evaluate 1. Monitor pupils’ attainment, in each subject, each half term ensuring targeted pupils are on track to achieve end of year target. BCRB resources i.e. Anansi stories Vocab and sentence structure focus More opportunities for maths’ challenge KS1 pupil progress meetings KS1 assessment analysis and evaluation Review SIP in conjunction with School Schedule for Self Evaluation at the end of each half term with the SLT and termly with Governors. Evaluate against success criteria Agree priority actions, outcomes and meetings for next half term 1. Have the actions been completed? 2. Have the actions been effective – have the success criteria been achieved? 3. What needs to be done now to achieve the success criteria? 4. How can the issue be prevented from happening again? 5. Have the new procedures been embedded in practice? Page 2 of 2