Blue Light, Clear Atoms

Name: …………………………..
Year 10 Oral Presentation on Australian Voice in
Blue Light, Clear Atoms
Task: Present one of the anthology’s poems to the class in pairs, and discuss the meanings you have
made of this poem and how it represents the Australian Voice.
Select a poem from the ones listed below, ensuring that each pair has a different poem.
Prepare a convincing reading of the poem between the two of you. Both of you should speak.
Think about how you can emphasise key lines and images and how your reading of the poem
can add meaning to it for your audience.
Establish for yourselves the poem's meaning. Find elements of the poem that support your
views. You could refer to:
- its form (free verse, rhyme, rhythm etc)
- poetic devices (alliteration, onomatopoeia, metaphor, simile, personification etc.)
- strong images
- the speaker's point of view
- the relationship between the title and the work.
Find out some biographical details about the poet which may provide some context to the
poem’s creation.
Prepare to lead the class in a discussion about the poem and
its representation of the Australian Voice. Remember that
you must concentrate on the poem's possible meanings. Try
to avoid talking about elements of the poem as separate
entities. Instead, show how they help to support your
reading of the poem. The really important outcome is
having the whole class thinking very carefully about the
poem and what it might mean, and why.
1. Present an active reading of the poem.
2. Discuss your understanding of the poem and its
representation of the Australian Voice.
3. Answer questions from the class about the poem.
URL Source of image:
‘Father and Child’ p.28
‘In the Park’ p.31
‘My Father’s Anger’ p.142
‘A Statistician to his Love’ p.194
‘Superwog’ p.203
‘Australia’ p.230
‘At Cooloola’ p.232
‘Inscription at Villers-Bretonneux’ p.253
‘Shooting the Dogs p.275
‘Anorexia’ p.294
‘Okay, Let’s be Honest’ p.322
‘Aboriginal Australia’ p.330
Alison Robertson, Wilderness School
Name: …………………………..
Australian Voice Poetry Preparation Sheet
Title of Poem and
how it represents the poem.
Poet and what you know
about him or her which
may be significant when
interpreting the poem.
Subject matter – sum up
what it is about in 1 –2
Tone of poem and how it
establishes the mood.
Theme or message of the
Narrative Voice – who is
speaking? This persona
may be different from the
Structure of poem, such
as use of stanzas with
regular number of lines,
free verse, conventional
form, or other interesting
Rhythm eg regular, slow,
fast, erratic and effect of
any rhythmic qualities.
Language eg striking,
effective, vivid, colourless,
predictable, appropriate to
subject / theme, and its
Imagery eg striking
examples of similes,
metaphors, personification
or symbols, and their
Sounds eg use of rhyme,
onomatopoeia, alliteration,
assonance, soft or hard
consonants, short or long
vowels, and their effect.
How the poem represents
the Australian Voice.
Useful quotations and
their significance (in
addition to those identified
By Jacquie Mussared, Unley High School, formatted and amended by Alison Robertson
Alison Robertson, Wilderness School