Did You Know? - St. William Parish of Janesville Wisconsin

St. William Newsletter
Volume IX
Number 3
God's Church in Action
On Wednesday, May 29, 2013, the Seventh
Grade class from St. William Catholic
School visited Cozy Lil' Acres Assisted
Living facility on the corner of Mineral
Point and North Grant. The purpose of their
visit was to interact with the residents, while
simply talking with them and playing
games. I received a card and note from the
daughter of one of the residents, who
happened to visit that day. Her note caused
me to feel more proud of our students than I
already do, and I wanted to share that with
you who continue to support our Parish
School so generously and to know that your
support really does make a difference. The
following is what the daughter's note said.
"I am writing to compliment your 7th grade
class at St. William School. The 7th grade
class was visiting, when I arrived to visit my
mother. The students were visiting the
residents, playing games with them and
serving popsicles to the residents. They
were kind, polite, well spoken and so
concerned with the resident's well-being.
What a great group of students!!
James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled
before God the Father is this; To visit the
fatherless and widows in their affliction and
keep himself unspotted from the world."
I truly witnessed God's Church in action and
watching the students and the awesome
teacher of 40 years, Ms. Rosemary
Urbanick, brought tears to my eyes.
I just wanted you to know what a great
group of students you have in 7th grade. I
am a member of New Life Assembly of God
"Do not hesitate to visit the sick, because
for such deeds you will be loved. Sirach 7:35
Date: Summer 2013
and it is so refreshing to see that the Church,
the Body of Christ is alive and well."
Welcome to Our New Parish
Family Members
The Martin Romero and
Elizabeth Alvarez family has
recently joined our parish.
They are the parents of
Osvaldo, age 13, Rosa, age 8, Adamari, age
3 and Kenya age 11 months. Martin is
employed by Certi-Dry.
We extend a warm welcome to them and to
all who have recently joined St. William
Parish. We hope our new friends will share
their talents with any of the many ministries
that welcomes new members. It is a great
way to meet people and become involved in
St. William
Parish School
Registrations are being
accepted for the 2013-14 school year. For a
tour of the school and registration materials,
please contact the school office at 608-7555184. The school office is not staffed fulltime during the summer, however, messages
will be checked frequently. For immediate
assistance, call the rectory at 608-755-5180.
We encourage all families to consider
enrolling their children in St. William Parish
School and become members of our school
family. For parish members, the tuition for
providing a high quality, Catholic education,
is $1,700.00 per child. This amounts to a
little over $32.00 per week (or the cost of a
dinner out).
The first day of school is August 26th from
8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Full days of school
begin August 27th.
talents to the success of our Faith Formation
We still have a need for Catechists to fill the
following positions.
The Back-to-School Picnic is Thursday,
August 22nd, with a free picnic supper in
the Parish Hall from 4:30-6:00 pm provided
by the Home and School Association. This
is a great opportunity to renew friendships
and meet new families. Also, registration
paperwork is due at this time.
Second Grade: Will guide
and direct the children on
their journey to the Sacraments of
Reconciliation and First Communion. The
students will also be learning prayers and
studying Salvation History.
Diane Rebout, Principal
News From the Office of
Faith Formation
Fifth Grade: Students will study The
Creed, Salvation History, Understanding the
Ten Commandments, and Christian Prayer.
The Office of Faith Formation is always
busy, no matter what time of the year!!!
Sixth Grade: Curriculum will include
Salvation History, Understanding the
Sacraments, Understanding the Ten
Commandments, and Understanding the
Catholic Christian Life of Prayer.
Registrations for Faith Formation classes
will be accepted all summer. Please call the
office at 608-755-5183, ext. 211. and leave a
message. You will then be contacted to set
up a time to complete the registration
Please consider becoming part of this
important ministry. For more information
about this opportunity, please contact the
Office of Faith Formation at 608-755-5183,
ext. 211.
includes the following
important dates to add to
your home calendars.
Jane Graves,
Office of Faith Formation
Did You Know?
Sep. 11th - Catechist in-service - 6:30 pm School Library
Did you know that there is a special need
for donations of fans to give relief to those
less fortunate. Fans can be dropped off at
the ECHO Office, 65 S. High Street.
Sep. 18th - First Day of Faith Formation
Sep. 25th - Freshmen and Parent meeting 6:30 pm - Parish Hall
School supplies and monetary donations are
needed. Volunteers to sort, package, and
distribute school supplies, the week of
August 19th, can call Fran at 754-5333 for
more information.
Oct. 2nd - Juniors and Parent meeting - 6:30
pm - Parish Hall
Special thanks are extended to the many
dedicated volunteers who lend their time and
A list of school supplies that are needed is
available on the ECHO website at
online to www.eatwellgivewell.com and
register St. William's KC's as your recipient.
Present your card when making a purchase,
and the Knights will receive 10% of the
amount you spend on fresh produce.
Enjoy nutritionally rich food and help St.
William KC's raise funds to support its
many charities.
Canned Meats
Macaroni & Cheese
Hamburger Helper
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Soup & Crackers
Spaghetti O's
Canned Fruit
Did you know that you can continue to
support our Parish School by purchasing
SCRIP gift cards during the summer
months. This is a painless method of
shopping, and it provides support for our
school technology program. When you
make purchases using SCRIP, a percentage
(determined by each vendor) of your total
purchase comes back to our school.
Personal Items
Diapers (Sizes 4-6)
Toilet Paper
Dish Soap
Laundry Soap
The past year, May 1, 2012 through April
30, 2013, SCRIP purchases totaled just over
$280,000.00 Funds of about $31,000.00
raised from this source are used to support
our technology program. These funds are
used to purchase all of the software
licensing, virus protection, technical
support, internet access, and the filter on the
school computers.
In addition, annual
subscriptions to the Accelerated Reader,
Accelerated Math, and library software
programs are all paid through the SCRIP
"Life is an ECHO - what you send out,
you get back"
Did you know that Fr. John leads "Our
Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion" the first
Tuesday of each month immediately
following the 7:30 am Mass at St. William
Did you know that you can support St.
William Knights of Columbus by
purchasing fresh produce from Skelly's
Farm Market. Simply ask for a card at any
of Skelly's locations  Farm Market, 2713 Hayner Road
 Stand at corner of Milton Ave. and
Mt. Zion
 Stand on Milwaukee St. near Pontiac
 Janesville Farmers Market Saturday
SCRIP gift cards are sold
in the narthex after all
weekend Masses and at
the rectory from 8 am noon and 1 - 4 pm during the week.
Many thanks to all of the supporters of this
Did you know that while you are away on
vacation or you just prefer to do your
financial business electronically, you can
automatically deducted from your checking
"EAT WELL, GIVE WELL" is a fundraising opportunity.
To participate, go
account and sent to St. William Parish.
Forms are available at the rectory to begin
this process.
For more details, please
contact the Parish Office at 608-755-5180.
Janesville Catholic Women's Club
Scholarship Awards
The Janesville Catholic Women's Club were
presented at the high schools' awards nights.
Featuring Our Young Stars
Trevor Sigmond was home-schooled and
plans to attend UW-Whitewater or UWRock County. He is a member of St. Patrick
St. William Home and School
Scholarship Awards
Congratulations to Sydney Gardner and
Claire Gorman. They are the recipients of
the 2013 Home and School Scholarship.
Meredith Konkol graduated from Parker
High School and plans to attend
UW-Madison. She is a member of St.
William Parish.
Sydney was a 2009 St. William School
graduate, and this year, she graduated from
Milton High School. She plans to attend
UW-Milwaukee and major in nursing.
While in high school, she was active in track
and cross country, history club, Future
Business Leaders of America, Student
Council, and served as a Link Crew leader.
Outside of school, Sydney has assisted the
Knights of Columbus and the Scouts with
several service projects. She has also been
an Altar Server, helped in both Vacation
Bible School and Religious Education, and
other service activities in the parish. She
attended the Junior National Leadership
Conference. Sydney's parents are Dan and
Gina Gardner.
Elizabeth (Lily) Cooper graduated from
Craig High School and plans to attend Iowa
State University. Lily is a member of
Nativity of Mary Parish.
Elizabeth Maginot graduated from Craig
High School and plans to attend UWMadison. She is a member of St. John
Vianney Parish.
Recipients and their parents were honored at
the Club's Annual May Scholarship
Funds for scholarships are donated at the
Club's Annual Card Party held in October.
Claire graduated from Parker High School.
She plans to attend UW-Madison majoring
in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in
Spanish. She has been active in Student
Leadership Council, volleyball, several high
school musicals, and has served as a VIC
Claire also has volunteered for
Vacation Bible School, rang bells for the
Salvation Army, Trick-or-treated for ECHO,
and she works at Jimmy Johns. Her parents
are Randy and Nancy Gorman.
Knights of Columbus Council
#9230 Scholarship Awards
The Knights of Columbus Council #9230
awarded ten $150.00 scholarships to
graduating seniors at a breakfast provided by
the Knights.
Students who received the awards are:
Benjamin Boyd
Morgan Gardner
Kattie Klubertanz
Austin McDonald
Andrew Reid
"Listen to me, my child, and acquire
knowledge, and pay attention to my
Sirach 16:24
Michael Dubanowich
Sydney Gardner
Meredith Konkol
Ashley Millard
Elizabeth Tordoff
Along with good food, you will enjoy music
by the Polka Masters for the Saturday and
Sunday Masses and the dance Saturday
evening. Also, karaoke will provide a fun
time Saturday night. The talented "Go
Deans" will be back again to entertain you
with their music on Sunday, along with a
magician and musician Dan Riley.
Congratulations to all of the recipients of
these awards. Please keep them in your
prayers as they continue on their life's
Coming Events
Watch the weekly bulletins for more
St. William Endowment
Golf Outing
Special Notes
A Message From Father John
Saturday, August 10th
Glen Erin Golf Course
4:00 pm Shotgun Start
Dinner following
$50.00 per person - Includes
9 holes, cart, fun contests,
prizes, and dinner
On the weekend of May 18 & 19, 2013 at all
of the Masses, Mary Ellen O’Leary spoke to
the people who attended Mass that weekend,
on my behalf and on behalf of the Finance
Commission of St. William Parish. She
made a presentation regarding the current
financial position of our parish. I wanted to
be sure that all registered members of our
parish had the opportunity to receive this
information, therefore, I have included the
text of her presentation for your review.
Registrations are due by July 31st
For more information contact:
Brady Bohlman @567-9625
Clyde Bohlman @931-4024, or
The rectory @755-5180, option #3
“On behalf of Father John, the
Pastoral Council, and the Finance
Commission I extend deep gratitude to all
for your faithful stewardship. For decades
Saint William Parishioners have readily and
unselfishly provided the monetary resources
needed by our parish family. During tough
economic times many have made personal
sacrifices so that they could continue their
financial support of our parish. Since
January, 2011 parish members have
responded with extraordinary generosity to
the Debt Reduction Drive. Father John and
parish leaders acknowledge, appreciate and
respect such faithful and generous
stewardship. Your time, talent, and treasure
are essential to the wellbeing of our Saint
William family. Yet, like any family, our
Saint William family needs to be realistic
Harvest Fest
Hopefully, all calendars have September
14th and 15th reserved for the Parish's main
fundraiser of the year, HARVEST FEST!
A Basket Raffle will again be featured.
Why not put your talents to work and create
an awesome basket that will generate the
most interest. Start gathering items for the
basket that will tempt people's "just gotta
have that" feeling! This raffle has been one
of the most popular attractions at Harvest
about its financial position, now and as we
anticipate the future. Today, I will address
three topics:
borrowed money undermines the progress
that is being made toward financial
soundness by the Debt Reduction Drive.
1. The Debt Reduction Drive
2. The ongoing challenge of paying for
parish maintenance and repair needs
3. A shortage of money needed to pay
our parish's monthly bills
Thank you for listening and thank you for all
you do for our parish family. It is my hope
that any decisions you make about extending
monetary support to Saint William Parish
will revolve around what you will have, not
what you won’t have, if you share more of
your treasure with our parish.
Because what you will have is greater than
any treasure measured by worldly standards.
What you will have is a parish able to fulfill
its sacramental, pastoral, and educational
mission, free from the hindrances of debts
and deficits.”
I am pleased to report that so far, the Debt
Reduction Drive has been very successful.
We have made strides towards our goal.
Thank you to those who have contributed.
Many of you will remember that when the
Debt Reduction Drive was introduced the
concept of equal sacrifice was emphasized.
Parishioners were asked to pledge what they
thought was their fair share toward reducing
our parish debt. Currently over $115,000 in
pledges are yet to be paid. As the January,
2014 deadline nears, we encourage you to be
faithful to the concept of equal sacrifice and
to do your best to complete your pledges in
60th Anniversary of
St. William Catholic School
St. William Catholic School opened its
doors in September 1953. Over the years,
the staff and students have changed, but the
parish's commitment to Catholic education
has remained the same. Thank you to all for
continuing to provide financial and prayerful
support of our school. Special events to
commemorate this anniversary will take
place during Harvest Fest, September 14th
and 15th.
Last fall I explained that the implementation
of a long range plan for parish maintenance
and repairs was not possible because of a
lack of money. Since that time, we have had
a very snowy winter. More recently, an
extremely wet spring has contributed to
damaging water leaks at the school and in
the chapel. Both of these developments
have placed unexpected demands on our
budget. Consequently, it is still not possible
to fund contingency projects aimed at
preventing the kind of emergency response
spending we are once again facing.
Members of the Education Committee are
working to update the alumni list. This list
will be available at Harvest Fest. Alumni
are asked to review the list for accuracy of
their information.
Tours of the school will be conducted at
various times throughout the Harvest Fest
Details of other functions
recognizing this anniversary are being
finalized and will be part of our Parish
Harvest Fest.
Envelope and offertory income for this fiscal
year is lower than our expenses. Reduced
levels of individual giving and seasonal
fluctuations in total weekly income are
having a negative effect on cash flow. As a
result, it is sometimes necessary for our
parish to borrow money to pay our bills.
Moreover, paying monthly bills with
Parish School Technology
Faith Connections
Update and Request
Part of our long range technology plan is to
purchase and install interactive whiteboards
in all of the classroom before the beginning
of school in August. Presently, we have
four SMART Boards in the school, and they
are used every day. With the purchase of
eight additional boards, all of our students
will have access to this technology each day.
The cost of each of these projectors is
$2,750.00 which includes installation.
Already, one generous donor has come
forward offering to purchase one Board. We
welcome any more donors, or groups of
donors, who would like to contribute toward
the cost of this project.
indentified for the purchase of Whiteboards,
will be greatly appreciated and can be sent
to the school office. Thanks to all who
contribute to this project.
WISC-TV - Sunday Mass - 7:00 am
EWTN - Daily Mass 9M-F) - 7:00 am,
11:00 am, 6:00 pm, and 11:00 pm
"Courageous" - Rated PG-13 - Available at
public library
"Have a Little Faith" - Available at public
91.1 FM - Contemporary Christian music
www.madisondiocese.org - An excellent
resource site for what is available around
our eleven county diocese.
www.parentalguide.org - Website to help
you determine what movies are appropriate
for your family
www.madisoncatholicherald.org - To view
the Catholic Herald online.
Lord God, Almighty Father,
Creator of mankind and
Author of peace, as we are
Ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty
We possess, we ask You to bless the
Members of our armed forces.
Give them courage, hope, and strength.
May they ever experience Your firm
Support, gentle love, and compassionate
Healing. Be their power and protector,
Leading them from darkness to light. To
You be all glory, honor and praise, now and
Forever. Amen
"Heaven is for Real" - by Todd Burpo with
Lynn Vincent (available in adult and
children editions)
St. William Prayer Chain - A group of
parishioners who pray for those in need of
prayer. Direct requests to Char Butters at
752-3840 or Vicky Rosinski at 756-2186.
Bulletin section - "Remember in Prayer" To add a name to this section, call the parish
office at 755-5180 #3.
St. William Parish
1815 Ravine Street
Janesville, WI 53548
PERMIT #1283
Return Service Requested
"The Lord is good to all, and His
compassion is over all that He has made."
Psalm 145:9
Aug. 10 - Endowment Golf Outing - 4:00 pm - Glen Erin Golf Course
Aug. 22 - Back to School Picnic - 4:30-6:00 pm - Parish Hall
Aug. 26 - First day of Parish School - 8:00 am - 12 Noon
Sep. 11 - Faith Formation Catechist In Service - 6:30 pm - School Library
Sept. 14 & 15 - HARVEST FEST
Sep. 14 & 15 - St. William Parish School 60th Anniversary Celebration
During Harvest Fest
Sep. 18 - Faith Formation Classes begin
Sep. 25 - Faith Formation Freshmen/Parents Meeting 6:30 pm - Parish Hall
Oct. 2 - Faith Formation Sophomores/Parents Meeting 6:30 pm Parish Hall
St. William Parish Mission Statement
St. William Catholic Church is a Eucharistic community;
Glorifying God through prayer, Sacraments, and service;
Creating oneness with God and neighbor;
By generously sharing our time, abilities, and material resources.