hydrogen fuel cells for commercial heating and cooling

Conference Session B10
Paper #6060
Disclaimer — This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University
of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is based on
publicly available information and may not be provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any
purpose other than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at
the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk.
Ethan Henderson, emh112@pitt.edu, Mahboobin, 10:00Mason Unger, mhu3@pitt.edu, Mahboobin, 10:00
Revised Proposal — Increasing environmental concerns
highlights the need for a low-carbon and sustainable
alternative to residential heating and cooling. This can be
accomplished by implementing hydrogen fuel cells, which
provide electrical power through the electrochemical process
of water synthesis. The fuel cells use almost zero carbon fuel
to supply heat needed with no moving parts (i.e. generators,
fans, etc.), increasing the reliability of the heating unit [1].
Hydrogen fuel cells convert chemical energy inside of
hydrogen into electric power in an electrochemical process
[2]. Similar to a battery, the chemical process of hydrogen
fuel cells consumes hydrogen and oxygen while creating an
electric current inside the fuel cell with water being
continuously removed [2].
Since this process generates harnessable electricity, fuel
cells have many practical applications in the residential
sector, such as space heating and cooling, water heating, and
cooking. Due to the residential sector using vast amounts of
energy, these applications in traditional residential homes
and businesses account for 39% of the global energy
consumption [3]. This makes traditional heating and cooling
one of the largest types of energy consumed. Thus it is one of
the most pressing consumption areas that needs to be
improved to be more sustainable and less harmful to our
Hydrogen fuel cells should be an important means of
heating and cooling because traditional systems in buildings
and industry accounts for a third of the global carbon energy
emissions [3]. There is a need for a low-carbon source for
heating and cooling to reduce green-house gases in the
air. Without a secure and affordable alternative, dangerous
climate change could occur [3]. This is why hydrogen fuel
cells should be considered an important technology for the
residential heating industry and to engineers and
engineering. Throughout this paper we will use many sources
to highlight these environmental concerns and to prove that
hydrogen fuel cells are a viable answer.
For conducting the research, we will use scholarly
articles to reinforce the hydrogen fuel cell technologies
application and safety compared to dated technologies.
Furthermore, we will use government websites to show the
need for a low emission alternative to traditional fueling due
to high carbon emissions. Additionally, we will consult peerreviewed journals on impacts of hydrogen fueling and the
University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering 1
ethical implications that could arise. We will also analyze
environmental journals to determine the impact of fuel cells
and to compare both the impacts of our suggested fueling and
traditional. Examining these sources, we will organize the
information into sections that provide information on the
technological processes, application, impact, problems,
safety, and ethics regarding this technology to ultimately
show why hydrogen fuel cells are an important part of a
greener, healthier, and safer future.
[1]S. Sevencan, G. Lindbergh, C. Lagergren, et al. (2015).
“Economic feasibility study of a fuel cell-based combined
cooling, heating and power system for a data centre.”
Elsevier. (online article).
[2] “Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Science Behind Fuel Cells.”
[3] P. Dodds, I. Staffell, A. Hawkes, et al. (2015). “Hydrogen
and Fuel Cell Technologies for Heating: A Review.”
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. (online article).
“Benefits and Challenges.” (2013). U.S. Department of
This article, from a government website for fuel economy
information, details the benefits and challenges faced by
hydrogen fuel cells. The article conveys the downsides of the
technology are durability, reliability, and consumer doubt and
the upsides, which are decreasing greenhouse gas emissions
and reduced oil dependence. The data from this article will be
used to discuss the ethical implications of fuel cells in
commercial use.
Ethan Henderson
Mason Unger
P. Dodds, I. Staffell, A. Hawkes, et al. (2015). “Hydrogen and
Fuel Cell Technologies for Heating: A Review.” International
This scholarly peer-reviewed article describes an
overview of hydrogen fuel cells used in heating, specifically
the integration and potential benefits for national energy
systems. The article shows data that the technology has the
possibility to be a low-carbon option for heat provision. The
information and graphs of the UK market will be used to show
how fuel cells have the potential to become the global energy
mass production techniques. The data and figures from the
article will be used to display the economics of fuel cells.
S. Sevencan, G. Lindbergh, C. Lagergren, et al. (2015).
“Economic feasibility study of a fuel cell-based combined
cooling, heating and power system for a data centre.”
Elsevier. (online article).
This research case study from KTH Royal Institute of
Technology found that a fuel cell system provides enough
power for the cooling systems in data centers. This study
focuses on data from an operational fuel cell facility and
found that fuel cells are not currently economically
viable. We will use this study to show that fuel cells are an
efficient method for cooling systems and contrast the current
economic feasibility.
A. Frazzica, N. Briguglio, A. Sapienza, et al. (2015).
“Analysis of different heat pumping technologies integrating
small scale solid oxide fuel cell system for more efficient
building heating systems.” Hydrogen Energy Publications,
This peer reviewed article highlights methods to reduce
the energy consumption and pollution production in
commercial heating systems. The authors emphasize their
statistical model developed by collecting performance data
(of fuel cells and heat pumps), then creating an experimental
model in TRNSYS (which shows a 30% efficiency
improvement). We will use this data to show a successful
method that conveys the efficiency of fuel cells.
D. Vega, N. Marx, L.Boulon, et al. (2014). “Maximum
Efficiency Point Tracking for Hydrogen Fuel Cells.” Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (online
This conference article from researchers at the University
of Quebec details a method that enables data acquisition using
the maximum operation efficiency point (MEP) of hydrogen
fuel cells. A maximum efficiency point tracking algorithm is
used to determine the MEP to supply the appropriate current
to enhance efficiency. The data in this article will be used to
help convey optimization techniques in fuel cells for heating
and cooling.
“Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Science Behind Fuel Cells.”
This educational article, from the University of California,
Berkeley, describes the electrochemical process involved in
hydrogen fuel cells. The article articulates the splitting of
hydrogen at the anode of the cell into electrons and protons,
causing a current to form that can be harnessed and
manipulated to produce more electricity. The information
from this article will be used to clarify the electrochemical
systems inside the fuel cells.
Z. Yu, J. Han, X. Cao, et al. (2009). “Analysis of Total Energy
System Based on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell for Combined
Cooling and Power Applications.” International Journal of
This peer reviewed article from Shandong University
details a model of a solid oxide fuel cell system, which
includes heating, cooling, and power capabilities. Using
MATLAB, the authors created a steady-state mathematical
model to simulate the effects of different operating
conditions. We will use the mathematical model to
emphasize the efficiency of the fuel cells and to recommend
the design and optimization of future proposed total energy
W. McDowall, F. Li, I. Staffell, et al. (2014). “The Role of
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Providing Affordable, Secure
Low-carbon Heat.” H2FC SUPERGEN. (online article).
This fuel cell research article emphasizes instruments that
improve hydrogen fuel cell efficiency and the integration of
renewable energies into the electrical system. Additionally,
the article states how the cost-optimal fuel cells can be made
in the long run using design optimization and expansion of