Anabaptists and God: Does Our Theology Perpetuate Oppression

Anabaptists and God: Does Our Theology Perpetuate Oppression?
Caleb Lázaro Moreno
As people shaped by the Anabaptist movement that called into question the oppressive structures of
church and state, how does this inform the way we talk about God? Has the fundamental Christian
belief in a Supreme Being led at times to the creation of the systems of oppression that Anabaptists (and
others) have struggled against? Caleb Lázaro, multicultural advisor at Bethel College, North Newton,
Kan., will offer an immigrant’s perspective on why our specific understandings of divine supremacy
matter, especially to people of color in the U.S.—an empire with a legacy of theologically justified
violence. What does it mean to follow Jesus and not allow our theology to continue oppression?
Churchwide Priority Connection: Holistic Witness
 Friday, 1:30 - 2:30, 123
Artists as Interventionists
Cyndi Gusler
The role of the contemporary artist can take many forms. This session will explore the work of artists
who employ interventionist strategies in their work as a means of interrupting unjust or unsustainable
systems. Artists presented here are creative innovators who often collaborate with experts in other
fields in order to confront injustice, suggest creative possibilities where there appear to be none, and
heal broken systems. Churchwide Priority Connection: Convention Theme
 Thursday, 1:30 - 2:30, 123
Can Anabaptism be Naked?
Tim Foley and Jamie Pitts
Stuart Murray’s book “The Naked Anabaptist” claims that a core set of Anabaptist beliefs and practices
can be taken up in any cultural setting. In this seminar we examine the book’s origins and global spread,
explore some of its central theological arguments, and raise critical questions about the possibility of
"naked" Anabaptism. Churchwide Priority Connection: Christian Formation
 Friday, 1:30 - 2:30, 229A
Circles of Solidarity: Creating Mentoring Networks for Women
Women in Leadership Project of Mennonite Church USA
The Mentoring Focus Group of the Women in Leadership Project will share stories and ideas for a
women’s mentoring network across the church. What does it look like to mentor women who are
seeking not only to fill leadership roles, but transform them? How do mentors and mentees engage in
mutual learning? To launch the network, the group will focus on women in the following roles: pastoral
leadership, area conference leadership, theological leadership and institutional leadership. Come to
learn more about this network and get connected. Churchwide Priority Connection: Leadership
 Friday, 1:30 - 2:30, 122A
Creating a Scene in Corinth: A Simulation
Reta Finger
What do you do when a church you have recently planted is falling apart? That is the Apostle Paul’s
dilemma in first century Corinth. So he writes them a letter. Come role-play characters from varying
perspectives. We’ll use the Lord’s Supper text in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 for lively debate, an
unforgettable experience, and new ways to apply Paul’s letter to current issues. This activity is part of a
recent resource from MennoMedia/Herald Press providing tools for church groups (and others) to re-
enact one Corinthian church who receives Paul’s letter. Churchwide Priority Connection: Christian
 Friday, 1:30 - 2:30, 127C
A Different Way to Enter Life After High School
Jill Schmidt of Mennonite Mission Network, with other Mennonite service agency representatives
How has choosing to do a gap year of service after high school been meaningful for participants in
discerning their future? In what ways does this fit into college studies? A panel of representatives and
participants from Mennonite service agencies will share their experiences. Churchwide Priority
Connection: Christian Formation
 Friday, 1:30 - 2:30, 122C
Financial Aid and Mennonite Higher Education
Lawrence Matthews, with financial aid colleagues from other Mennonite colleges/universities
Obtaining a degree from a Mennonite college might seem out of reach when considering the initial or
published cost. This seminar will teach how to navigate the financial aid process to learn the actual cost
on an individual student basis, which often is lower than the actual cost of a public university. We will
also examine multiple sources of financial assistance (including colleges and churches) and provide other
information. Lawrence Matthews is director of financial aid at Bluffton University. Churchwide Priority
Connection: Christian Community
 Friday, 1:30 - 2:30, 224B
Grace: What Is It Really?
Scott Roth
How do I receive grace if I can’t forgive myself? Will God really wipe my sin list clean? Is it really free, or
do I have to earn it? What does it look like after I receive it? These questions and others may arise as we
talk about the concept of grace. In a society where it seems people just don’t care about whether or not
they have grace in their lives, grasping its meaning becomes tougher and tougher. We will explore and
discuss the topic of grace working through us as individuals and community. Churchwide Priority
Connection: Christian Community
 Friday, 1:30 - 2:30, 122B
How Do We Love Our (Southern) Neighbor?
Francisca Méndez-Harclerode
Francisca Méndez-Harclerode was born in Mexico, and her family still lives there. The media’s portrayal
of Mexico is that of a country marked by the extreme violence of drug wars, approaching anarchy. How
accurate is that portrayal, and what should be our response? How do we love our neighbor to the
south? Churchwide Priority Connection: Intercultural Relationships
 Tuesday, 1:30 - 2:30, 229A
How Might the Church Respond to Climate Change?
Luke Gascho
This seminar will explore the issue of climate change and its impact upon the church. Participants will
seek ways to respond without the polarization that often characterizes this topic. Churchwide Priority
Connection: Stewardship
 Thursday, 1:30 - 2:30, 122B
Jesus, Anarchism, and the (un)Kingdom of God
Mark Van Steenwyk
This session will explore the revolutionary (and anarchist) implications of Jesus’ teachings. The presenter
will outline some of the anarchist threads throughout scripture and church history and share practical
examples of what it would look like for us to center our lives around the subsversive politics of Jesus as
we seek to proclaim the Good News of Jesus’ reign. Churchwide Priority Connection: Holistic Witness
 Thursday, 1:30 - 2:30, 122C
Jesus in Dynamic Encounter with the Religions
David Shenk
All religions offer answers to life’s ultimate questions. What are those questions? What are some of the
answers offered by the religions? What answers does Jesus present? What difference does Jesus make
in a world of many religions? Churchwide Priority Connection: Holistic Witness
 Tuesday, 1:30 - 2:30, 128B
Peacemaking on the Ragged Edge of Faith
Jonathan P. Larson
The presenter will share stories of a rare peacemaker in the maelstrom of Central Asia. Are there tried
alternatives to the bloody logic of global geopolitics in Afghanistan? What are the current attempts to
talk with the Taliban? What clues surface from the life and death of the spirited humanitarian Dan
Terry? The seminar will include clips and stories from “Weaving Life,” a TV documentary by Eastern
Mennonite University students, and stories from Larson’s companion book, “Making Friends Among the
Taliban: A Peacemaker’s Journey in Afghanistan” (Herald Press, 2012). Book signing by Jonathan Larson.
Churchwide Priority Connection: Holistic Witness
 Tuesday, 1:30 - 2:30, 122C
Relating to Your Muslim Neighbor
David Shenk, Andres Prins, Jonathan Bornman (A Christian/Muslim Relations Team)
How do we extend and receive the gifts of gracious hospitality with Muslims who live in our
neighborhoods or whom we meet at work? This seminar will include practical suggestions on trust and
friendship building. While sharing hospitality with one another, Muslims frequently present Christians
with questions about the Christian faith, or they invite Christians to raise questions about the Muslim
faith. How might Christians respond in conversations about faith? What four questions do Muslims
present to Christians that perplex Muslims? How might Christians respond? Churchwide Priority
Connection: Holistic Witness
 Thursday, 1:30 - 2:30, 127C
Shared Voices: Undoing Racism in Public Communication
Mission Network Marketing and Communication staff
Even the most effective communicators can unwittingly perpetuate racism through words, images and
production processes. This workshop is important for pastors; those who compile church bulletins or
newsletters; and anyone who speaks, writes or takes photographs and video. Churchwide Priority
Connection: Christian Formation
 Thursday, 1:30 - 2:30, 124AB
A Simple Guide to Running Away—Temporarily
Emily Gingrich, Kelsey Hochstetler, Sherri Ober, Graham Unruh
While we won’t actually be running away, we’ll get away for an hour to some of the many short-term
missions and service options for individuals and groups in the U.S. and around the globe. This workshop
will explore opportunities offered by Mennonite Mission Network. Churchwide Priority Connection:
Christian Formation
 Tuesday, 1:30 - 2:30, 229B
Sister Care: Equipping Laity for Caring Ministry
Carolyn Holderread Heggen and Rhoda Shenk Keener
Learn how Mennonite Women USA’s Sister Care seminar and DVD can be a congregational resource to
equip women and men for caring ministry. Experience the Compassionate Listening unit and explore key
components of listening that heal (session I). Learn how to identify toxic stories that emphasize
helplessness/hopelessness and ways to transform them into healing stories that promote joyful and
abundant living (session II). The Sister Care manual is also available in Spanish. Churchwide Priority
Connection: Christian Formation
 Thursday, 1:30 - 2:30, 121C
Spiritual Formation and Mission: A Participant’s Story
Ken Regier and Mennonite Mission Network service program alum
By engaging mission, we are spiritually formed. Hear stories of how participants in Mennonite Mission
Network service programs have been formed and shaped through their experiences as they have
partnered with faith communities. Churchwide Priority Connection: Christian Formation
 Tuesday, 1:30 - 2:30, 127C
Teens and Parents Navigating College Finances
Beryl Jantzi
Avoiding the white water of college debt involves parents and youth working and talking together. This
intergeneration seminar will offer suggestions on how to talk about money at home, how to plan for a
college education, and financial planning dos and don’ts. Real life and practical ideas will be shared by a
panel of people who ARE there, have BEEN there or have SURVIVED to talk about it. Churchwide Priority
Connection: Stewardship
 Thursday, 1:30 - 2:30, 125B
What Does “Sustainable Living” Mean for People of Faith?
Luke Gascho
Examining the meaning of and call to simple living is an expression of our faith. Simple living has been a
common theme in our church’s history. As we live in a consumer-driven society, we are enticed to leave
the commitment to live simply and joyfully. The seminar will examine options and practices that honor
the call to live within the bounds of enough. Churchwide Priority Connection: Stewardship
 Tuesday, 1:30 - 2:30, 122B
Youth Town Hall
Representatives, alums and students from the five Mennonite colleges/universities
Can I afford to go to college? How do I get accepted? Will college courses be a lot harder than high
school? How soon do I need to pick my major? What’s different at a Mennonite college? What are alums
doing? Come to this town hall meeting to ask your questions. Students, alums and staff from the five
colleges and universities will be there, ready to answer your questions. Churchwide Priority Connection:
Leadership Development
Tuesday, 1:30 - 2:30, 130